You know what’s not sexy about business?

Exhaustion, indecision, not being truly seen as the brilliant, powerful woman that you are.

Master the Inner and Outer Game of Business

Recent Blog Posts

Can Your Income Really Be Unlimited?

By Amira Alvarez I work with women in all professions… whether they’re consultants, entrepreneurs, real estate agents, lawyers, or have positions in corporate… and all of them bump up against the same block: the belief that there is only so much money they’re able or capable of making. Women in corporate have this…

I work with women in all professions… whether they’re consultants, entrepreneurs, real estate agents, lawyers, or have positions in corporate… and all of them bump up against the same block: the belief that there is only so much money they’re able or capable of making.

Women in corporate have this especially, because there’s a salary involved that feels outside of their control (barring any annual raises, bonuses, or commissions of course).

Here’s what I know to be true:

  • There is an unlimited supply of money in the Universe.
  • Every single one of us has access to this unlimited supply at ALL times.
  • Calling it in requires a solid understanding of the Laws, as well as consistent practice.

The Laws work 100% of the time. If you know how to work with them properly, you’ll get exactly what you want. Every time.

But what does that mean?

Working the Laws implies action. While taking outer game actions that move the needle forward are very important, the INNER GAME work is AS important if not more important as those outer game steps.

This is the piece that many overlook, and then they wonder why it’s so hard to make money. (Hint: It’s not!)

Let’s break this down… let’s say that you have the desire to make more money, but you’re simultaneously holding the BELIEF that it’s not possible… a belief like… I can only make so much because there’s a downturn in the industry, that’s just my salary, there’s a cap on bonuses this year, I can’t take on more work, the company isn’t growing, … or whatever your thought of limitation is… that creates what’s called a double bind. You want one thing but believe another thing. This is no good. ;-)

Spirit responds to clear directives, not wishy-washy, contradictory, double binding requests.

So, how do you get out of your own way?

One of my corporate clients Allie is a great example how to do this…

Allie was consulting in the oil and gas industry, which is known to be a conservative industry… but she wanted more than what she was receiving in her consulting business.

After running her consulting company for a while, and not having a huge amount of success, she started working with me and we dove into what she really wanted.   We unpacked the stories, she got super clear and released the double-binding messages.

One of her biggest blocks that was causing a double bine was a scarcity mindset.

She believed that her consulting business wasn’t doing well because the industry was experiencing a downturn and there was “no business out there.”

So I asked her, “are there people making money in the industry right now?”

To which the answer, of course, was YES.

Because there is always money available to us. Always.

When she was able to shift the INNER GAME energy from scarcity and believing that it was possible to make more money… she landed one of the best jobs and 10x her income.

And the best part?

That opportunity had been there the whole time! For at least 6 months. She was just refusing to see it… because of her double bind block!

Did you read that?

She created a 10x quantum leap in her income. From an opportunity that had been there all along.

The Laws work 100% of the time.

Are you ready to actually see what’s blocking you, clear those double binding messages, and unlimit your income? It’s time to accelerate your income and your life!

Get the keys to applying Universal Law and a step-by-step manifestation process. It works 100% of the time, if you work it properly.

I look forward to sharing this with you :-)



What Does “Having It All” Even Mean?

By Amira Alvarez What does “having it all” even mean? It’s something that’s dangled in front of us so frequently through marketing that at times it’s lost all meaning. It’s empty… hollow… even annoying, isn’t it? But I really want to know… what does “having it all” mean to YOU? That’s why it…

What does “having it all” even mean?

It’s something that’s dangled in front of us so frequently through marketing that at times it’s lost all meaning. It’s empty… hollow… even annoying, isn’t it?

But I really want to know… what does “having it all” mean to YOU?

That’s why it can be hollow and empty when we hear it… because it’s impossible to paint a picture of what having it all even means without getting specific. And you can’t get specific if you’re not talking specifically to one person about their life, relationships, finances, work, and health.

So, let’s you and I have a conversation about it.

One of the reasons it’s so hard for us to define it, is because deep down, we don’t believe it’s possible… or we’re bumping up against some kind of belief that says, “be realistic” and “just be happy with what you have.” Or, “who do you think you are to go for so much more?!”

Worse yet, we believe there’s a limit to how much we can have… whether that’s breaking through our current income ceiling (especially if you’re already working a TON of hours in your business or if you’re in corporate and have a salary)… having GREAT sex and a relationship that feels truly fulfilling… feeling truly support by and in sync with Spirit and being regularly divinely guided… or having our BIG JUICY DESIRES come to life (and yes, I’m talking about the material things as well… like buying that vacation home, traveling the world, getting the new car, having the beautiful wardrobe, etc).

What if I told you that “having it all” was actually just having NO LIMITS?

