All posts by Tiffany Johnson

[Case Study] She went from $45k to $534k

By Amira Alvarez Do you want to know why most people don't make a quantum leap in income? It's not because they're not smart enough... Or that they don't work hard enough... Or even because they don't have the right business plan... though all of those things help! It's because when you're going…

Do you want to know why most people don’t make a quantum leap in income?

It’s not because they’re not smart enough

Or that they don’t work hard enough

Or even because they don’t have the right business plan… though all of those things help!

It’s because when you’re going for more… a lot more… you’re going to hit the terror barrier.

The terror barrier comes up when you start taking the steps that really, really, really push you out of your comfort zone… and if you’re not prepared with knowledge, support, and community… it will stop you… every time.

To explain, let me use my client Allison* as an example…

Allison is a landscape designer and when we started working together her average contract that she would go after was between $40,000 and $50,000.

But then, opportunities started opening up and she went for a $534k contract… AND GOT IT! This was huge!

But almost immediately the proverbial s— hit the fan. Things started blowing up left and right. There were issues with her team, finding the right people for the job… everything felt like it was going to be too much for her to handle.

It’s NOT that she couldn’t handle it….

It’s that it felt like it was going to be too much. Her emotions got hold of her and threw her into DAILY ups and downs of intense fear, doubt, worry… and SHAME.

Can I really do this? Am I going to be outed as a fraud? Are they going to come after me? Was her worst nightmare of being not good enough going to be realized?

She started to experience intense anxiety, she couldn’t sleep and was having a hard time functioning. In her own words… “It flattened her.”

See… this situation triggered a very old story about her father… a story that she thought that she had worked through long ago in therapy…

This is what the subconscious mind does in order to stop you when you’re really going for more… like when you’re going for 11x more than what you went for before… like going from a $45k contract to a half million dollar contract…

It grabs onto the most intense story… the one that makes you feel the most shame… and it triggers that…

Because god forbid you go for more and actualize on your dreams… your potential… what you want.

What was happening here was that Allison wasn’t just moving through what she called her “daddy story” by talking through what happened in the past with her father…

She was actually TAKING ACTION that proved that she was done with being the little girl in that story…

She was taking action that directly countered the subconscious beliefs about herself that she had held for so many years.

Your subconscious programming DOES NOT LIKE IT when you do this– it thinks you’re going to die when you do this– so it tries to stop you by throwing up intense, mind f—king emotions. THIS IS THE TERROR BARRIER.

And if you don’t know The Laws of Success

And you don’t have the support you need…

You’ll stop at that barrier… and turn right around. You won’t move through it. You’ll never get to the other side… because it’s just too intense. It will stop you and you’ll keep playing small… thinking that you just can’t do it.

But once you’re on the other side of this, you never go back.

Allison got to the other side.

Now she’s going after even bigger contracts… over $1 million… over $2 million…

She’s on her way to being a $5 million dollar company.

This is how it works… you can move through your blocks and quantum leap your business very quickly in fact… if you want to… and if you get help to stay the course.

Does it take work? Will there be those emotional blocks?

Yes and yes.

But when you do the work and take the action, your self-esteem rises– you can listen to the in-depth discussion of this in video 2 of the no-cost training Cracking the Code to Income Generation Using the Laws of Success.

You can get that here:

And when your self-esteem rises… so does your ability to receive more!

And this is exactly what happened for Allison… she moved to a whole new level of Self-Worth and she quantum leaped her business.

If you want to Quantum Leap your business… and go from where you are now to playing at a much bigger level… you need to understand and live the Law of Self-Worth.

Start with this training now.




PS.  I invite you to stand in your power with no apologies and bring all of YOU to the world in a bigger way. Start now. This is so important. This is how you get the wholeness, peace, and joy that you really want.  Contact my team today!


Live The Laws Of Success: Case Study

By Amira Alvarez The thing about the Laws of Success is that they always work when you work them. They are like a recipe, that when you follow them properly––when you LIVE THEM daily––they work...100% of the time, no exceptions... And this is what my client Mara did... and I'm going to use…

The thing about the Laws of Success is that they always work when you work them.

