You know what’s not sexy about business?

Exhaustion, indecision, not being truly seen as the brilliant, powerful woman that you are.

Master the Inner and Outer Game of Business

Abundance And Scarcity

By Amira Alvarez

Abundance and scarcity… amp one up, the other one goes down.

One of the things I teach my clients to do is track the good things happening in their businesses.

Seems simple and indeed it is.

But don’t let simple fool you. It’s powerful stuff.

It’s the key to opening up the flood gates of abundance and eliminating your scarcity fears.

Here’s how it works…

1) Create some sort of tracking device.

I have a swank spreadsheet that I give my clients, for tracking this and other important data. (That other important data? Hint: It’s money!)

You can use a spreadsheet, evernote, a mobile app, a notepad…whatever is easiest for you.

Mainly it just needs to be handy. Something you can get to easily while you’re working, so when you notice something fabulous, you can write it down and there’s nothing in your way of making that happen.

2) Start tracking what’s going well in your business.

Here are some examples:

  • Comments on your blog posts
  • Likes on your Facebook comments
  • Amazing client success that validates your work
  • Unsolicited testimonials that tell you you rock
  • Your employee or VA coming up with fabulous suggestions
  • Customers asking for more
  • Positive reviews
  • Connections with other amazing business owners
  • Completing projects easily
  • Free time appearing miraculously
  • Loving the biz dev project you’re working on
  • Unsolicited help that really helps
  • Your marketing working exactly how you planned
  • Easily connecting with your clients
  • New client enquires
  • New clients!

Add to this list. Make it your own.

What do you want more of?

This stuff that you want more of… it’s the juice that powers you up and keeps you going. It’s your abundance!

It’s the big and little stuff that’s so important, yet often we rush past and take for granted. (Yeah, yeah, good… what’s the next thing I need to do?)

It’s all these little (and big things) that lead to not only feeling the abundance that’s all around you, but to a successful business that you love.

What we focus on grows.

Where we put our attention and our energy is what will flourish in our business.

If you focus on the churn, on the next, on the never enough…on the scarcity…that is what you’ll be caught up in. You’ll be stuck in scarcity fear.

If you ask yourself to start noting all the things that are going well, that you love and appreciate, you’ll start loving your business more, your day will flow, and you’ll be able to show up more easily in your business and get all you want to get done, done.

You’ll see and feel the abundance.

It really works.

It moves you out of fear and into what’s going right. It turns fear on it’s head, so to speak.

Give it a shot for a week and see if you notice the difference.
It’s worked for every single one of my clients. I know it will work for you too if you do it consistently.


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