Painting a clear picture of ALL that you want in ALL areas of your life is an important step in the process… the first step actually… but actually HAVING IT ALL is about DECIDING and ACTING in very specific ways.

It’s about inner game shifts and outer game steps.

What those are is specific to YOU and what YOU desire to create in your life.

But you have to be willing to CLAIM IT FULLY FIRST.

What does having it all mean to you?

Check out this heartfelt message I recorded for you about claiming your desires.

I can’t wait to hear :-)


There’s No Such Thing As LUCK

By Amira Alvarez Held in beautiful Vermont, my Spirit of Wealth Mastermind group met for our final retreat of the year. The fall colors were beginning to pop, and our location couldn’t have been more perfect for the work we were doing together! All these women, whether entrepreneurs or working in corporate… whether…

Held in beautiful Vermont, my Spirit of Wealth Mastermind group met for our final retreat of the year. The fall colors were beginning to pop, and our location couldn’t have been more perfect for the work we were doing together!

All these women, whether entrepreneurs or working in corporate… whether introverted or extroverted… whether going for their 6 or 7-figure goal, or a life goal… have one thing in common… they’re going after what they want and they’re committed to it!

They are willing to do both the inner and outer game work and they’re learning that it’s not a random universe that we live in… success is not a roll of the dice. Nobody is just “lucky.”

In fact, telling yourself that is a way to let yourself off the hook from stepping up in your life. You do actually have to put specific causes into effect. This is part of the Manifestation Process.

I want to share a story about one of the women in the group…

This particular woman deeply desired an apartment on the upper east side of New York. She knew EXACTLY what she wanted… right down to how many bedrooms and bathrooms, what it looked like, even the street she and her family would live on.

But she had a lot of doubt.

  • “I can’t afford it.”
  • “Having that apartment is impossible.”
  • “Who do I think I am to go after a place like that?”

So I asked her the all important question… do you or do you not want it?

While the first step is KNOWING what you want, the all-important, often overlooked second step is to DECIDE that it’s happening.

You have to claim your desire and decide emphatically, “Yes, this is happening!”And when you DECIDE, what comes next? ACTION.

I told her to go look at apartments… not just online, but also IN-PERSON. And to take it a step further, putting the wheels in motion, call the broker! Start the conversations that need to happen and actually start shopping for that apartment of your dreams.

And you know what happened?

She manifested the apartment of her dreams, right down to the street, and she’s going to be moving in with her family very, very soon!And this happened in a matter of months, after years of dreaming!

But do you know what she thought? She thought it was a fluke. That she just got “lucky.”

That’s a pretty common reaction when the process works for something BIG the first time. But this process of calling in EXACTLY what you desire is REPEATABLE. It works by the Laws of the Universe.

So, the first time you think it’s a fluke…

The second time you think, maybe it’s not a fluke…

And by the third, fourth, fifth time and beyond, you KNOW that you’re UNSTOPPABLE because you understand the manifestation process and how to work it properly every time.

But you have to DESIRE, DECIDE and ACT.

You see, becoming truly unstoppable isn’t only about making money… it’s also about how you step into more in ALL areas of your life.

What do you want, NAME?

What does being truly UNSTOPPABLE in your life and work mean to you?

Have you DECIDED?

 Learn this manifestation process! Don’t worry about the how. How you’ll make it work, how you’ll get there, how it will lead you to having what you desire in ALL areas of your life… that’s bypassing the all-important, often overlooked step of DECISION.

You have to DECIDE, and take that first ACTION on that decision…then all the next steps appear.

I promise that if you that the manifestation process works 100% of the time… if you work it properly.

Take this first step.


Are You Overlooking This One Area?

By Amira Alvarez Have you ever been on an inspiring training call or attended an event that left you feeling incredibly motivated, only to return home and have absolutely NOTHING change? This happens when we don’t address our ENVIRONMENT. It’s not enough to learn the new things or to become inspired… you have…

Have you ever been on an inspiring training call or attended an event that left you feeling incredibly motivated, only to return home and have absolutely NOTHING change?

This happens when we don’t address our ENVIRONMENT.

It’s not enough to learn the new things or to become inspired… you have to take the ACTIONS that move the needle… do the INNER GAME work of shifting your mindset and get leverage over your subconscious blocks and beliefs… all while also creating any necessary changes to your environment so that you’re FULLY SUPPORTED in becoming unstoppable.

I want you to ask yourself…

  • Are you surrounded by like-minded women with the same level of drive as you?
  • Do you learn from people who have done what you want to do?
  • Do you feel confident and clear around your family, friends, and loved ones?
  • Does your team rally behind your vision and commit to making it happen?
  • Or are you constantly shrinking, hiding, and dumbing your desires down?
  • Are you choosing to be “realistic” and “practical” so that others feel comfortable?

