Tag Archives: intentions

Stop The Chaos Each Week By Doing This One Thing

By Amira Alvarez Do you have good intentions each week to stay on top of all your tasks? To move your projects forward and not end up working late into the night? Yet every week you seem to get lost in the chaos... getting some things done while adding 10 more things to…

Do you have good intentions each week to stay on top of all your tasks? To move your projects forward and not end up working late into the night?

Yet every week you seem to get lost in the chaos… getting some things done while adding 10 more things to the list… working 12+ hour days… always feeling stressed and behind?

It doesn’t have to be that way.

We live in an EASY and ABUNDANT Universe, we just have to make the DECISION to stop making it so dang hard!!

One of the best ways to stop is to bring more care and respect to your scheduling and planning process. Here’s how to do that…

First, at the start of each week (or the evening before each workday), take a few minutes and map out EVERYTHING that needs to get done. Make a big list, leave nothing off.

Second, create a grid for the day or week on a sheet of paper, breaking out the hours into 30-minute increments. Take your list and block time for each task that needs to get done. Leave a bit of buffer room if you’re not sure exactly how long it will take.

Third, HONOR and RESPECT this plan for your day or week. Stick to it. Be mindful of it. Set a timer on your phone for each block if that’s what you need to do. Make note of the tasks that take longer than you planned so you know what to expect for the next time, but do your best to stick to those time blocks as much as possible.

Will things come up? Absolutely! Things always come up!

But visually seeing everything you have to do for the day or week actually gives you MORE time and freedom… because rather than spinning out from the chaos of #allthethings and not having a sense of how long they will take or prioritizing what needs to be prioritized… you will feel calmer and far more focused. You will be able to do one thing at a time until it’s complete so that you can move onto what’s next with more ease and less anxiety.

We don’t have to make things so hard, and this is one simple way to start taking new and different actions to create different results (in this case, feeling more peace and ease during your weeks).

How will you implement this in your business this week?
