Join us at the Virtual Summit November 6th – 8th!

Join us at the Virtual Summit November 6th – 8th!

It's time to get out of your own way!

Step into your full potential.

Create consistent cash flow.

Find your freedom.

It's time to get out of your own way!

Step into your full potential.

Create consistent cash flow.

Find your freedom.


Register by midnight EDT TONIGHT and you'll also get:

A Complimentary VIP Upgrade to the Virtual Summit, which includes:


  • Access to our TWO Mingle + Mastery VIP ONLY Bonus Sessions on Friday and Saturday afternoon! This includes master level bonus teaching and an open "Ask Me Anything" Q&A session!
  • A seat at our breakfast networking session on Saturday for a chance to share what you do!
  • Access to a full replay of the event within 30 days of the live Summit!

When you're ready for freedom you find the courage to scale.

Break free from your personal blocks, beliefs, and double binds to start executing at the highest level.

Eliminate confusion and overwhelm, and get off that emotional roller coaster for good.

Stop operating from a place of scarcity and learn to live in alignment with the Universal Laws.

Step into your power, raise your self-worth, and own yourself as the sexy and successful woman you are.

Move out of "feast and famine" for good and experience a true income breakthrough.

Utilize both your masculine and feminine energies to manifest exactly what you desire, quickly and easily.

Break free from your personal blocks, beliefs, and double binds to start executing at the highest level.

Eliminate confusion and overwhelm, and get off that emotional roller coaster for good.

Stop operating from a place of scarcity and learn to live in alignment with the Universal Laws.

Step into your power, raise your self-worth, and own yourself as the sexy and successful woman you are.

Move out of "feast and famine" for good and experience a true income breakthrough.

Utilize both your masculine and feminine energies to manifest exactly what you desire, quickly and easily.


Discover how The Unstoppable Woman Summit has helped women like you scale quickly.

It's time to become a master manifestor of your goals.


Register by midnight EDT TONIGHT and you'll also get:

A Complimentary VIP Upgrade to the Virtual Summit, which includes:


  • Access to our TWO Mingle + Mastery VIP ONLY Bonus Sessions on Friday and Saturday afternoon! This includes master level bonus teaching and an open "Ask Me Anything" Q&A session!
  • A seat at our breakfast networking session on Saturday for a chance to share what you do!
  • Access to a full replay of the event within 30 days of the live Summit!


I’m so confident in my ability to help you make a Quantum Leap in your life and your business, that I’m 100% guaranteeing your experience.

If at the end of the first day, you’re not convinced that The Income Breakthrough Summit is worth your investment, you’ll have the opportunity to request a full refund. Just let any of my team members know after the end of Day 1 and before the beginning of Day 2, and they’ll gladly give you your money back, no questions asked.

There is NO RISK whatsoever, and nothing should stand between you and your income breakthrough any longer!

Virtual Summit Schedule

All times are EDT.

Friday, November 6th

10:45 AM: Doors Open
11:00 AM: Session One
12:00 PM: Break
12:15 PM: Session Two
1:15 PM: Lunch Break
1:45 PM: Session Three
2:45 PM: Break and Movement Session
3:00 PM: Session Four
4:30 PM: End of Day!
5:00 PM: VIP "After Party" Bonus Session

Saturday, November 7th

9:30 AM: VIP Networking Breakfast
10:45 AM: Doors Open
11:00 AM: Session One
12:00 PM: Break
12:15 PM: Session Two
1:15 PM: Lunch Break
1:45 PM: Session Three
2:45 PM: Break and Movement Session
3:00 PM: Session Four
4:30 PM: End of Day!
5:00 PM: VIP "After Party" Bonus Session

Sunday, November 8th

10:45 AM: Doors Open
11:00 AM: Session One
12:00 PM: Break
12:15 PM: Session Two
1:15 PM: Lunch Break
1:45 PM: Session Three
2:45 PM: Break and Movement Session
3:00 PM: Session Four
4:30 PM: End of Day!

Went from $188k to
$1.2 million in one year
, reduced her stress by 90%, and increased free time 20%!

Wendy Shultz
Vacation Rentals

Went from $34k contracts to $534k contracts... and now has landed a $984k contract.

Lauren Wheeler
Landscape Designer

Easily on track for $500K - $1 million this year because of who she's learned to “be” in her business.

Joy Bufalini
Business Coach

Don't you want to have it all?

Money isn't everything, but it certainly gives you a lot of freedom.
But what is financial freedom without mental and emotional freedom as well?

At this Virtual Summit, we'll be diving deep into the intersection between creating personal freedom and creating consistent cash flow. This comes down to raising self-worth, stepping out of self-sabotaging patterns, and showing up as the fully expressed, magnetic woman we're meant to be.

Unlock the Goldmine in Your Mind

80% of success is mental. 20% of success are the tactics and strategies of business. This is why you can know exactly what to do, yet continually get in your own way and not reach your potential.

Stop the

Learn exactly what’s blocking you and precisely what you need to do now to break free so that you can scale and increase your cash flow quickly. No stopping yourself, getting in your way, and unconsciously sabotaging your growth and success!

Master the Manifestation Process

It's about the right action. Action is required–but busy is not the same thing as effective. Get into aligned action, create your success plan, and stop being overwhelmed and distracted by "all the things"!

Join us at the Virtual Summit November 6th – 8th

We understand being on another zoom call is in some ways a total pain in the @$$, but how committed are you to your next level?

Here's how we're making this virtual experience amazing:


Upleveled production makes it just like watching Amira LIVE from the stage.

