To get where you want to go, you’ve got to know what you want.
Simple. Or so it sounds.
Yet sometimes you don’t know. Or you’re vague.
You’re in a place of kind of, sort of, maybe…with an inkling of a desire, an idea, but no real, clear vision.
That’s a start. For sure.
YET, if you stay there, in the vagueness, you’ll get vague results.
You get approximations and compromises.
You certainly won’t get the juicy, yumminess of what you really want.
For that, you need a full-on vision.
But for today? If you’re in that kind of vague place? Simply name the inklings.
Name the wants that are in the background of your consciousness.
These can be basic wants or grandiose ones, of a personal nature or work related, for your Self or for humanity.
You’ll know them because they feel as if they’ve been following you around, begging for your attention.
Naming them could mean…
You just think, “Yes, I kind of, sort of, want {fill-in the blank}.” That’s a good first step.
Or naming them could mean… You write it down, seal it with a kiss, and tuck the piece of paper in a draw. A lovely option for sure.
Or you could amp up the speed of your clarity by… declaring it out loud. In conversation, to people, who hear it and take it in.
Feel free to do that in the Facebook group I run for women in business. It’s a bold step of declaration.
This last option has POWER. The power of putting it out there for the world to witness, of stepping out of your comfort zone, of owning your wants in a bigger way.