To Build and Scale Your Business

A proven, step-by-step system for generating more leads, more daily flow and effectiveness, and more money.

Transform Your Business and Life By Multiplying Your Income 2x, 3x, or Even 5x with My Proven Strategies!"
I’ve been helping women quantum leap their lives and businesses for over 10 years. It's your turn!


  • You could build and scale a sustainable business through proven strategies and processes? Stop the guessing game and start working strategies that get results.
  • You felt confident in your ability to create programs, services and offerings that your ideal client will be excited to see in front of them.
  • You had clear, step-by-step instructions for how to generate leads for ideal clients, master the sales conversation and successfully manage your time and productivity?



  • Generate more predictable income doing what you love in a way that fits your ideal business / life balance.
  • Stop throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what will stick!
  • Get out of decision fatigue and exhaustion by minimizing indecision by following proven strategies that have helped hundreds of woman meet their business goals.
  • Impact more people, and focus your time and attention doing the things you truly love.  



Your ideal clients are willing and able to invest in your expertise, which they not only want but need.

The bottom line is that you are a valuable asset.

However, unless your potential clients are aware of your existence and the services you provide, they cannot engage with you. Often, minor tweaks such as refining your message or focusing on the right problems at the right time can result in substantial increases in sales and outcomes.

At The Spirit of Wealth Fundamentals™, we will share with you the secrets that have enabled us to establish a sustainable seven-figure business.

In fact these are the exact steps we took to go from 6-figures to over 7-figures.

We will guide you on how to develop a clear vision, implement core marketing strategies and generate leads that will translate into sales.

Having used these techniques for over a decade, we are confident that they work. Our clients have achieved extraordinary results in their businesses and personal lives.

This is your opportunity to create your success story - seize it now!

Get Over 90% off



Money Back Happiness Guarantee:

At The Unstoppable Woman, we stand behind the quality of our course content and we are committed to ensuring our customers are happy and fully satisfied with their purchase.

In order to receive a refund, we require that you make a genuine effort to use the product/service as intended and promptly bring to our attention any concerns or issues that arise. 

We guarantee that if you follow the instructions provided and make a good faith effort to use our course content, we will do everything in our power to help you achieve the results you desire.

If, despite your efforts, you are not satisfied with the results or experience any issues with the product/service, we will be happy to work with you to address the problem. However, we require that you have made a genuine effort to implement the course content consistently and have taken appropriate action before considering a refund.

By requiring effort and action before considering a refund, we aim to ensure that our customers are fully invested in the course content and have given it a fair chance to meet their needs. We believe that this approach leads to better outcomes for our clients and ultimately helps us to improve our products/services.


Build consistent lead generation so you're never without prospects again!

More Productivity

Take back control of your time and maximize your day!


Ensure you have an offer prospects can’t refuse, and master the sales conversation.

"The Spirit of Wealth Fundamentals course was exactly what I needed to up-level more in my business. The course content helped to set me up for success. The guidance of the coaches was so helpful and the support from the women taking the course was amazing."

Chelsea Anastasia

"Fundamentals gave me clarity around my goals and direction, which helped me feel so much less overwhelmed. The module on time and time management especially improved my focus and productivity. This program will guide you to the direction you are seeking for success."

Maria Hetem

"Working with Amira expanded my vision!"


For 24 years I was stuck at a ceiling of $4,000/month. Working with Amira expanded my vision, and ideas started popping. More importantly, I follow through and turn them in to income streams. I'm now making $8k-$10k/month consistently.

Mary Derbyshire

Alexander Technique Teacher

"I’m growing faster than I ever thought possible!"


At the end of the year, I was #27 (out of over 400 agents in our MLS) at $11.2M in closed transactions. Eight months later, I’m already at #13 with $16.4M closed transactions. Plus I currently have an additional $7M in new listings and current transactions!

Amber Gildersleeve

Real Estate Agent

"Success without the pain and fear."


Having someone to help me look at things differently allows me to be more successful and create more happiness. I got to a place where I could see a pathway to BEING successful vs. just having success, which I couldn't have believed in or seen on my own

Allison Williams


The Spirit of Wealth Fundamentals is a PROVEN process.

It covers four critical focus areas over eight actionable modules:

Abundant Marketing

Money comes through Source through people through sales, but in order to sell your offerings, you need an effective (and consistent) lead generation strategy! Through our abundant marketing process, you will...

