All posts by Tiffany Johnson

How I Moved Past the Big Boulder in My Path

By Amira Alvarez When you're running your own business, sometimes it can feel like there's a giant boulder standing in your way. It often happens when you've been moving forward, feeling awesome, getting a ton done, and then WHAMMO... GIANT BOULDER. (Where did that come from???) And this boulder (aka, block, obstacle, issue)…

When you’re running your own business, sometimes it can feel like there’s a giant boulder standing in your way. It often happens when you’ve been moving forward, feeling awesome, getting a ton done, and then WHAMMO… GIANT BOULDER. (Where did that come from???)

And this boulder (aka, block, obstacle, issue) doesn’t seem to want to budge.

You keep pushing and pushing but NOPE, that boulder isn’t going anywhere.

You know you’ve hit a boulder when work feels like a grind, your body starts complaining loudly, and all inspiration has vanished completely.

This happened to me one recent afternoon when my boulder came in the form of a MIGRAINE. I don’t get them often, usually once a month related to a change in my hormones. (In truth, even this is way too often, right?)

At some point in the afternoon, I realized that ALL MY FLOW had stopped. I wasn’t getting anywhere and I was grinding it out (I HATE GRINDING IT OUT).

So what did I do?

I stopped, just like that. (You can do this too. ;-)

Because continuing to grind it out is NOT productive, NOT efficient, and NOT good for either me or my clients.

I wrapped the last thing up and took a nap. But when I woke up, my headache was still there. No miracle.

I could feel myself getting annoyed and going down the rabbit hole of…“Why is this happening? I have so much to do, I just want to GO…. this means everything is going to hell in a handbasket, all my projects are going to fail, I’m really screwed.”

Whoa nelly – THIS IS NOT GREAT LINE OF THOUGHT. And yet, that’s where we tend to automatically go when things aren’t going how we want them to.

I stopped that nonsense the second I noticed it. (If you don’t have a copy of “Stop Your Spinout” my quickie guide to turning around this kind of thinking, grab it here. It’s short, powerful, and really helps in these situations.)

I TLC’d myself for the rest of the evening and went to bed.

This is the Law of Non-Resistance at play. I didn’t keep pushing against that boulder. I took the hint and I stopped resisting what was happening.

If you’ve got a boulder in front of you, whatever it looks like, know that…

1) Your inspiration will come back. It always does.

2) Your business won’t collapse. Things really can wait.

3) Resting is not avoidance unless it is. I was back at it again the next day. You’ll know the difference.

The Law of Non-Resistance is one of the most powerful laws.

The way to use it?

Ask yourself… what are you resisting?


“I’m getting inconsistent results. What do I do?”

By Amira Alvarez "I'm getting inconsistent results. What do I do?" You show up consistently. (That's the short answer.) Here's why... It's the Law of Cause and Effect. What's the Cause in this situation?  YOU. Your thoughts, your decisions, and your actions are how you show up and determine what shows up for…

“I’m getting inconsistent results. What do I do?”

You show up consistently. (That’s the short answer.)

Here’s why…

It’s the Law of Cause and Effect.

What’s the Cause in this situation? 


Your thoughts, your decisions, and your actions are how you show up and determine what shows up for you.

If you plant corn, hoping for wheat… you’re still going to get corn. There’s no getting around that. You can hope and dream as much as you want… but if you’re planting corn, you’ll get corn. This is the Law of Cause and Effect. The seed of corn will always grow into the plant of corn.

Same thing with your business…

If you’re hiding out or not taking action and hoping for a thriving business, you’re going to get the results of hiding out and not taking action… not what you’re hoping for. There’s no getting around this.

If you’re getting inconsistent results, like sporadic clients, contracts, or sales… then we know what the cause is… inconsistent thinking, inconsistent decisions, inconsistent actions. You’re not showing up consistently the right way in your business.

There’s power in showing up consistently. It works. And it’s an essential part of making a quantum leap in income as well as in ease. Let me be clear… it doesn’t have to be the grind-it-out style of showing up, but you do have to show up.

Don’t make an excuse (because this is where you’ll want to).

Every business, at every stage and level, has the potential to grow even more… that is, if you get out of the way and allow for more.

Take an honest look at where you could show up more consistently in your business.

If you start coming up with a story, like… I can’t handle any more business right now; I’ve grown enough for right now; My family will suffer if my business grows any faster; I’ll be overwhelmed if I grow too quickly…” then those are the results you’re going to continue creating. And I know that’s not what you want.

