You know what’s not sexy about business?

Exhaustion, indecision, not being truly seen as the brilliant, powerful woman that you are.

Master the Inner and Outer Game of Business

On me

By Amira Alvarez

My life in brief…

B. 1970, New Haven, Connecticut. (It was a short stay.)

Transported to Los Angeles, to the land of the rich and fair. (Felt poor and ugly, despite being well off and not bad looking, in that awkward teenager way.)

Got the hell out of dodge. (Felt like a fish out of water in L.A. But I still say ‘Dude’ and ‘Totally’. Go figure.)

Majored in Cultural Anthropology at UC Berkeley. (That was the apex of my post-modern, smarty-pants, over-achiever days.)

Spent a year abroad in the South of France. (Faked my knowledge of French until I could actually speak it.)

Worked on a research grant. Decided it was more fun to be a shop girl. (That’s a longer story. The crux of it? It’s always all about the people. Follow the people and the connection.)

Moved to New York City. (Didn’t want to grow old without a full-on CBGB, NY experience. Boy, did I get that.)

Moved to Berlin. Just for a short bit. (Transformative. Sadly, didn’t learn German.)

Back to Berkeley. $70 in my bank account.

Temped at a software company. Got hired the day they went public. (Sheer, freakin’ luck? We’ll never know.)

Worked my way up the corporate ladder and loved it. (Thrived. Ate it up. Wanted more.)

Flourished in my career. PROJECT MANAGER EXTRAORDINAIRE. (Really. You want me to manage your projects. I rock at this.)

Rode the boom and bust. (Need I say more?)

Decided to take a break. (Something was missing. Now what?)

Discovered the Alexander Technique. Huge turning point. (This is when I got in touch with the healer-teacher in me and allowed my right-brain some space to play. I helped a ton of people get out of bodily pain and ran a successful business.)

Discovered I loved being an entrepreneur, running a business, and marketing authentically. (Did I say, love? I meant LOVE!)

Yearned for more and different. And followed that yearning.

Which brings me to the here and now and where I bring together ALL the experience of my past with my natural inborn talents.

It’s a beautiful melding of…

  • a deep study and understanding of people
  • righteous project management skills
  • highly tuned sensing what’s happening in the body
  • loving, living, and breathing business strategy

So that’s me.

Want more non-business, personal bits? Here are 10 Things You Might Not Know About Me.


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