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Exhaustion, indecision, not being truly seen as the brilliant, powerful woman that you are.

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5 Ways To Snap Out Of Money Anxiety Fast

By Amira Alvarez

Personal story here, I get struck by a serious case of money anxiety sometimes.

Not to brag or be bigger than thou or anything like that, but I’m doing fine financially. I’ve got a nice little nest egg. Everything is going to work out.

So, this money anxiety was mental shift of energy, a mindset shift and it was completely effing up my business.

I got out of it quickly and today I want to take you through the 5 steps I took to immediately snap out of my money anxiety.



Video Transcript – 5 Ways to Snap Out of Money Anxiety Fast

I was stopping the flow. No money was coming in. What’s was up? This was really driving me crazy.

And not only that, but my husband was also triggered. He was in money anxiety as well. So, the two of us together had this cray-cray energy around money and scarcity. This wasn’t like me and it wasn’t like how I like to show up in the world and it wasn’t so productive, not at all.

So, I reached out and got help from my mastermind, coaches, colleagues, friends, you name it. I got some great tips and they’re all tips that I have given people myself, that I’ve coached people with myself… and I thought, “What the hey! If I wasn’t seeing exactly what I needed to do in the moment and I have coached people on this, this must be something that everyone needs to hear again and again and again.”

So, some of the stuff might be new to you, but I want you to approach it with a beginner’s mind, an open mindset, and an open heart, especially if you’re in the money anxiety right now. I just want you to take it in. Take in these five steps and start acting on them. These little shifts of energy will help you tremendously. And, if these ideas are new to you, great. I’d love push you along and move you through your path a little bit quicker here by introducing them to you.

Okay, so, without further ado, the five steps to snapping out of your money anxiety quickly. Because you know what? I got out of this in an hour yesterday. I boom, done, complete and you can do this too.

Step #1: Forgiveness

Your first step is forgiveness. This is a concept that many people teach. I teach my clients forgiveness in-depth. We use it very specifically to move through issues. But, in this case around the money anxiety, really quickly, I just want you to articulate in your mind, (and I like to use a pad and pen also as it helps me focus and clarify) who you’re blaming for your money anxiety.

Is it your husband? Your mother? Your father? Your uncle who didn’t pay the loan back? The babysitter that charges too much, the taxes that you have to pay, the clients who have not shown up, the clients who’ve shown up but haven’t paid?

Whatever it is that you are triggered by I want you to write out a list and forgive them, just forgive them. You’re not saying that it’s right. You are not saying that it’s great. You’re not saying you want more of it. You’re just saying, “I release you.” Okay. That’s all it is.

I also want you to forgive yourself. Forgive yourself for holding on to this blame or whatever part you’ve played in creating this money anxiety for yourself.

For instance, for me yesterday, I had to forgive myself for not paying my tax bill right away. I made a lot more money last year in my business and so my tax bill was a lot higher. I tripled my income last year and I was holding off paying my tax bill. We did our taxes months ago but I was holding off paying my tax bill because I felt like “I need to hold onto the money, like we shouldn’t spend that yet. Let’s hold off.” This was something that my husband was really keen on doing. “Let’s wait. Let’s wait. Let’s wait.” And I just went along with it.

I had to forgive myself agreeing to that, making that decision, choosing that as my path because it completely wonked up my energy around money. Why? Because every time I thought about our money situation, I thought of our tax bill, this big debt that we owed and that was completely counter-productive to how I want to show up in the world and the energy associated with bringing money in, flow, and abundance.

To stay focused on the scarcity and the debt is just completely counter to your flow. So, forgiveness is step number one. Do not pass go forgiveness. You have to do this. So, for me, I had to forgive my husband. I had to forgive myself. I had to forgive what I was making it mean, all of that.

Step #2: EFT

Step number two is EFT. A lot of people practice this. Here is a link to the EFT tapping script that I used yesterday. It’s a brilliant one. It’s beautiful. I’m not an EFT specialist so I’m going to leave that to the experts. And in that link you’ll see someone doing a great tapping script.

