Sales and Mindset Mastery Program
Turn Your Annual Income Into Your Monthly Income with this Three Part Training!
Normally $497, this program is FREE for a limited time!
Normally $497, this gift is yours free!
7 Questions for 7-Figure Sales &
The Complete Sales Conversion Kit
What to Say and How to Say It to Enroll Ultra-premium Clients ($5k-$10k-$20k, and even $100k and above)
If you're looking to enroll ultra-premium clients...
Without a doubt, learning sales was the critical tactical skillset that catapulted me from making $138k to $700k in one year, then reaching 7-figures and beyond without a huge list, speaking on stages, or running myself ragged.
If you want to make an excellent living and serve your ideal clients, you must first learn to enroll them as your clients!
Want to do that and make a quantum leap in your income?
This gift includes:
I’ve developed a way to enroll clients and get your contracts signed quickly and easily that doesn’t require you to sacrifice your integrity, be salesy or manipulative, or use high-pressured tactics… and I’m happy to share this with you.
The 7 Questions for 7-Figure Sales and Sales Conversion Kit is the secret sauce that has allowed my clients to continue to be of service and sell even in this economy.
Grab my 7 Questions for 7-Figure Sales &
The Complete Sales Conversion Kit now!
What to Say and How to Say It to Enroll Ultra-premium Clients ($5k-$10k-$20k, and even $100k and above)
Normally $497, this gift is yours free!
Get Out of Your Own Way
Increase Cash Flow
Find Freedom
Went from $188k to over $1.1 Million! I have reduced my stress level by 90%, handed off work to an assistant freeing up at least 20% of my time
Wendy Schultz
Interior Design
Thanks to the Sales and Mindset Mastery Program, I had the best week in my business to date and almost tripled my monthly income!
Marleen Renders, Visibility Coach & Mentor
I recently went after and landed a contract for $534,000, something I would only have dreamed of doing previously.
Lauren Wheeler
Landscape Designer
I had my first $20k month using The Complete Sales Conversion Kit! Amazing!
Wynn Archibald Godbold
Professional Training
Amira helped me cut through my internal noise and confusion. On my way to 7-figures thanks to our coaching!
Shasta Townsend
Bestselling author
I'm easily on track for $500K-1 million this year because of who I've learned to “be” in my business.
Joy Bufalini
Bold Vision Business
Amira Alvarez is the founder and CEO of The Unstoppable Woman, a global coaching company helping entrepreneurs, empire builders, and rising stars in all fields achieve their dreams and goals in record time.
As someone who has made a quantum leap (going from barely making 6-figures to making $700k in one year, then onto 7-figures) and has lived to tell about it, she knows exactly what tactical strategies and mindset shifts are required to get out of your own way, live life on your own terms, and master the art of achieving any goal you set your mind to.
She uses these strategies to help her high-achieving clients, go for their "i'm-possible" dreams and achieve them in record time, whether that be reaching that million dollar mark, building a business empire, or making an impact in the arts, entertainment, or sports.
Amira is proud to have helped thousands of women (and a goodly number of men too) confidently break free of limitations and be unstoppable in pursuit of a life they are proud to have lived. When she's not helping others, she's continuing to say "yes" to her own growth and stays 100% committed to being unstoppable in her own life and business.
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© 2013-2020 Amira Alvarez.
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