One of the biggest ways solo-entrepreneurs sabotage themselves is also one of their biggest assets.
What is it?
Ideas, ideas, and more ideas.
If you’re in business, I bet you have tons of them.
Seduced by their brilliance, do you run after each of your ideas?
There’s something completely joyful and intoxicatingly hopeful about a great idea.
To be honest, it’s one of my biggest pleasures in life.
There’s a double-edged sword, trap with ideas.
They can distract you.
They can dilute your energy and lead you in a million different directions.
They can distract you from your business model and can keep you from completing anything.
This is one of the unconscious ways we sabotage ourselves and stop ourselves from taking our business to the next level.
The energy of completion catapults you forward.
The energy of incompletion throws you into anxiety and stagnation.
If you have too many ideas that you’re working on and you’re not completing them, you will get stuck in the energy of incompletion.
Incompletion energetically blocks your way to more… more money, more clients, more contracts, etc.
Because when you’re unable to complete things, you subconsciously decide that you’re at max capacity and that anything additional is going to break you.
An energetic WHOA NELLY! gets sent out… “Don’t give her anymore. She can’t handle it. Stop the flow.”
Here’s how this looks for most entrepreneurs…
1. You have a brilliant idea. You focus on it. For like a week. Maybe.
2. Then you have another brilliant idea. You add that to your work docket. Everything’s still awesome.
3. Then you add another project that you’re absolutely enticed by and, at the time that you add it, all is good. You’re still in awesome-land.
4. And then something happens along the way… usually, after you’ve said yes to the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, or 9th idea…you get this huge sense of anxiety.
5. Then the unraveling happens. Disappointment, sadness, and paralysis sets in.
6. You don’t know what to work on or what’s most important. All your ideas and projects are vying for your attention. You do a little bit here, a little bit there, but you don’t have the focus, energy, or momentum behind any one of them.
At this point, you probably get a second wind fueled by fear and start to run around from project to project in a panic, trying to work on something…anything…as fast as you can.
7. You end up exhausted, disappointed, and anxious.
How do you course correct at this point?
Here’s how…
Step #1: Recognition
Recognize where you’re at. See the pattern for what it is.
Step #2: Forgiveness
Forgive yourself. Completely and immediately.
Forgive yourself for making this mistake. Forgive yourself for sabotaging things. Forgive yourself for whatever judgment you might have.
(Don’t skip this step. It’s very important.)
Step #3: Clarity
See the situation clearly. This takes the form of a list.
Write down all the business projects and ideas you are working on or think you should be working on.
Go back to Step #2 if necessary and forgive yourself. Release any judgement or recrimination that may have come up.
Step #4: Plug In
Close your eyes and ground yourself. Take a few breaths.
Then look at each item on your list, one at a time.
Is it a yes or a no?
Go with your instant hit. Don’t over think it.
Step #5: Release
Release any project or idea that is not a “yes” and release yourself from the unconscious compact you made with it.
This means releasing them entirely or releasing them to a notebook or online repository where you keep your ideas. Then move on.
Step #6: “Action Jackson”
For the ones that are a YES! – take action on these.
Focus on these. Work these. Enjoy them fully.
This is how you get it done with ease.