The Solution to "Shiny Object Syndrome"

Tuesday, July 18th at 3:00 PM EST

Learn how to take massive action in your business without distraction, procrastination, or any other self defeating behaviors.

Join us LIVE to get the most out of the webinar. (A recording will also be made available.)

I will teach YOU…

  • The single most important decision you can make to leverage your time and accelerate your business.
  • How to pick exactly what to focus on and have 100% confidence in your decision.
  • How to step out of busy-ness, striving, and distraction so you can become a purposeful and powerful CREATOR.
  • How to stop second-guessing yourself, get out of your own way, and get on with your work… with ease!

Increase Your Focus and
Increase Your Bottom Line.

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Join us LIVE to get the most out of the webinar. (A recording will also be made available.)

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shastaOn my way to 7-figures thanks to our coaching. Amira helped me cut through my internal noise and confusion and laid out such a clear and exciting business strategy that I marveled at how fast and clearly she saw it and me. She has a unique gift of seeing your strengths and opportunities and helping you bring them to life with ease and magic. Shasta Townsend

October 18, 2016

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wendyLess stress, more free time, and a strong foundation. In the short time since we first started working together, I have reduced my stress level by 90%, handed off work to an assistant freeing up at least 20% of my time, added a new revenue stream with new clients and many prospects, and increased my income by $5,000 with plenty more potential. The financial benefits are easy to quantify but the benefits associated with being able to build a strong foundation and reduce my stress level are priceless. Thank you Amira! Wendy Schultz

October 18, 2016

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carolynLike Inner Energy Surgery. The most significant thing about our work together is how quickly and effectively you were able to get down to the nugget that was really in the the way, that was holding me back, or needed to be healed.This work is like inner energy surgery. It’s so practical yet happens at a cellular level. It causes real change, with lasting effects. It’s not just talk! Carolyn Connell

October 18, 2016