You know what’s not sexy about business?

Exhaustion, indecision, not being truly seen as the brilliant, powerful woman that you are.

Master the Inner and Outer Game of Business

Being the boss doesn’t make you an authority, so what does?

By Amira Alvarez

Is your idea of authority rooted in hierarchy, power dynamics, or office politics? It’s time to change that. 

Yes, authority is power but it’s not hierarchical. It’s not about being above someone.

Authority is energy. It comes from within. It doesn’t take a mic, a stage, or a particular way of speaking. Authority can come in the form of quiet power instead of control and dominance. 

Now, your authority doesn’t look like mine nor anybody else’s. 

Let’s say you’re about to negotiate a deal and you take on the persona of your role model to feel more confident. It’s not wrong to be inspired but when you try to be somebody else, you lose the clear transmission of your full and truthful essence. When you lose your essence, you lose your power. You become disconnected from your true self and your true desires, and without that connection, you can’t achieve the success and fulfillment that you want.

Do you— the best version of you. Don’t try to imitate someone else. When you step into your authority, your actions will be more meaningful and impactful. Once you embody your authority, it emanates from every cell of your body. Own your authority and good things will follow.

Only when you learn to embrace, own, and embody it, can you walk into any room, talk to anyone you want, and get what you want from them. 

P.S. What does authority mean to you? I’d love to know!

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