They are like a recipe, that when you follow them properly––when you LIVE THEM daily––they work…100% of the time, no exceptions…

And this is what my client Mara did… and I’m going to use her as a case study to show you how…

The Law of Resentment,…
The Law of Self-Worth, and…
The Law of More Life


These are Laws that I discuss in-depth in my FREE training on Cracking the Code of Income Generation Using the Laws of Success.
You can get that here:

Mara runs a marketing and communication business that serves non-profit and arts organizations.

She was burnt out on her business, she didn’t like it anymore, and it certainly wasn’t bringing in the kind of money she wanted.

She had a deeply embedded story that she was telling herself that “non-profits don’t pay” and this was exactly what was materializing for her… they weren’t paying and she was struggling to make money.

In fact, they were asking a lot of her for very little money. She was constantly running around, doing extras, trying to prove the value of what they were getting.

The advice that I gave her was to start loving her business again… step out of the resentment, take responsibility for your attitude and turn this around. Love your business again NOW… not after it has proven itself to you.

Then we looked at the Self-Worth piece… step-by-step… and unraveled that. At first, she fought me on that and only wanted to talk about the concrete, outer game pieces of her business.

But here’s the thing… she couldn’t see all the benefits she was providing her clients and she couldn’t take the action required to grow her business because she didn’t value herself enough. It was a giant blind spot for her.

Once we unraveled the Self-Worth issues… it was like a giant boulder lifted…

Not only is her business now cash-flowing… She’s making 60-70% more!!

Moreover, because she’s gotten out of her own way, gotten out of resentment and raised her level of self-worth, she’s been able to hire better and insist on a higher standard of training for her team, so her business is practically running itself now. 

She now only spends an hour or two in the office and is home overseeing the renovation of her home. “Suddenly”… she doesn’t hate her company so much anymore. ;-)

It’s cash flowing. The non-profits are paying her top fees and she loves serving them at the highest level.

Plus, she’s owned one of her true desires… being a writer… and she’s written 3 children’s books and 2 coffee table books in the span of only a few months.


When she took the steps she needed to, did her growth work, claimed her desires, and didn’t fight her ‘more life’ directive… everything opened up for her.

This is how you step into… “making money is easy.”


PS: I invite you to stand in your power with no apologies and bring all of YOU to the world in a bigger way. Start now. This is so important. This is how you get the wholeness, peace, and joy that you really want.  Contact my team today!

I Still Get Schooled

By Amira Alvarez I'm entitling this post... "I still get schooled." ;-) I want to talk about my transition from DIYing everything to getting help... because it's an ongoing evolution... STILL. I coach on this all the time... actually taking the steps to get help in your business ALL the time no matter what…

I’m entitling this post… “I still get schooled.” ;-)

I want to talk about my transition from DIYing everything to getting help… because it’s an ongoing evolution… STILL.

I coach on this all the time… actually taking the steps to get help in your business ALL the time no matter what level you’re at.

Hiring team, then continuing to hire, expanding hours, adding experts and contractors, coaches, home support like personal chefs, cleaning services, etc… and continuing to expand what help you ask for.

For me, this happens almost every day in my business with my assistant. See… I’m all about rapid growth… so anytime and every time I see something she can do for me, I hand it off.

I don’t think… “can I afford it?” I just do it. I used to… but I had to teach myself that this is how you expand. BUT here’s the thing… you then have to fill this time with money generating activities. Them’s the rub. ;-)

Okay, circling back… I continue to expand what I ask her for help on…

The funny thing is… ALL THAT STUFF that I’m handing off to her today? It was here yesterday but I didn’t see it.

I wasn’t ready to see it, but it was there. You need to do the growth, to see the opportunity. It’s always here. You’re just not aware of it. (Noodle on that for awhile.)

Now there’s another kind of help I get in my business… I get my own mentoring, which is an “of course” for anyone who is on a path to scaling their business rapidly.

I just went to my coach yesterday thinking… everything is peachy, I’m not sure why I’m even here, la-dee-da. And you know what… I got schooled… in the best possible way. THERE IS ALWAYS MORE GROWTH. You always have blind spots. There are always opportunities you need to grow into seeing.

I mention this because I often see people say… “I’m all good now,” and think that’s an indication that you don’t need help. It’s not… if you want to make rapid growth. There are more opportunities everywhere… you just can’t see them. ;-)


PS: Grab my no-cost training on the Laws of Success and what you need to know to crack the code of income generation… this will help you see the opportunities that are right in front of you but that you need to grow into to see. Click here to get it.

