You want to hire that expert, sign up for that training, or go to that event.
You want to invest in new software or attract that next-level team member with a bigger comp package.
Or maybe you want to invest in infrastructure like the client in the coaching dialogue we’re highlighting today.
Whatever it is, you know that you need to invest in order to level up.
Yet, the truth is… sometimes your CASH POOR, the funds are allocated for something else, or you’re just uncertain about future cash flow.
You sit there pondering… Is making this investment an act of staking a claim for abundance and growth? Or is this just going to stress me out beyond my comfort level?
Listen into this coaching dialogue where we cover the practicalities and the nuances of making these kinds of decisions even when you’re running a multiple million dollar business… plus, I share my story of how this has changed for me over the years.