Name it, but do something about it.

Don’t stay stuck.

Staying stuck is a CHOICE. So choose something different and you’ll begin to see different results in your business that match that choice.


What would you like people to know about…

By Amira Alvarez What would you like people to know about... A) You, because you are your brand. B) Your products or services. C) The benefits of your product and services. D) The intangibles – customer service, quality, reputation. I'm not looking for well-crafted messages. Don't get hung up on making it all…

What would you like people to know about…

A) You, because you are your brand.

B) Your products or services.

C) The benefits of your product and services.

D) The intangibles – customer service, quality, reputation.

I’m not looking for well-crafted messages.

Don’t get hung up on making it all fit into one freaking sentence with a bow on top.

The one sentence “or die” thing is one of my biggest bugaboos. It hangs people up for hours, even days… sometimes even keeps them from talking about their business at all.

Sure, the process provides clarity. It gets you thinking and really honing in on what you do and the benefits of it. That is good, I’ll give you that.

But really? It’s a rare, rare, rare case when you have to speak or even write like that.

In fact, when I’m at an event and someone parrots off their one line introduction, most of the time it feels so off. (Even if it’s well crafted.)

Want to know why?

Because it’s devoid of life.

It’s not how people talk to each other. It’s not real. There’s no place to land. Even though that’s exactly what the person is trying to do… give us a place to land, to connect to them and their business.

You have to have REAL conversations.

Talk like a person to another person.

Come up with your MESSAGE. (Yes! A thousand times yes!) Which you will say in lots of different ways. Which you will continually breathe life into each time you say it.

Don’t make things hard on yourself. Just say what you really mean.

With that in mind, and without going through a huge polishing process, what do you really want people to know about one or all of the following… just let it rip!

A) You, because you are your brand.

B) Your products or services.

C) The benefits of your product and services.

D) The intangibles – customer service, quality, reputation.

Want some practice sharing what you really mean?
Head on over and join me at The Posse.

I cannot wait to hear what you say. 


What does action have to do with self-care?

By Amira Alvarez "What does showing up have to do with self-care?" Do you ever wonder why you need self-care in the first place? I'll tell you why... Have you noticed that every time you go after your next big goal... it stretches you? That's because going after what we want requires internal…

“What does showing up have to do with self-care?”

Do you ever wonder why you need self-care in the first place?

I’ll tell you why…

Have you noticed that every time you go after your next big goal… it stretches you? That’s because going after what we want requires internal growth to create outer growth, which means you’re on your growth edge a lot!

I don’t care what the goal is, nor do I care whether you’re just starting out or have been at this for years… there is always tension in the growth! You’re expanding, and that means your mental and emotional fortitude is going to be tested and pushed.

It’s just a part of the process, so:
Expect the tension that comes along with it.

This is a reflection of the dissonance between who you’ve been (how you’ve been showing up and behaving on both the inside and outside) and who you’ve stepped into becoming the moment you claimed your goal or desire.

Let me explain…

The moment you say you want something that you’ve yet to have or experience–the moment you have the desire clearly as a thought–it is now a part of you.

Yet, in order to actualize that desire, you need to become the person who’s capable of having it.

Here’s the rub… you’re still over here, being the “old you.”

You’re not yet that person who has it.

You haven’t yet fully become her.

There’s a huge gap and you need to transverse it. It’s this gap that’s painful.

So what do you do?

Most people have a ton of self-care tools at their disposal. Use them, definitely.

But the best self-care tool? Showing up.

Every time you grow you have to show up on a new level. Start doing that. Now. It’ll make things so much easier in the long run, but it’ll feel hard in the moment. Don’t let that fool you.

The longer you delay this, the longer you stay in the patterns and behaviors of the “old you,” the longer the tension lasts (i.e. frustration, pain, emotional upheaval, spinout, etc).

The best self-care is recognizing who you need to be to have what you want and to begin showing up as this women RIGHT NOW.

You step into being her, by taking action as her.

This closes the gap between the “old you” and who you need to step into being in order to have what you desire. And when that happens, not only will you actualize what you want, but the tension will dissipate. (Until your next growth phase!)

Showing up for yourself then becomes a form of self-care, because it effectively recalibrates who you are, closes the gap, and dissipates the tension…

And this then allows you the ENERGY, spirit, and wherewithal to go for more, which means you CAN and WILL break through your income barrier.



