The Relationship Between Forgiveness & Business Outcomes | Coaching Uncut

By Amira Alvarez

Have you ever wondered how forgiveness and mindset work to change your outcomes? Yes, there are really painful and hurtful things that people do, often intentionally and often maliciously. And yet, how you handle them – immediately and over time – affects your results in your business.

One often wonders if it’s worth changing your perspective and moving on, or if it’s better to simply indulge the bitterness. What can changing your mindset really do? Listen to this call with my client to hear a true story of the power of mindset and forgiveness!

What To Listen For

  • Introduction [0:00]
  • When you move away from the blame game and start taking accountability, you start attracting positive energy in every aspect of your life [3:39]
  • Letting go of grudges, and why forgiveness is a key leadership attribute [5:49]

This coaching call has been recorded with permission. Please be aware that this is not a studio recording, and the sound quality may vary.

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