You know what’s not sexy about business?

Exhaustion, indecision, not being truly seen as the brilliant, powerful woman that you are.

Master the Inner and Outer Game of Business


Keeping the Flow Going



These are the charities I love and support.

They each have a story for me, which you can read below.

It feels absolutely amazing to give 10% of my profit to amazing people, doing amazing things.

It’s definitely about helping those in need and keeping the flow of money going.

But more importantly, it’s about keeping the flow of love going.

And this is an absolutely essential part of my business model.

When you partner with me for my services, you are part of this flow. And I thank you!

[feature_box style=”33″ title=”Partners%20In%20Health” alignment=”center”]

Their Mission: To bring the benefits of modern medical science to the poor and those most in need of them and to serve as an antidote to despair.

Their mission is both medical and moral. It is based on solidarity, rather than charity alone.

When their patients are ill and have no access to care, their team of health professionals, scholars, and activists will do whatever it takes to make them well.
(Paraphrased from their mission statement.)



My Story: This takes me right back to college.

The me then? Smarty-pants, type-A. An over-achiever at UC Berkeley, a quintessential over-achiever school.

Studying Anthropology.

I was a heads down, nose to the grindstone kind of student.

Although I had my wild side, mostly I didn’t break societal rules and was a keen observer and implementer of expectations.

One day, in a Medical Anthropology class, my mind was blown wide open. Along with my heart.

I was introduced to Paul Farmer and his organization Partners In Health.

Paul Farmer did it differently.

He doctored from love.

He just acted. It the best way he could. Passionately.

He walked miles into the mountains to make sure people had and took their medication. He didn’t give up on people because it was inconvenient or they should know better or they should come to him.

He did all he could.

Because the humanity of the patient took precedence over the cultural implication of who is deserving or how doctoring should look.

He opened my eyes. To the fact that you really can do it differently. And he has forever since been my hero.

Their website says: “We believe that love and imagination are potent weapons in the fight for the poor.”

I couldn’t agree more.

Check out their amazing work here.

[feature_box style=”33″ title=”The%20Hunger%20Task%20Force” alignment=”center”]

Their Mission: Ending hunger.

Ending hunger and malnutrition through advocacy and the distribution of food to a network of food pantries, homeless shelters, and soup kitchens free of charge. Hunger Task Force believes that every person has a right to adequate food obtained with dignity.
(Paraphrased from their mission statement.)

My Story: As I write this, I’m eating food. A tasty breakfast that includes a whole pile of vegetables. (Yes, vegetables. For breakfast. Some might say weird. I get it.)

Many days, my creative outlet is designing dinner, making an amazing dish, trying out a new spice, lusting over foodie blog photos and then actually trying to make the magnificence.

I love cooking.

I remember the first dish I made myself that everyone went ohhhhh over.

Sauteed mushrooms with some onions and garlic. It doesn’t sound like much now. But I was probably 7. And proud. And it did taste quite good.

I had to stand on a stool to cook it.

The reality that people go hungry, here in the town that I live, is unacceptable.


How is that possible? How can that be?

I grew up with the understanding that food = love.

(I understand that there are all sorts of issues with that equation. So that’s definitely one of those “for better or worse” things from my childhood.)

The idea that there are people without food breaks my heart. Into a thousand little pieces. Where is the love?

Where is the love?

Well, here is the love.

The Hunger Task Force is full of love.

They advocate for better social policies so that our rich society doesn’t allow people to go hungry.

They distribute food throughout the community.

And they also grow food.

Yup. They grow food.

They have a farm.

I love that.

I’m a sucker for farms. I have nostalgia for the farm that I never grew up on, the farm of my dreams.

Real food grown on farms rather than in factories.

350,000 pounds of real fruits and vegetables annually.

That’s huge.

They do good work and I am so proud to support them.

Check out their amazing work here.

P.S. Not an afterthought. I just didn’t know where to fit it in above. This pick is also for my mother. Who every year does a walk for her local food bank, who loves her farmer’s market, and who says she doesn’t cook but really does. Thanks, mom.

[feature_box style=”33″ title=”Modest%20Needs” alignment=”center”]

Their Mission: Providing a Safety Net

Providing small, emergency grants to low-income workers who are at risk of slipping into poverty. To bridge the gap that leaves low income but generally self-sufficient individuals and families without access to small amounts of one-time, emergency assistance.
(Paraphrased from their mission statement.)

My Story: I’ve never lived in poverty. Or even on the edge of poverty.

I count myself lucky.

I have a safety net.

One that goes beyond a savings account.

It includes friends and family. Education and training. Confidence and hutzpah. And skills beyond skills.

Blessings. All. For sure.

I don’t take them for granted. I am immensely grateful for what I have and the opportunities which have been given to me.

I also know this is not the case for everyone. I recognize the precarious position many hard working people are in.

Everyone deserves a helping hand.

Everyone deserves to know that they are not alone. That people care.

Modest Needs is that mechanism, that conduit for care.

It allows me to be neighborly and lend a hand. And I love that.

Check out their amazing work here.


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