If You’re Doing This, You’re Stopping Your Money Flow

By Amira Alvarez A lot of people resist upleveling their wealth experience. Sounds odd, doesn’t it? Consciously you want a nicer life, the ability to buy what you want, a few more luxuries here and there… And you certainly want to be free of money worries, like worrying about paying your bills, or…

A lot of people resist upleveling their wealth experience.

Sounds odd, doesn’t it?

Consciously you want a nicer life, the ability to buy what you want, a few more luxuries here and there…

And you certainly want to be free of money worries, like worrying about paying your bills, or having enough for you and your family now and into the future.

But did you know that you can make a ton of money and still worry about money? I speak to women all the time who have this experience.

They are entrepreneurs, women in business for themselves, and even women at high levels in corporations… making high 6-figures and over 7-figures and they’re worried about money.

Now, why is that? Given that they are making more than the average Joe?

You could answer this in a very practical way and say, well it must be because their spending outweighs their earning potential and savings. That’s sometimes the case… but rarely… in fact, 98% of the time that’s not the case. (And I speak to a lot of women who fit this scenario.)

The TRUTH is…

It’s a habit of worry. It’s a BELIEF that they have to worry. It’s an unconscious, yet firmly rooted family loyalty pact that says that they have to worry about money… that’s just what we do.

It’s programmed into your DNA and supported by the culture at large. How many people do you know who don’t worry about money?

Think about it…

It’s culturally accepted and even encouraged to worry about…

  • Paying your bills.
  • Your kids college educations.
  • How much groceries cost.
  • Whether you’re spending too much on that bottle of wine or dinner.
  • The price of that new car.
  • To buy that or not to buy that.

And it’s the same in your business. You worry about spending money on…

  • New hires and building team.
  • Software and hardware to make your workflow better.
  • Business or executive coaching.
  • Advertising and marketing campaigns.
  • Booking the event space.
  • To buy that or not to buy that….

Now, I know, you’re probably saying… “But I have to worry, Amira. I don’t have enough.” Or, “Amira, isn’t it prudent to worry about the money flow and how much I’m spending?

And that’s where you go wrong.

See the Law of Compensation says… “when you become too large for your present place you will begin to draw yourself to something larger; you cannot attract the better until you first become larger.”

This is hugely important. So let’s break this down, but first two caveats…

  • This is only a part of the Law of Compensation–a critical part yes, but it mustn’t be taken alone. There’s so much to it.
  • This is only one of the Laws of Success (otherwise known as the Laws of the Universe). Again, not to be taken alone. You must raise your consciousness to all of them and work your life and business with them all in mind.

This section of the Law of Compensation says: that in order for you to receive more you must grow your requirements, your needs, and yourself. You must expand and when you do, your needs are met (compensated) at that level. (Go with me here…)

How do you do this?

By raising your standards for yourself.

And how do you do raise your standards?

By using your money on the things in your life and business that you desire without worry. (Worry is a giant stop-sign for the Universe and will completely block your flow.)

You uplevel your experience of life. You use your money to raise your standards for yourself.

I suggest you start incrementally from wherever you’re at…

For me, it started a few years ago by paying for something that felt frivolous to me at the time… a blowout. Not a haircut, but a blowout. It felt so indulgent! But you know what? I didn’t die. In fact, I felt so pretty and put together, so “OMG, is this really me?” and absolutely delighted… never going back.

Now, this means flying First Class and purchasing my clothes at Neimans. (For some reason, shopping at Neimans is more of a stretch for me… but I’m embracing that stretch.)

In business, a good example of this is hiring team. Hiring your first assistant or contractor, then your next and your next… you are spending money, this is increasing your need level, and this actually allows more money to come to you.

Don’t worry…

It’s not one-to-one… you’re not going to be using as much money as you receive… if you put the other Laws into effect at the same time.

But if you want to uplevel your wealth experience, if you want to receive more money… you’ve got to get good with upleveling how you use money… and this means actually doing it, increasingly over time, and without worry.

It means focusing on your work, what you’re giving and producing, and the receiving side, and not on the… “If I spend that, will I have enough?” side.

It’s about raising your standards of how you live and work.

And this is REALLY hard for most women.

