You know what’s not sexy about business?

Exhaustion, indecision, not being truly seen as the brilliant, powerful woman that you are.

Master the Inner and Outer Game of Business

How to get leverage over your fears and blocks

By Amira Alvarez

We’ve been talking a lot about creating leverage in your business, but what about your mind? How do you get leverage over the blocks, beliefs, and fears that keep you small and not taking the action you know you need to take?

You want to earn more money, have more time, and experience more freedom, but you can’t do those things if you’re not willing to get leverage over yourself and you’re limiting beliefs.

You can learn all the outer game actions you want––putting the systems in place, hiring the right team, investing in the right tools, and changing your offerings––but if you’re not working on the inner game pieces, you won’t see results. Even if you do, they won’t be lasting or replicable.

We all have blocks, beliefs, and fears. All of us.

For many of my clients it’s a fear of failing… of losing love, safety, security as a result of “messing up.”

Or they’re afraid to show up fully in their unique BRILLIANCE because “what would people think? What will happen if I get it wrong?”

They give away their power, pass off responsibility to everyone and everything else, and hold themselves back. So how do we get leverage over these things?

At some point your mind has to make a completely conscious decision to do things differently. To take actions that move your forward, despite the fear.

My client Wendy did this. She had a long time desire to “snowbird” in the winter months… owning her own property somewhere warm, so she could migrate there when it got cold.

But she had her blocks, beliefs, and fears.

  • What would people think?
  • I don’t have the money to do this.
  • What about my kids and school?
  • How would it even work?

They had a grip on her, keeping her stuck and small, and her dream just that… a dream. She had to get leverage over her subconscious programming that was saying… “don’t make a mistake”… by making consciously different choices.

I told her to get online and book a condo. Book the condo and the rest will “figure itself out.”

When you make a commitment (like booking the condo), to stay in integrity with yourself, you’ll have to…

You’ll have to figure out how to make the money, despite the fear.

You’ll have to find the solution and possibility that already exists around your kids and school (because opportunity is everywhere, we just can’t see it when we’re spinning out in fear).

You’ll have to get over or stop worrying about what other people think and have to just “do it.”

Most recently for me this has shown up in my commitment to run a marathon this September. For years I would stop and start running, never able to work up to the level of fitness and distance I wanted.

So I used these same principles to get leverage over myself to make it happen. Here’s a Facebook live video where I’m sharing the exact ways I have gotten leverage on my limiting beliefs to achieve BIG goals. (I’ve got my oh so professional, post-run hair in this video!)

I’m also talking more specifically about the quickest way to get leverage over your blocks around hiring team in this Facebook live video:

I have a BRAND NEW training series for you, that’s all about how to Crack the Code to Income Generation.

I’ll be talking specifically about how to invert the traditional “business growth” process in order to produce maximum results, far more quickly… my three pillars for creating more leverage in your business from where you’re at now, in order to scale to where you want to be with EASE… as well as what it actually looks like and takes to be the leader in your business.

Stay tuned…


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