All posts by Amira Alvarez
Mastering Sales
The truth, whether you want to hear it or not, is: money comes through sales.
There is always a sale. Whether you’re writing a newsletter to your email list or having a conversation with a prospective client on the phone, writing a grant proposal or chatting with someone informally… when money changes hands, there’s a sale.
Sales is unavoidable, especially if you want to make really good money in your business.
I was recently interviewed on The Story Engine Podcast on Mastering Sales.
In this episode, I talk to Kyle about:
- How to break through your glass ceilings
- Why most people self-sabotage in sales
- Overcoming the fear of rejection
- How to prepare for a sales call
- The preliminary questions you need to ask in advance
- How to start the sales conversation, the first question you should ask
- What to do at the end of the sales conversation
- The why behind what people purchase
How Could She Say Making Money Is Easy? [Nancy’s Story]

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Becoming More Mindset Mastery Retreat

This video is dedicated to the beautiful, brave, and POWERFUL women who attended the Becoming More Mindset Mastery Retreat.
Your potential is unlimited. Of course.
What do I charge? How do I get my pricing right?

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The first thing to know is that this is not just about what the market will bear. This is not about what people will pay. (That’s only a very small part of the equation.)
If you look to these conditions, you’ll be limited by your own experience. You will make decisions about pricing based on your own experience…. what you have paid, what you would pay, what the people you know would pay, what your past clients or customers have paid, and what the competition is charging.
Most people walk around with blinders on–only seeing what they’ve already seen.
This limits you and your earning potential tremendously. There’s a market at every price point.
The answer is two-fold.
First, there’s a simple math calculation you have to do and it goes like this…
How much do you want to make annually? Your answer = X
How much are you charging now or considering charging? Your answer = Y
Then the calculation looks like X divided by Y = Number of products or clients.
So let’s say…
X = $200,000 annually
Y= $3,000 per client or productThen $200,000 / $3,000 = 67 products or clients a year
67/12 months = 6 new clients or products a month
Is this doable? Sustainable? Does it feel good? Can you handle it? Will it be overwhelming?Does the amount you’re charging or considering charging feel exciting?
If it doesn’t feel sustainable, good, doable, exciting… that means some part of the equation needs to change. You either need to raise your prices or lower your financial goal.
Don’t make the mistake of lowering your financial goal. That’s soul crushing.
Instead, raise your prices.
And that’s when the noise starts…
- Will people pay that?
- What will people say?
- Is it worth it?
- Am I worth it?
- Do I really need to earn that much money?
- Will I have no clients or make no sales?
- Will I have no money at all?
- Will I let my family down, not be able to pay my bills, starve, and die?
This is your money story. This is your worth story. This is your security story.
The second part of this answer is that you’re going to have to move through your own resistance.
“Getting your pricing right” is what happens after you make the sale at your new price point, not before.
To get there, you’ve got to manage your mindset and deal with your worth, security, and money issues. This is where the rubber meets the road.
And the only way forward is through.
Which Kind Of Fear Is Stopping You?

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Okay, let’s pull back the covers on Visibility today and look at the dark underbelly.
What stops you from getting more out there with your business?
It’s probably some kind of fear.
Here are some common fears. Do you relate to these?
Fear of judgment (what other people will think or say)
Fear of rejection
Fear of doing it wrong or making a mistake
Fear of over-selling or being out of integrity
Fear that no one will actually care
Fear that you actually have nothing to share (imposter syndrome)
Fear of failure
Fear of success
Fear of wasting your time
Fear of it not working
Fear of not being good enough
The list actually goes on and on.
What is it for you? What are your top fears when you think of taking your visibility to the next level? Answer this.
This will NOT bring you down. This is a truth-telling mission. You have to see it first to be able to change it.