We’re taught to sacrifice. We’re taught to give to others first, to put our needs and desires last or later, to not ask for too much. We’re taught to be good little girls. (F– that!)

This is your one life! Let’s live it full out… NOW!


PS: I invite you to stand in your power with no apologies and bring all of YOU to the world in a bigger way. Start now. This is so important. This is how you get the wholeness, peace, and joy that you really want.  Contact my team today!





It’s Called The Master Key To The Universe

By Amira Alvarez Over the years I bet you've heard a lot about creating a gratitude practice for yourself. It's pretty much a standard tool now in the personal development world. There's good reason... It's called the master key to unlocking the power of Universe. I didn’t always understand this. If I’m honest,…

Over the years I bet you’ve heard a lot about creating a gratitude practice for yourself. It’s pretty much a standard tool now in the personal development world.

There’s good reason…

It’s called the master key to unlocking the power of Universe.

I didn’t always understand this.

If I’m honest, I used to do my gratitude practice as a bit of an obligation… “Okay, I’ll do it… ‘cause you told me it was important.”

I was clearly missing the point and I’m not too big to admit this.

I really didn’t get it and therefore it really didn’t work for me.

But everything changed when I started to do two things…

The first was when I started to be grateful for things IN ADVANCE of them happening. This was HUGE.

I’m so grateful now that xyz has happened.

Using this phrasing would instantly put me into a state where I was visualizing and feeling the excitement of having received or achieved what I wanted. THIS I could get behind!

I could feel this gratitude and I could feel how it instantly raised my vibration. I felt better immediately and this lead to all sorts of momentum in my life and business.

The second big shift was when I taught myself to be grateful for ANY LESSON I needed to learn. This was a bit harder to grasp, but so worth it.

Once I understood that ANY situation in which I was feeling disappointment, frustration, blame, or anything negative was simply an indication that I was needing to go to the next level of awareness in my life… that I needed to learn a lesson and grow… THEN I could find gratitude.

I taught myself to be grateful for this awareness of what I needed to learn and how I needed to grow a-a-and… the very act of doing this allowed me to grow.

This is BIG one and will transform your life and your business if you apply it consistently.

So in honor of this Thanksgiving Holiday week… I encourage you to give thanks in advance and find gratitude in “the growth opportunities.”

This last one is particularly handy if you get triggered by your crazy Uncle Joe. ;-)

Thank you for being in my tribe.



PS: Come play with me on Facebook… You’ll find that I post short and sweet, thought-provoking, business building questions, as well as more elaborate “essays” exploring ideas that are essential to building your business.

What do you need right now in your life?

By Amira Alvarez Growth can be exciting, but sometimes it's also really stressful. So how do you deal with the stress when it arises? That was a recent question in one of our Facebook groups: "I've been going through so much growth and upleveling that I'm even though I'm excited, I'm also stressed…

Growth can be exciting, but sometimes it’s also really stressful. So how do you deal with the stress when it arises? That was a recent question in one of our Facebook groups:

“I’ve been going through so much growth and upleveling that I’m even though I’m excited, I’m also stressed and exhausted. How do I deal with all of this?”

It’s actually quite simple… LOVE WHO YOU ARE, as you are now. Warts and all.

First off, have zero judgment. Zero shame. You’re just tired. You’ve pushed past your limits and you’re tired. All is good. No shame in that. It happens to all of us.

Acceptance is key.

Accept yourself, just as you are.
Love yourself, just as you are.

And most importantly, recalibrate.

Get sleep. Get rest. We all need it, and it’s non-negotiable. On an average, try to get 8 – 9 hours a night. If I slip below this one day, I’m good. But more than that and I start getting irritated, short, frayed, angry, etc.  

Which are all repelling states to growing our business. They make us hugely unproductive and drop our energy into states that aren’t conducive to createing what we want.

Create space and time, and ask yourself: What is it that I need right now?  

A nap? A bath? A good movie? Yoga? Staring at the ceiling? Time alone?

You have to get in the habit and routine of giving yourself what you need, because each time you up level SIGNIFICANTLY you will need to recalibrate. Again and again. It’s an essential and unavoidable part of growth and making your quantum leap.

The sooner you recognize this need and make space for it, the better.

Remember… nothing’s broken. All is good. ;-)