Three days of powerful, interactive programming designed to get you out of your own way and moving towards your big goals and desires quickly.

Laser focused group breakout sessions so you can workshop with a different group of attendees all day every day, just like if you were sitting at different tables.

Optional movement sessions during breaks keeps the energy and momentum high.

Foster connections and build relationships with other like-minded women.

Supporting materials, our online community group, and a whole lot more.

"Anyone who is considering this virtual event, just say yes, and be prepared for three days of yumminess, because I'll tell you, this has been so incredibly powerful for me. I almost have no words. So, wow! So don't hesitate, just sign up. Just say yes."

Amy McNaughton

"I would love to give a shout out to Amira for her amazing Virtual Summit. Three days of incredible content, learning how to apply my gifts, and moving my life forward by raising my awareness. Great content and opportunity to connect with other amazing like minded women"

Cali Gilbert

The Dates are Friday, Nov. 6th to Sunday, Nov. 8th from 11am - 4:30pm EDT.

You can bring your friends, plus one tickets are available for just $97 for each person!

VIP upgrade is available for just $97 and includes a special bonus session!

Not a multi-speaker event, so you'll learn directly from Amira!

Meet and network with other amazing women from all over!

Plus, we'll send you some fabulous Unstoppable Woman swag!!

We LOVE swag, and we're putting together an amazing box of goodies to ship your way if you're in the United States!

Outside the United States? Don't fret! We'll send you an array of amazing virtual swag!

Presented by...


My mission in life is to help women (you!) be unstoppable personally, professionally, and financially through scaling your life and achieving your goals.

The first step is to help you make your income breakthrough, because if you don't have the financial means to do what you want, you will always feel trapped and small. This isn't freedom.  

Join the movement, stop acting like money doesn't matter, create the freedom to live the life you desire and be an unstoppable force for good in the world.

Frequently Asked Questions

When is the Virtual Summit?

The Unstoppable Woman Virtual Summit will take place over three days, Friday, Nov. 6th to Sunday, Nov. 8th from 11:00am - 4:30pm EDT. There is a bonus, Thursday evening reception on Nov. 5th at 7:00pm EDT.

Where is this happening?

This is a VIRTUAL Summit, that will take place over Zoom as a digital live stream. You can attend from the comfort of anywhere!

What will I learn?

The content will include but is not limited to:

  • Understanding what success is based on
  • How to identify the ways you personally interfere with your success
  • How to create a success plan so you can scale quickly
  • Learning the skills to move money and create the income you desire 
  • Upgrading and changing your mental programming (mindset) and wealth consciousness

Will I receive copies of the materials taught?

Every attendee will receive our handouts and slide deck on the Virtual Summit dashboard. Upgrade to VIP below and receive a full replay of the event one month after we finish!

Can I upgrade to VIP, and what's included?

Yes, you can upgrade yourself to this first-class, VIP experience, and for only $97, you’ll get:

  • Access to our TWO Mingle + Mastery VIP ONLY Bonus Sessions on Friday and Saturday afternoon!
  • Master level bonus teachings for VIP ticket holders only!
  • Open "Ask Me Anything" Q&A time
  • A chance to relax and mingle with other Unstoppable Women
  • A seat at our breakfast networking session on Saturday morning for a chance to build your visibility and share what you do with the other unstoppable women in attendance
  • And, a FULL replay of the event one month after we finish!

Are Summit tickets refundable?

Tickets to the Income Breakthrough Summit are nonrefundable, however if you can't attend the November 2020 Summit, you can apply your ticket to the next upcoming Summit in May 2021. Additionally, you may transfer your ticket to another person as long as they are able to attend the November dates. If you'd like to transfer your ticket to someone else, please email

Are there other speakers?

This is not a multi-speaker event, which means that you have the opportunity to learn directly from Amira for three full days. This is an immersive teaching event.

Will there be breaks throughout the day?

Yes, each day there is a mid-morning intermission as well as a lunch break, then a late afternoon intermission.

Will we workshop what we learn?

Yes! We have dedicated time for you to apply what you are learning immediately in intimate breakout groups so you integrate your new skillsets before you even leave.

How can I handle another zoom event!?

We've worked very hard to ensure this experience isn't like other Zoom meetings or webinars! That include:

  • Upleveled production so it feels like watching Amira from the stage.
  • Powerful breakout sessions so you can interact with a different group of attendees each day, just like if you were sitting at different tables!
  • Optional movement sessions at each break so you can get up, stretch, and keep your energy high.

What if I have other questions?

We LOVE questions! Just give us a call at 1-877-581-1437 and we’d be happy to help you any way we can. If you prefer to communicate through email, send your questions to You can also use the blue chat icon at the bottom right of the screen to chat with our support team!

It's time to become a master manifestor of your goals.


Register by midnight EDT TONIGHT and you'll also get:

A Complimentary VIP Upgrade to the Virtual Summit, which includes:


  • Access to our TWO Mingle + Mastery VIP ONLY Bonus Sessions on Friday and Saturday afternoon! This includes master level bonus teaching and an open "Ask Me Anything" Q&A session!
  • A seat at our breakfast networking session on Saturday for a chance to share what you do!
  • Access to a full replay of the event within 30 days of the live Summit!

Went from $1,200 to $10,000 a month, plus she and her husband hit $35k in one month!

Michelle Lagaly
Intuitive Coach

Turned her annual income into her monthly income.

Aine Divine

Quadrupled her income In just 3 weeks and is showing up from a place of service.

Misty Springer
Health Coach

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© 2013-2020 Amira Alvarez.
All Rights Reserved.
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