You know what’s not sexy about business?

Exhaustion, indecision, not being truly seen as the brilliant, powerful woman that you are.

Master the Inner and Outer Game of Business

Creating your brand…the easy way

By Amira Alvarez

I’ve got a question for you…

What have you been ranting about recently?

What have you been thinking, or even saying out loud, that’s exasperating to you? What is it that really gets you going?

THIS, what you’re all up in arms about, that you’re going on and on about… this could be the basis of YOUR BRAND.

Creating the message and brand could be as easy as paying attention to your rant.


Because it shows what’s important to you, what you’re passionate about, and what matters to you.

Let me give you an example…

I’m on a client call and my wonderful client is letting it rip about how she’s annoyed by the way the people in her industry do things.

After her rant, I ask her, “Well, how do you do things?”

And she busts out with this beautiful manifesto of how it’s done:

“Creativity comes first. The technical stuff supports the art. Not the other way around.”

When I heard it, I said…

“That’s it. That’s what you stand for. That’s your brand. That’s how you’re going to position everything.”

The next day, I bring this concept of “the rant” to my private Facebook group for women entrepreneurs who want to rock their business without contorting their soul…

And I get into a conversation there with a woman who’s making good on her dreams.

She says,

“I get annoyed by people complaining and pushing responsibility onto others rather than owning it for themselves, seeing the mirror that is in front of them. I notice that people are so quick to say NO, to find all the reasons why NOT to do something, why something won’t work. I always ask, what would happen if you said YES to that?”

That was her rant. And do you see how her brand exists right there in her rant?

RIGHT THERE, is what she stands for…“Getting to YES! starts with accepting that our No is not true.” Boom!

Pretty cool, huh?


If these two women, photographer Tara McKinney and parenting coach Bea Marshall, integrate these concepts into all their marketing and public facing work, they will have a truly coherent brand and one that is attractive to their ideal clients.

If they make sure that everything they do in their business ALIGNS with these concepts, they will be able to take action and make decisions easily.

They will be in integrity with themselves and their business will feel good while making them great money.

When you have this kind of clarity about what you stand for, you’re golden. Creating your brand becomes easier because you have something very definitive and true for you to build your brand on.

My brand?

I’m about clarity, connection, and ease.

Show up in your business clear…about who you are, what you stand for, what problems you solve, etc.

Stay connected…to yourself,  your clients, your potential clients… and Spirit.

Continually move towards ease in your business. Don’t over complicate things. Create solutions. Understand that it can be easy.

If you do all of this? You’ve laid the foundation for a successful and easier business… then it’s about executing your plan and persevering.

So with that, let’s go back to the question we started out with… what have you been ranting about recently?

Dig into that. See if the core of what you stand for in your business is in there.

If you’d like some help with this, post your unedited rant in The Be Unstoppable Facebook Group and I’ll help you out.


Raving Clients

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