  • Strategically build your client referral network, accelerate your lead-generation, and access our scripts for curating connections that convert.
  • Create more marketing visibility and reach through our "give-first" focused framework.
  • Step into the best version of yourself and infuse your marketing with your personal brand.


Are you ready to become a master of time and consistently move the needle on high impact projects so that you can quantum leap your business? Through our Fundamentals process, you will...

  • Detail your quarterly focus, weekly sprints, and most important daily actions for rapidly achieving your goals (no more losing time!)
  • Consistently move the needle on high impact projects that effectively grow your business.
  • Master yourself to master time, creating more freedom and a lot more income!


These lessons and frameworks will help you get crystal clear so you feel confident in your offers and honed in on your ideal audience. Market and sell with ease! Through our winning offer process, you will...

  • Build signature offers that are aligned with the life you want to live and how you want to work.
  • Set up your million dollar product mix and clarify the pathway of working with you.
  • Craft your irresistible offer name, tagline, delivery, benefits, and more so that you have everything you need to sell it with confidence.


There's more money in circulation now than ever before. The supply isn't limited. Sales is the channel you must be consistent with to grow your business. Through our elevated sales process, you will...

  • Clean up your double binds around sales so that you can be in conversation with your ideal clients (because that's all sales is—a conversation!)
  • Implement my best practices on preparing for the sales call and access a process that converts.
  • Set up a sales tracking system so leads never get lost and consistently increase your income.


  • 13+ hours of focused, strategic, actionable teaching videos for Marketing, Sales and Time Management - Value $4500  
  • 30+ FAQ videos where I address your biggest questions  and obstacles - Value $3000
  • 37 worksheets and 3 unique frameworks for immediate implementation - Value $2000
  • 8 Weeks of LIVE Open / Q&A Calls with Amira - Value $5500

Get Over 90% off

TOTAL VALUE: $15,000!



Money Back Happiness Guarantee:

At The Unstoppable Woman, we stand behind the quality of our course content and we are committed to ensuring our customers are happy and fully satisfied with their purchase.

In order to receive a refund, we require that you make a genuine effort to use the product/service as intended and promptly bring to our attention any concerns or issues that arise. 

We guarantee that if you follow the instructions provided and make a good faith effort to use our course content, we will do everything in our power to help you achieve the results you desire.

If, despite your efforts, you are not satisfied with the results or experience any issues with the product/service, we will be happy to work with you to address the problem. However, we require that you have made a genuine effort to implement the course content consistently and have taken appropriate action before considering a refund.

By requiring effort and action before considering a refund, we aim to ensure that our customers are fully invested in the course content and have given it a fair chance to meet their needs. We believe that this approach leads to better outcomes for our clients and ultimately helps us to improve our products/services.

Went from $188k to over $1.1 Million! I have reduced my stress level by 90%, handed off work to an assistant freeing up at least 20% of my time.

Wendy Schultz
Interior Design

The firm cleared $82,060 in October. This is what it looks like when I keep out of my own way (with your help!!)

Heather Keith

I recently went after and landed a contract for $534,000, something I would only have dreamed of doing previously.

Lauren Wheeler
Landscape Designer

I quadrupled my monthly income... and I know that's just going to continue to grow this next year.

Lauren  Griffith
Fitness Trainer

I hit my goal of six-figures this year. I'm making the most money I've every made in my life with my own creativity, courage, and ideas.

Lindsay Gordon
Career Coach

I'm easily on track for $500K-1 million this year because of who I've learned to “be” in my business.

Joy Bufalini
Bold Vision Business

Amira Alvarez is the founder and CEO of The Unstoppable Woman, a global coaching company helping entrepreneurs, empire builders, and rising stars in all fields achieve their dreams and goals in record time.  

As someone who has made a quantum leap (going from barely making 6-figures to making $700k in one year, then onto 7-figures) and has lived to tell about it, she knows exactly what tactical strategies and mindset shifts are required to get out of your own way, live life on your own terms, and master the art of achieving any goal you set your mind to.

She uses these strategies to help her high-achieving clients, go for their "i'm-possible" dreams and achieve them in record time, whether that be reaching that million dollar mark, building a business empire, or making an impact in the arts, entertainment, or sports.

Amira is proud to have helped thousands of women (and a goodly number of men too) confidently break free of limitations and be unstoppable in pursuit of a life they are proud to have lived. When she's not helping others, she's continuing to say "yes" to her own growth and stays 100% committed to being unstoppable in her own life and business.

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© 2013-2024 Amira Alvarez.
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