Persistence. Sticking with it. Not giving up.
It’s so key to having a successful business.
Easier said than done though in a lot of ways.
Especially when the crowd boos.
And here I’m not speaking metaphorically.
I recently read about John Adams, composer of Grand Pianola Music. When he debuted it in 1982, the crowds boos. Literally boo. Can you imagine that?
And now? He’s one of the most beloved composers of our time. BELOVED.
What if he gave up because the crowds boos, because the critics, official or self-proclaimed, said “it’s bad”?
Or worse yet, what if he took this to mean “I’m bad at this composing thing”?
This is the same for you.
The analogy is…
- What if nobody is calling or clicking?
- What if nobody is liking or sharing?
- What if nobody is signing up or buying???
And what if the crowds boo, ’cause there WILL BE CRITICS…
Do you stop?
How do you keep going despite the response and feedback you’re getting… and should you?
Do you say, maybe I made a huge mistake? Maybe I’m doing this all wrong and I’m completely off course?
Yes, you do. Of course. You do ask those questions.
But from a curious place, like a scientist.
If you’re too in it, you will only see the critic’s version.
“The crowds booed and this means I suck and everything has gone to hell in a hand basket, I’m going to crawl back into my hole.”
But maybe they weren’t ready for what you had to say? But they will be in 2 weeks, 2 months, or 2 years.
Maybe they weren’t your people, your tribe, or a good match…
YET over there, if you take the blinders off, there are thousands of people ready to connect with your art, your writing, your work, your philosophy, your message, your product, your service.
If you stay locked into that one interpretation of the experience, that’s all you see.
You miss what else might be going on. You miss out on the magic that might be right on the other side of this experience.
To see other possibilities, you need to look in different places, eyes open, heart open, for different clues.
AND you need to look INSIDE.
Inside of you, what are the answers to these questions…
Is the work that you’re doing, your art, your offer, your marketing aligned with how you want to show up in the world? (If not, course correct. If yes, stay the course.)
Do YOU love what you’re putting out in the world? Are you doing your best work? Does it meet your standards? (If not, course correct. If yes, stay the course.)
Your answers will shine through underneath the noise of your ego. Listen to your SELF.
Course correct or stay the course. In either case power on.
Don’t let the feedback derail you. Let it serve you.