EFT, if you don’t know about, it is Emotional Freedom Technique and it’s fabulous. It helps shift your energy around whatever issue you’re having. It works on the meridians, the energy meridians of your body. It’s a little woo woo but I find that it really works. So, take a look at that. That’s step number two.

Step #3: Change Your Focus

Step number three is to focus on what’s working. Focus on what you want. Focus on the positive aspect of money in your life. Where do you have it? Where do you actually have it?

I actually have a ton of money saved, tons, okay. Again, not to show off or anything, but there was no reason to be in a money scarcity place. Focus on what you do have. Focus on what is working.

If you don’t have any money, okay, then focus on the things in your life that represent money, that are good, positive, abundant things in your life.

For instance, do have a house over your head? Do you have good relationships? Do you have lots of people who are engaging with you and could be in your sphere of influence and coming your way to be clients or customers? Things like that. Even things like, focusing on what you’re doing in your business that is leading to money, is a great place to focus.

This is just a shift of focus. If over here is scarcity and you’re thinking “I don’t have. I don’t have. I don’t have.” Or, “It’s not working. It’s not working. It’s not working.” You just want to do a 180° and shift your focus. “Here I am. I’m only focusing on this, what’s working.”

Step #4: Build a Bubble

This brings us to step number four, build a bubble. Okay, the logic people in the audience watching this are going to be like, “That’s not rational. That’s not right.” But I want you to build a bubble around yourself and only surround yourself with positive, supportive ideas and concepts.

One thing that I just cannot stand is fear based marketing. A lot of people out there support this kind of marketing and they make you afraid that you’re not keeping up, that you’re not doing enough, that things aren’t right in your world and that creates this energy of scarcity.
So I really want you to build a bubble and just surround yourself with super, super, super positive inputs, okay. This might mean not reading the newspapers. This might mean only surrounding yourself with people who are abundant energetically. I’m not saying you can only hang out with rich people. That’s not at all what I’m saying. I want you to build a bubble so that all you are engaged in are things that support your financial abundant mindset. So, if something is not working in your life you either solve it or you build a bubble around it because your energy right now is very fragile.

If you’re in a whole scarcity mindset thing, you need to be extra, extra careful around your energy and protecting it. We all, myself included, we can be triggered really, really quickly. So, don’t let that happen, okay?

So for me, yesterday my husband’s reaction totally triggered me. And, I couldn’t build a bubble around my husband, right? I couldn’t like say, “get out of my life. I don’t see you.” But I could build an energetic bubble.  I could think, “You know what, he’s doing great actually. He’s taking care of himself. He’s dealing with it as best he can.” That was the bubble I put around him and you know what, he snapped out of it by the end of the day, a little slower than me but he did snap out of it by the end of the day which was fantastic.

Step #5: Aligned Action

Step number five, aligned action. It’s time to take aligned action.

The fastest way to get out of your scarcity mindset is to stop wallowing and start acting. This doesn’t mean, let me clarify, let me be really, really, really, really super, super, super, super clear…. This does not mean that frenetic, frantic, kind of action. No way, no how.

This is about really grounding into your energy, really grounding into your being-ness and taking aligned action… action that moves you towards income generating activities. Taking action that is income generating from a place grounded in your being-ness.

So this is not about doing the big project that’s fifteen steps and will take three weeks to act on. This is about taking action to bring in money right now, the fastest, quickest, most specific action you can take right now. You want it to align with yourself and you want to make sure that you’re not in a frenetic scarcity mode. You want to really ground into your being-ness, your confidence, your knowledge of who you are.

So, those are my five ways to snap out of money anxiety fast. First one is forgiveness. Second one is EFT. Third one was focus on what you want and have already. Fourth was build a bubble. Inoculate yourself, kind of like surround yourself with only the good stuff and fifth, take aligned action.

Bonus Tip: Pay Your Bills

Here’s a little bonus tip. This has to do with taking aligned action… pay your bills.

Back to the first story that I told you about the tax bill that I had to pay. The moment we paid that, boom, freed up our energy and opened the channel. So, pay your bills. If you can’t pay your bills, pay some of your bills. Do something towards taking care of your money issues.

Hope you’ve enjoyed this. Thanks for watching. Mwah. Bye.






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