All posts by Amira Alvarez

Choose your hard

By Amira Alvarez I heard this years ago… “you get to choose your hard.”  It’s not that there will not be hard moments in business (or in life for that matter)… there will be. Often more than we want to experience or could possibly anticipate.  But the truth is our greatest power is…

I heard this years ago… “you get to choose your hard.” 

It’s not that there will not be hard moments in business (or in life for that matter)… there will be. Often more than we want to experience or could possibly anticipate. 

But the truth is our greatest power is our power to choose and we get to choose our hard.  

And spoiler alert: when you choose in favor of your TRUE DESIRES, you make it so much easier on yourself.

Let’s take your health: If you do not treat your body well, you end up being limited… your energy is depleted, your ability to do the things you love is limited, your world becomes smaller. 

The short term “hard” of choosing a healthy lifestyle to eat well, exercise, sleep, down time, floss, etc… (Calling myself out here as I’m totally inconsistent with flossing!)

Unconsciously delivers you into a long-term “hard.” (Read = burnout, brain exhaustion, aging before your time, wanting to throw in the towel…)

So you see we get to choose our hard.  

The same is true for business.

When we build businesses that are not foundationally strong because we choose what feels like the ‘easiest’ thing at the moment, we choose our hard.  Without the proper structures, team, contracts, or processes (for example) we can create something that might have an immediate impact, but creates a much harder environment down the line.  

Much of what I do with my clients is about helping them to build strong, sustainable businesses by consciously choosing what they want and who they want to be. This is at the core of stepping into being an Unstoppable Woman at ever higher levels.  

We make the hard choices now, so that we are not surprised at the outcome in the future.  

What does a proper diet and exercise look like in your business? If you get to choose your hard, do you choose the thing that seems ‘easy’ right now even though it could cost you the health of your business in the future? Or do you face the hard now to get the future results you desire?

What does this look like? Here are a few examples I see when working with my clients at all levels in business…

Working with ideal clients vs working with anyone that can pay you… Thinking the money in the moment is of greater value than the peace and enjoyment they will lose from working with a client who is not ideal. 

Allowing unimpressive work from a team member because we don’t want the headache of training them or someone else…  The reality is that team turnover is both costly and a huge drag on our time (and peace of mind), but an incompetent team member can be costing you thousands of dollars in wasted time, inefficiencies, mistakes, brand impression… choose your hard wisely here. 

Creating programs or services based on what you THINK people will buy rather than what you truly desire to offer. Ugh.. I hate to say it but I have learned this one the hard way. There is nothing more miserable than being tied to a service you are not excited to deliver on. Although you don’t want to overthink it and stay in “analysis paralysis,” it’s well worth going through “the hard” of figuring out how to sell the service you really desire to sell vs offering a sellable service that you have NO desire to deliver on.

So what about you? Where are you choosing expediency over truth? Where are you choosing the short-term easy over the long-term hard? 

See it now and do something about it. 

Embrace “the hard.”

And the most amazing thing will happen to you the moment you stop resisting it…

It will become EASY.

Team meetings, the circuitous path to truth, beauty, intimacy

By Amira Alvarez Dear Unstoppable Woman, I want to share something that’s been really beautiful for me recently… surprisingly, it’s a meeting. I kid you not.This is strange as my word for the year is spaciousness and the last thing I wanted was more meetings on my calendar. Anything but!And yet, three of…

Dear Unstoppable Woman,

I want to share something that’s been really beautiful for me recently… surprisingly, it’s a meeting. I kid you not.

This is strange as my word for the year is spaciousness and the last thing I wanted was more meetings on my calendar. Anything but!

And yet, three of the key principles that guide me are Truth, Beauty, and Intimacy.

I realized recently that I wasn’t intimately (or as intimately as I wanted to be) involved with my Team.

I wanted to know them better. And lead them better.

So, I instituted a 20 minute Daily Huddle (Mon-Thurs, Fridays are free days. :) 

Every day, it’s a quick, targeted check-in.

Here’s the agenda (feel free to swipe and use yourself):

  1. What’s something new and good that’s not TUW company related? (Intimacy)
  2. Stats review – we look at the move the needle business metrics as a Team so everyone knows where we stand. (Truth and transparency.)
  3. Leadership Update (More Truth and transparency) 

We start each meeting with something new and good–this could be my favorite part! I want to know the women on my Team and I realized I often am all about business. Not anymore! Every day, we find something good happening in our personal lives to celebrate. 

