Have you ever been on an inspiring training call or attended an event that left you feeling incredibly motivated, only to return home and have absolutely NOTHING change?
This happens when we don’t address our ENVIRONMENT.
It’s not enough to learn the new things or to become inspired… you have to take the ACTIONS that move the needle… do the INNER GAME work of shifting your mindset and get leverage over your subconscious blocks and beliefs… all while also creating any necessary changes to your environment so that you’re FULLY SUPPORTED in becoming unstoppable.
I want you to ask yourself…
- Are you surrounded by like-minded women with the same level of drive as you?
- Do you learn from people who have done what you want to do?
- Do you feel confident and clear around your family, friends, and loved ones?
- Does your team rally behind your vision and commit to making it happen?
- Or are you constantly shrinking, hiding, and dumbing your desires down?
- Are you choosing to be “realistic” and “practical” so that others feel comfortable?
When you immerse yourself in an environment that FULLY supports you being who you truly are and going for MORE in all areas of your life and work… it accelerates everything.
- You’re not wasting time and energy defending your desires.
- You’re not having to explain yourself.
- You’re able to get support when you need it.
- You’re inspired regularly by the people around you to keep doing the work.
- You’re constantly reminded of what’s possible for you if you keep showing up.
YOU are a powerhouse, too.
YOU are already going for more, just by being here with me.
YOU are doing important work in the world.
But are YOU committed to becoming unstoppable?