You know what’s not sexy about business?

Exhaustion, indecision, not being truly seen as the brilliant, powerful woman that you are.

Master the Inner and Outer Game of Business

Freedom is an inside job

By Amira Alvarez

Before I successfully built a 7-figure business, I wanted to be free from a LOT of things financial constraints, toxic relationships, working long hours…the list went on! 

I was so stuck in the idea that these limitations were all external and this led to overwhelm, stress, and ultimately, burn out. I was constantly trying to “fix” all these external things. It was like a constant game of “whack-a-mole.”

So, this made me think “What does it take to actually achieve freedom?” 

Let’s start by defining freedom. Being free could look like choosing your own hours, making your own decisions about who you want to work with, or even buying anything you want without scrimping or a second thought.

It could mean being completely unrestricted when it comes to how you spend your free time or where you choose to live.

It could look like doing whatever you want with whomever you want in this one life of yours.

The limits you’re seeing and feeling may seem external but here’s the thing freedom is an inside job. Most of the time, these constraints are the symptoms of not being free on the inside. 

To achieve freedom, you have to start owning your authority. Really embodying it as a lived experience. This requires a whole different set of beliefs than what most people were brought up with. You have to critically examine your core beliefs about yourself and how the world works. You have to get to the base of it… cut off your blocks to freedom at their root… and get to the cause of why you’re living from a place of limitation rather than freedom. 

Then, once you discover where the issues stem from, you have to actually implement change… and start taking action.

The good news is you don’t have to do all of this alone. 

This is exactly what we do at the Spirit of Wealth, a program where I help leaders, those high-performing women who absolutely know they were made for more, hit both their revenue goals and live a freaking beautiful life… one that is totally FREE! 

Interested in knowing more? Simply email us with a quick YES.

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