You know what’s not sexy about business?

Exhaustion, indecision, not being truly seen as the brilliant, powerful woman that you are.

Master the Inner and Outer Game of Business

37 Questions Worth Asking

By Amira Alvarez

It’s nearing the end of the year.

In the quiet time between Christmas and New Year’s, I like to assess what’s transpired over the last year and set myself up for an amazing coming year.

Do you have a similar end of the year practice?

If not, or even if you do, here are some questions I ask myself. Feel free to use them and let them inspire your own end of year assessment.

  1. What went well? What were my big wins and successes?
  2. What felt divine and exquisite?
  3. What did I love the most about this past year?
  4. What am I most proud of?
  5. What is the lesson in that?
  6. What am I the least proud of?
  7. What was the lesson learned in that?
  8. Did this past year live up to my expectations? Why and why not?
  9. What led to my biggest successes?
  10. Will I do those same things again? If so, how and towards what end?
  11. What led to my biggest (if any) disappointments?
  12. How would I change my approach given another opportunity?
  13. Who in my life did I love spending time with?
  14. Have I expressed that to them?
  15. How can I create more opportunities to be with them?
  16. Who in my life did I like spending time with the least?
  17. How can I eliminate or improve these interactions?
  18. What was missing in my life?
  19. What do I want more of?
  20. Where am I limiting myself?
  21. Where am I setting myself up for failure?
  22. What patterns of behavior are no longer sustainable and I want to let go of?
  23. What new habits do I want to create or build upon? (Next week I’ll share 10 habits I’m working on creating.)
  24. How do I want to invest in myself?
  25. How do I want to invest in others?
  26. How do I want to spend my time?
  27. What projects are the most important to me?
  28. What am I most grateful for from last year?
  29. What am I most grateful for for next year? (Yes, you can be grateful in advance.)
  30. What elements of creation do I need to bring into my life more?
  31. What is the feeling I’m searching for in my life?
  32. If there was one thing that would make next year a success, what would it be? (Truth: I can never pick just one but trying to is a really interesting exercise.)
  33. What is my word of the year?
  34. Am I excited about next year? Why? What am I looking forward to?
  35. My highest and best life looks like this…
  36. Am I committed to living my highest and best life?
  37. Who do I need to be in this coming year to create all that I want in my life?

This last question is the most important. If you can dial this in, and then hold yourself to that level of beingness, everything else unfolds beautifully.

Now, living this new level of beingness? Well, that takes attention and a deep commitment to your next level life.

That takes not letting yourself off the hook but also having fun with it.

That takes wanting what you want more than the ease of slipping back into your habitual way of being.

That takes understanding the process and falling in love with it.

Totally possible.

You’ve created so much already. Now let’s put that amazing focus onto this.


Want to experience more as an Unstoppable Woman?

Be sure to check out the Unstoppable Woman podcast. If you’re ready to step into an exquisite life, schedule a call to discuss how we can help you step into your next level of growth.  

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