Quantum Leap

My clients make Quantum Leaps.

It doesn’t matter what stage of business you’re in, you can do this too. Find out how.

The live call has already taken place. However, you can still receive the recording.

(You will receive the recording within 24 hours or if not sooner.)


In this free training, you will learn…

  • What’s really stopping you! (It seems obvious, but most people don’t know how to deal with it.)
  • How to get out of your own way and stop stalling out or plateauing. (No more wasted time and energy!)
  • The real secret to breaking through your money blocks. (Nope, sorry, it doesn’t have to do with intelligence or grind-it-out hard work. Otherwise, you would have done it already, right?)


This is for you if you are…

A woman who’s tired of excuses and is really ready for her income breakthrough.


Find out what it takes to make a Quantum Leap in income, without making yourself completely crazy with…  stress, overwhelm, and anxiety.

Went from $188k to over $1.1 Million

When I signed on to work with Amira, my anxiety level was sky-high as my business was rapidly growing but the foundation was not yet solid. I was nervous about the investment but knew she could help me make back the investment easily by growing my business.

Avoiding burnout was even more valuable to me.

She has helped me untangle many of the core beliefs that kept me in a constant state of guilt, stress, and anxiety.

She keeps me accountable in building the life I want and has broken down my goals in bite size, attainable pieces.

In the short time since we first started working together, I have reduced my stress level by 90%, handed off work to an assistant freeing up at least 20% of my time, added a new revenue stream with new clients and many prospects, and increased my income significantly, going from $188k to over $1.1 Million.

The financial benefits are easy to quantify but the benefits associated with being able to build a strong foundation and reduce my stress level are priceless. Thank you, Amira!

Wendy Schultz
Interior Design,Vacation Rental Remodeling and Management


Play at a higher level AND have more balance, ease, and income in your business.

Register for the recording below.

The live call has already taken place. However, you can still receive the recording.

(You will receive the recording within 24 hours or if not sooner.)