When you immerse yourself in an environment that FULLY supports you being who you truly are and going for MORE in all areas of your life and work… it accelerates everything.

  • You’re not wasting time and energy defending your desires.
  • You’re not having to explain yourself.
  • You’re able to get support when you need it.
  • You’re inspired regularly by the people around you to keep doing the work.
  • You’re constantly reminded of what’s possible for you if you keep showing up.

YOU are a powerhouse, too.

YOU are already going for more, just by being here with me.

YOU are doing important work in the world.

But are YOU committed to becoming unstoppable?


Persistence Despite The ‘No’

By Amira Alvarez I had an “issue” in the hotel I’m staying at– I wanted something seemingly simple and I got a ‘no’. Do you ever get frustrated when you hear people say, "no, that’s not possible” or “no, you can't do that or have that"? It's one of those things that drives…

I had an “issue” in the hotel I’m staying at– I wanted something seemingly simple and I got a ‘no’.

Do you ever get frustrated when you hear people say, “no, that’s not possible” or “no, you can’t do that or have that”?

It’s one of those things that drives me crazy.

Of course, you can do that.

Part of it is of course that… I just want what I want. Don’t tell me ‘no.’ ;-)

But really? The lack of initiative makes me crazy. The stopping and the giving up on the first try. The just saying ‘no’ out of a habit of not really thinking creatively or problem-solving.

So I ask again. And this time the Operations Manager is there and he says, “I’ll take care of it.” He has an idea. He knows exactly what to do. Initiative and it’s taken care of. In 5 minutes. Thank you!

This happens all the time in life and business… not just in hotels. ;-)

Someone says, ‘no’ and we stop asking. We believe the ‘no.’  (Don’t believe it. You can have what you want if you really want it.)

Something happens that seems insurmountable and we stop.

But your current circumstances are simply a reflection of past causes you’ve put into effect.

Want different results? Put a different cause into effect…

But don’t stop.

  • That won’t get you what you want.
  • You can’t stop asking.
  • You can’t stop seeking.
  • You can’t stop knocking.

Persist despite the no and you’ll eventually get a yes.

This is part of learning to Be UNSTOPPABLE. But there is so much more to it as well!



Why “Can I afford it?” Is One Of The Worst Questions To Ask If You Want To Make More Money

By Amira Alvarez Does every buying decision you make start with the thought… How much is it? and Can I afford it? Do you stop short of buying what you want, because there’s a voice in your head saying “that’s frivolous or irresponsible, you can’t afford that!”? Do you hem and haw and…

Does every buying decision you make start with the thought… How much is it? and Can I afford it?

Do you stop short of buying what you want, because there’s a voice in your head saying “that’s frivolous or irresponsible, you can’t afford that!”?

Do you hem and haw and take forever to decide whether to purchase something?

I used to do this all the time. I used to make my life and business decisions based on whether or not I could afford something. I always made it a money decision.

I may have wanted the beautiful clothes, the private car, the high-end photoshoot, or the top-notch professionals on my team… but I didn’t feel like it was practical. And certainly thought I couldn’t afford it. Heck, at the time, I didn’t even think I could afford a manicure!

This is how so many women operate, thinking they’re being realistic and will do the bigger, better, more aligned things (whatever they are for you) once they’re ALREADY making more money and can afford it… but that’s not how the Spirit/Source/The Universe works.

The Universe gives you exactly the money that you expect for yourself.

Deciding you can’t afford, means you don’t expect the money. You expect to stay exactly where you are.

I know this goes against everything that you were probably brought up to believe about how money functions, how to be responsible in this life, and how to get ahead. (Budget, budget, budget. Save, save, save. One day, I’ll get there.)

Let me be clear, this isn’t about spending frivolously and buying a private jet when you make $50k. ;-)

You have to start from where you are… and you also have to do the work.

For me, this meant flying first class when I “couldn’t afford to fly first class.” It stretched me so much! And for a long time, I was completely resistant to it… because I couldn’t afford it!

But then I took that leap of faith…

I bought that first First Class ticket, and OMG, what that demanded of me! I had to face so much and do so much inner and outer game work.

It was a BIG growth edge challenge, but in pushing that edge I learned a huge lesson about what moves money into your life.

And I’d love to teach you this and shorten your learning curve… so that you can make the income and money that you want and deserve.

When I did this I had to do the inner game work with all the blocks and beliefs that came up because of it. I had to release so many of the old beliefs about money (and self-worth) in order to step into the woman I wanted to be… but I couldn’t just “act as if,” I had to shift my mindset and my beliefs and hold space for what I truly desired… and take bold new outer game actions in my business as well.

The inner game and the outer game go hand-in-hand.

But what came first was a true leap of faith– and prove to myself and the Universe that I had made the decision to have what I desire… by showing up as that woman in the NOW.
