7 Questions for 7-Figure Sales

Grab Your Cheat-Sheet Now!

Without a doubt, learning sales was the critical tactical skillset that catapulted me from making $138k to $700k in one year, then reaching 7-figures and beyond without  a huge list, speaking on stages, or running myself ragged. 

If you want to make an excellent living and serve your ideal clients, you must first learn to enroll them as your clients!

Get Out of Your Own Way

Increase Cash Flow

Find Freedom

Went from $188k to over $1.1 Million! I have reduced my stress level by 90%, handed off work to an assistant freeing up at least 20% of my time

Wendy Schultz
Interior Design

Thanks to the Sales and Mindset Mastery Program, I had the best week in my business to date and almost tripled my monthly income!

Marleen Renders, Visibility Coach & Mentor

I recently went after and landed a contract for $534,000, something I would only have dreamed of doing previously.

Lauren Wheeler
Landscape Designer

I had my first $20k month using The Complete Sales Conversion Kit! Amazing!

Wynn Archibald Godbold
Professional Training

Amira helped me cut through my internal noise and confusion. On my way to 7-figures thanks to our coaching!

Shasta Townsend
Bestselling author

I'm easily on track for $500K-1 million this year because of who I've learned to “be” in my business.

Joy Bufalini
Bold Vision Business

Amira Alvarez is a visionary leader, celebrated entrepreneur, and a passionate advocate for empowered living. As the founder and CEO of The Unstoppable Woman and host of The Unstoppable Woman podcast, Amira has not only contributed to the financial success of accomplished entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs but also inspires them to manifest their fullest and most fulfilling lives.

After achieving a fivefold increase in her income in one year and building a multimillion-dollar company, she was led to contemplate the intricate balance between hyper-achievement and genuine fulfillment.

Refusing to sacrifice her drive for success, Amira realized that pursuing larger goals alone left her unfulfilled. She, therefore, developed a methodology to craft an exquisite life that harmonizes ambition with profound contentment, enabling individuals to embrace their inner drive while finding space for deep and meaningful fulfillment.

Her path has become a beacon for high-achieving women seeking to forge a life rich in truth, beauty, and intimacy–one in which you actualize your innermost dreams without diminishing any of your hard won successes.

We've been told that we can be anything we want to be, but simultaneously warned that we can't have it all. Amira is here to debunk that notion and is on the leading edge of a movement that redefines what’s possible for women.

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