This last week we had a team member who lost 5lbs, one whose son learned to ride a bike, and another who is taking ASL classes. Likely, I wouldn’t have known any of this had we not been having daily huddles and celebrating non business related things! (My share for today is: TANGO LESSONS! Omg! So fun :)

Side note: Often in business we talk about conscious sales. Connecting authentically with prospective clients. I want to challenge you to also have authentic relationships with our team members as well. It doesn’t mean you will be best friends (though there are women I’m very close to on my Team), but what can happen when we invest in them authentically (read= care, giving a s_ _t) is that the TRUST goes up and they invest more authentically in our vision as well. It’s a win/win :)

Next, we review where we’re at with the business – we’re talking sales numbers, goals, marketing stats, etc. I lot of business owners are afraid to share this with their Team. I decided to pull back the curtains and treat people like adults. I figured if they knew, they’d be more invested and it’s absolutely true. Plus… energy flows where attention goes, so you want everyone focused on the key metrics.

It’s been really empowering for me to hear how smart, creative, and innovative my team is and it is really freeing to know that I don’t have to have all the answers! I have surrounded myself with people who are committed to the vision and bring brilliance to the table. (I knew, but now I know!

Lastly, is the leadership update. This is where I share any decisions that have been made, dates or timelines on new initiatives, staff changes, or updates to current initiatives. The Team LOVES THIS! They’re in the know and it keeps the communication flowing. They then ask me questions that my update sparks and that in turn saves us a ton of time clarifying in real time, rather than back and forth in Slack.  

Now, why am I telling you about these daily huddles that only take 20m?

Because sometimes it’s the things we think are limiting us that are actually bring us great freedom!

When we shift our perspective and choose how we want to experience our day, we can either be constrained and shut down or we can be loosened and set free.

I choose freedom! I hope you do too… 

What can do today that you may have resistance to but would align you with your guiding principles?

How to effectively delegate to your team

By Amira Alvarez Last year I started a new process with my team – I call it Delegate to Done.   Not only has it saved me a MINIMUM of 3 hours per project… (probably more!) It’s increased the PLEASURE I have running my business.  Outcomes have gone up. Frustration has gone down. And…

Last year I started a new process with my team – I call it Delegate to Done.  

Not only has it saved me a MINIMUM of 3 hours per project… (probably more!)

It’s increased the PLEASURE I have running my business. 

Outcomes have gone up.
Frustration has gone down.

And not just for me… but for my Team as well.

What’s not to love about that?

The Delegate-to-Done (D-to-D) Framework is all about CLARITY and COMMUNICATION. In fact this structure forces YOU to get SUPER CLEAR about all the critical aspects of a project and gives you a structured way to communicate that.

It takes me about 30 minutes of up front work to do this. You have to trust that this is worth the time. I promise you it will SAVE you time and tons of wasted effort overall. Plus, what’s the alternative?

Some brief conversation where you assume that they get it and that you’re all on the same page? Then get frustrated that they don’t?

As you’d imagine, that doesn’t work. Ask me how I know. 🙃

We have used it for projects related to initiatives around:

  • Internal SOPs 
  • Our Contracts and Payments Process
  • Social Media (multiple projects here)
  • The Podcast 
  • Client Retention
  • Metrics
  • Program Management
  • Messaging
  • Our Program Coaching
  • And more…

The best part is once I get all my thoughts out of my head and into this structure, my team knows EXACTLY what I want!  They can easily start troubleshooting how to make it happen and I don’t require a ton of touch points from me along the way. They know what success looks like because I know what success looks like.

Seems obvious but we often try to short cut this.

We are able to move faster and more efficiently with initiatives and with each of the checkpoints, I always know where the status of the project is… WHOO HOO!  Game changer :)

The D-to-D Framework requires that you get clear and identify…

  • Phased Check-In Dates
  • Ownership and Roles
  • The Problem 
  • The Outcome
  • The Impact (for Clients, Company, Team)
  • The Success Criteria

Want a copy of the full template that I use so you implement yourself?

Click here for a copy of it.


5 Key Elements Required to Lead From Your Feminine Not Your Masculine

By Amira Alvarez Leading from the feminine side refers to utilizing qualities traditionally associated with femininity, such as empathy, intuition, and collaboration, in leadership roles. It is believed that incorporating these traits can lead to a more holistic and inclusive approach to leadership and can also help balance out the traditionally dominant masculine…

Leading from the feminine side refers to utilizing qualities traditionally associated with femininity, such as empathy, intuition, and collaboration, in leadership roles. It is believed that incorporating these traits can lead to a more holistic and inclusive approach to leadership and can also help balance out the traditionally dominant masculine leadership style. By embracing the feminine aspect of oneself, individuals may be able to tap into their full potential and lead more effectively.

On this week’s episode, I will share my personal journey of discovering the power of leading from the feminine and the 5 key elements required to make it work in your own life. From career to business to relationships, learn how to activate and employ your feminine side for ultimate success. Tune in now to discover the coming together of the masculine and feminine within each of us.

Want to discover more about integrating the feminine with the masculine to create the life and business you desire? Book a call with an Unstoppable Woman coach:


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Can We Get Intimate?

