You know what’s not sexy about business?

Exhaustion, indecision, not being truly seen as the brilliant, powerful woman that you are.

Master the Inner and Outer Game of Business

What Happens When The Truth Resonates

By Amira Alvarez

“Ideas are easy, what’s hard is doing the work.” – Mark Cuban

I heard this the other day (from a billionaire no less) and had to write it down. All the cells in my body stood up and paid attention.

This is what happens when the truth resonates.

Here’s my take on it…

Ideas… when we’re open and aligned… they come streaming to us. Lots of the them and they’re often truly brilliant.

I don’t think there’s a shortage of good or even great ideas. And every time one of my clients has a great idea, I cheer. I fist pump.

I celebrate the AMAZING idea that has landed because it really is amazing to witness the matching of personal genius with a brilliant idea.

BUT that’s just the beginning.

The idea, the “what” and even the “how” (fill-in new product or service offering, new marketing channel, new outreach program, new system, etc)… is just the beginning.

Doing the work of creation is where the magic is.

Doing the work to take that idea or intention into reality, that’s where the rubber meets the road.

So often what happens is that the feeling of the idea (that marvelous “OMG, this is it!”) is so seductive we just want more of that.

Because ideas FEEL good. They FEEL *like* success.

But guess what? They’re not success. Not YET.

Sorry to bum your high. I love me a GREAT idea too and all those yummy delicious feelings that go with it.

But the trick is to run with it. To take action on it. To do the work of creating it.

Because if you don’t, you’ve just had another idea. You haven’t created anything.

You’ll probably get another great idea soon (because like attracts like) and then you have lots of ideas.

At it’s best this leads to “dating” a lot of different ideas. Kind of fun.

At it’s worst, this leads to overwhelm, inertia, and completing little or nothing.


Doing the work? Well, that takes more.

Are you ready to do the work?

I’m talking about SHOWING up and being all in. I’m talking about not hiding out or letting your fears, your uncertainty, your patterns, habits, your “life” and YOUR FREAKING SUBCONSCIOUS stop you.

This means moving through whatever is blocking you… steadily, without fail.

And here, I do NOT mean grinding it out. Nope. That’s the hard way.

I don’t mean trying to over-power and man-handle yourself when you get stuck.

I mean clearing up the inner dissonance so that you can show up and do the work to bring your ideas and dreams to fruition.

The inner game = 80%.

You are brilliant. You know what you want to create… whether it’s doubling your income this year or releasing a new product or service… you have an idea.

Now it’s about executing on it. Are you ready?

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