Do you ever read something that really sticks with you?
That was me yesterday.
I had this ah-ha and I realized a super important component to making your business work.
Really, it’s a super important component to achieving any goal that you have in your life.
The Readers Digest version of what I read is that there are certain goals we have for our kids, like potty training and teaching them to read, that to not achieve them would be unthinkable.
If that’s the case, why then don’t we go after our adult goals in the same way?
Why don’t we look at achieving what we really, really want {insert creating wealth, starting a business, pursuing that brilliant idea, going after your dream} as a given, as something that we’ll pursue in whatever way we need to until we achieve them?
Why don’t we consider not achieving them to be unthinkable?
Well, that made me think. A lot. Why? Yeah, why?
It got me all riled up and inspired and I started waxing poetic about this to my husband as we were drying the dinner dishes… and then it dawned on me… there’s a big difference.
Kids have someone who has their back, who’s watching out for them, helping them stay on track, pointing them in the right direction, and teaching them how to do these things.
Kids have parents. (Duh!)
And parents are coaches! (Double duh!)
This is the missing ingredient for most of us when going after any of our goals.
It’s not that we lack will power, some special gene, or talent.
It’s that we don’t have the support we need to get us to where we want to go.
We think we have to do it our own, that we’re adults and should be able to figure it all out ourselves by now, that we don’t need help.
{Insert light bulb going on.}
Whoa, Nelly!
It made me realize all the goals I have that I could get help on. Admittedly, this was quite a long list.
So here’s an action step for you…
Get help! Figure out what you want to achieve and who can help you.
If you need help with your business and you like what I’m putting out, that leads you to me.
Let me help you. Here are three ways… 1) targeted realignment, 2) deeply partnered support, and 3) magic for your soul.
PLUS, a BONUS totally free way of getting help…join THE POSSE.
It’s for women who want to build a high integrity business without contorting their soul. Click and ask to join..
But if it’s another goal, figure out who can help you. Who can support you? Who can coach you?
Go do that. You won’t regret it. Because life is too short for not going after what you want.
And I promise that you can do it. You’ve got what it takes. It just takes a little help.