By Amira Alvarez Intimacy is more than sex.Intimacy is a safe place to be transparent, vulnerable and seen. Let me connect the dots for you on this and what it means to me (and business)… Years ago when I started my business, I would have said that the impact I wanted to make…

Intimacy is more than sex.
Intimacy is a safe place to be transparent, vulnerable and seen.

Let me connect the dots for you on this and what it means to me (and business)…

Years ago when I started my business, I would have said that the impact I wanted to make was teaching women how to make more money. 

I still love doing this. Without the knowledge of how to make money, in this society, we can feel totally trapped, which is definitely antithetical to being Unstoppable.) 

Now however, my answer to this question has evolved. 

The impact I want to make now goes beyond the money. 

Now it is to create the ability for smart, driven, powerful woman to stand in their authority, unapologetically, embracing intimacy in every relationship they have (from partner to their mom to their bestie), the confidence to be seen and received in the fullness of who they are and what they desire.

In a sense, this is freedom. This is wholeness. 

Playing small, settling, tolerating, compromising, people pleasing, all play a part in creating an invisible ceiling in our lives that keeps us from reaching our goals, making the money we want to make AND experiencing deep, ecstatic intimacy. 

I’ll come back to that in a moment :)

When I started my business I was focused on the idea  that money equals freedom. The reality is quite different.  (You can make a lot of money and still feel trapped… in debt, in unhappy relationships, in guilt… you get it.)

Intimacy with myself, with others, with God/Source/Spirit… this is where real freedom comes from. 

Not having to hide, shrink or dilute my desires on any level. This is freedom.

No settling. No hiding. No small life.

To some degree, money does make reaching my desires and not settling easier. But truly, it’s who I had to become to make that money, the internal growth that had to happen, that was the game changer.  

I’m curious… 

Do you shy away from true intimacy?

Where are you not safe to be transparent?
Where are you not safe to be vulnerable?
Where are you not safe to be seen?

When we have to hide, on any level, we lose our power, strength and confidence. 

Let me say it like this…

You want to make 7 figures in your business, is that big enough? Nah… 

Let’s go with this:  you want to bring home 7 figures from your business, profit! 

Who do you share this with that will believe in you, see the possibilities with you, partner emotionally with your vision and may even be willing to put some skin in the game? 

Can you even believe it for yourself? 

Or did you immediately shut down the thought of this being a reality? 

Will you allow yourself to even desire it? Or does the playing small, hiding, settling happen inside YOU, before it ever makes it out to those around you? 

How intimate are you willing to be with yourself for your own desires? 

Who can you share this with that will champion the desire with you? A partner? Can they see it to the point of supporting you with an investment, with long hours, with nights out networking, or will they only ‘dream a little dream’ with you but not really intimately join you in the journey? 

Can you see the true freedom found in intimacy?

Have you put a ceiling on yourself? Are you allowing someone else to place a ceiling on you? A ceiling of being transparent, vulnerable and truly seen for who you are and what you desire?

Now when my desire for intimacy with myself, God or others starts to diminish it is an indicator (like the needle on the gas tank) telling me something is wrong.  

I’ve gone into smallness, scarcity, lack, ‘not enoughness.’

I see the needle dropping long before I see the outcome… an alarm happens in my soul and I know something has to change immediately.  

This is what I want for you. An uncompromised commitment to yourself, which requires intimacy,  deep connection and complete surrender to all of who you are. 

How to Stay in Continual Growth Without Taking Shortcuts: Coaching Uncut

By Amira Alvarez In this Coaching Uncut Series we take you behind the scenes and allow you to listen in to the coaching I do with clients so you can learn right along with them! All of these coaching calls have been recorded with permission from my clients. Please be aware that these…

In this Coaching Uncut Series we take you behind the scenes and allow you to listen in to the coaching I do with clients so you can learn right along with them! All of these coaching calls have been recorded with permission from my clients. Please be aware that these are not studio recordings and the sound quality may vary.

In today’s episode, we’re talking about how you can learn to face challenges with confidence… in a way that’s sustainable for you! Your growth is defined by the obstacles you overcome – but what’s even more important is how you choose to conquer them. You must figure out a solid approach to problem-solving – but it can’t be one that’s just going to leave you feeling burnt out and exhausted. What if, when a new problem was thrown your way – you rolled your eyes for 2 seconds, but then went ahead and nipped it in the bud right then? Growth will always require you to expand and change… are you going to fight that, or invite it?

What To Listen For

How to reach a sense of calm (finally!)
Keeping your momentum going – without burning out

There are no shortcuts!

How to make sure little problems don’t become big
Learning to deal with challenges in a way that works for you
Are you fighting change – or inviting opportunity?

Get Out of Your Own Way. Increase Cash Flow. Find Your Freedom.

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