How to Change Your Money Stories to Create Consistent Cash Flow

Scaling your business can be a lot easier.
Let me show you how.


This is for you if you're smart, you work hard, and you know you've got a great product or service, but you keep hitting invisible money barriers and can just never get ahead.

Learn how to break through your own money stories that limit you from leveraging your hard work and reaching your full potential!

FREE 90-Minute Workshop


Change Your Money Stories

Just enter your name and email to start digging into this powerful workshop!

Here's what you'll learn from this FREE 90-minute workshop:


How to Spot Your Limited Money Stories

Your beliefs determine your actions. Your actions determine your results.

 No matter how hard you work, outdated money stories below your conscious awareness will derail you from your goals.

I'll be sharing the top limiting money stories running in your head that stop you in your tracks.


How to Control Your Cybernetic Mechanism

This is KEY to unlocking the
goldmine in your mind!

Learn how to master of your cybernetic mechanism – take control of the way your subconscious keeps you playing small and at the same income level.

This is the secret link between identity, money stories, CLARITY, and goal achievement and what you must know to make a quantum leap.


How to Generate More Money Consistently

Don't stay in financial bondage, trapped by never having enough.

Learn the exact actions to take now to break free and make money flow every month, every week, every DAY!

This process works 100% of the time, when you master it.

I'll walk you through exactly how to set a financial target and achieve it.

Went from $188k to over $1.1 Million

When I signed on to work with Amira, my anxiety level was sky-high as my business was rapidly growing but the foundation was not yet solid. In the short time since we first started working together, I have reduced my stress level by 90%, handed off work to an assistant freeing up at least 20% of my time, added a new revenue stream with new clients and many prospects, and increased my income significantly. Wendy Schultz

This training is perfect for you if you're...

  • Tired of the grind it out, stressful 16-hour days that leave you exhausted and burned out, yet never seem to move you ahead financially.
  • Constantly overwhelmed by the feeling of "not enough money" to pay your bills, hire support, invest in what you need, and fund the lifestyle you desire.
  • Feeling constantly spun-out in ways that waste hours each day, leaving you feeling frustrated that you haven't moved the needle on any important projects.
  • Lacking the clarity you need to take action, because you're not sure where to start, how to best utilize your limited time, or what's the right strategy for you.
  • Feeling unworthy of the prices you want to charge, lacking confidence when it comes time to ask for the sale, and unable to really receive what you want.
  • Desiring a CLEAR, STEP-BY-STEP PLAN that will finally move you out of feast or famine for good, allowing you to have the income and impact you envison!

How to Change Your Money Story to Create Consistent Cash Flow!

I'm easily on track for $500K-1 million this year because of who I've learned to “be” in my business.

Joy Bufalini
Bold Vision Business

Amira helped me cut through my internal noise and confusion. On my way to 7-figures thanks to our coaching!

Shasta Townsend
Bestselling author

I recently went after and landed a contract for $534,000, something I would only have dreamed of doing previously.

Lauren Wheeler
Landscape Designer

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