Unleash Your Money Making Abilities

By Amira Alvarez You want to make more money, yes? And yet there are times (perhaps more often than you even recognize) when you're telling yourself it’s a drag… saying things like... “It’s hard! And I don’t wanna do it.” I sometimes even hear this from my clients who have broken through the…

You want to make more money, yes? And yet there are times (perhaps more often than you even recognize) when you’re telling yourself it’s a drag… saying things like… “It’s hard! And I don’t wanna do it.”

I sometimes even hear this from my clients who have broken through the 7-figure mark. (In fact, I DID just hear this, and let me tell you… we had a good chat about that. ;-)

So what is this about? And how does it affect your money flow?

This is a block–plain and simple. It’s a block to you making more money than you could only dream of and it goes directly against the Laws of Success.

You’ll know that it’s showing up for you if you’re in resistance and frustration about something, and whatever you’re faced with feels like a heavy weight pulling you down. And…

You just don’t wanna do it! You resent it.

But when you show up in your business with this kind of ATTITUDE, you stop the money flow… both on an energetic level and on a very practical level.

I don’t care how small or seemingly insignificant the “thing” that you have “bad attitude” about is… it counts.

And if you want to unleash your ability to make money… you’ve got to change how you’re showing up…

If you’re not having fun in your business and enjoying yourself at every level… there’s growth for you to do and that needs to be addressed.

If you don’t… EVERYTHING is going to take longer. EVERYTHING is going to be harder. And, more often that not… you’re just not going to do it and you’re going to avoid it.

Which means your projects don’t get done… the very projects that, when completed with ease, are going to bring you a boatload more money.

And energetically… it’s like a stop sign to the Big U. It’s like you’re saying, “Nah, I don’t really want this. It’s not worth it.”

Well, guess what sista’, that doesn’t fly in the land of quantum leaping your income.

It’s time that you CHANGE YOUR ATTITUDE and start having a hell of lot more fun in your business.

Because making money can not only be fun, but it NEEDS to be fun for you to have your breakthrough. This is essential.

There are so many nuances to this and trust me… it’s not just about putting a “smiley sticker on it” on and pretending.

You’ve got to change your entire approach to doing the work of making money. You really, truly need to love ALL ASPECTS of your work.

This is what I live and breathe…

This has been a big part of what has allowed me Quantum Leap my income year after year…

And this is what I want to teach you to do as well.

I’m excited to bring this deeper level teaching to you in my newest no-cost training: Cracking the Code of Income Generation Using the Laws of Success.

If you want to take your business to the next level, you’ve got to make time to get this information. This is an opportunity to change your life and you’re not going to want to miss any of the information in all three videos.


PS:  The information in this video series is for the woman who’s tired of struggling and knows that if it were just about hard work, she would have already made her quantum leap. Click here to get access to this training.

It’s Easy To Make Money

By Amira Alvarez It's easy to make money. Don't believe me? Or, don't want to believe me? Then this post isn't for you. You can stop reading right now. But if there's even a small part of you that knows that this is true... Or even wants to believe that it's true... then…

It’s easy to make money.

Don’t believe me? Or, don’t want to believe me?

Then this post isn’t for you. You can stop reading right now.

But if there’s even a small part of you that knows that this is true…

Or even wants to believe that it’s true… then keep reading…

Making money is easy… You just haven’t cracked the code.

I want to show you how to do that. (It really is easier than you think.)

In fact, although it does take work, it doesn’t have to be hard.

“Hard” is the lie we tell ourselves to keep us from having it all. It’s the convenient story that keeps us from confronting the voice that says… “How dare you have it all? How dare you live up to your potential? How dare you have what others only dream of?”

Well, I dare you.

I dare you because every delaying tactic and untruth you put in front of yourself is a denial of your destiny. Grandiose words, but that’s the truth right there.

The truth is it’s easy to make money and if you believe anything else you are throwing up an unnecessary roadblock. (Ask me how I know… ’cause I’ve done it both ways.)

So the question really is… Do you want to make this hard? Or do you want to make this easy?

And what’s more… it doesn’t have to take forever. You can do this right now, faster than you think.

There are Laws to Success.

There are specific Laws, that if you follow them you get the success you are looking for… 100% of the time. No exception.

If you tell me that you want to double your income, we use the Laws to get you that.

If you tell me that you want to break through the 7-figure mark, we use the Laws to get you that.

If you tell me you want it ALL… a great relationship, hot sex, healthy body, a life you LOVE… EVEN BETTER! We’ll use the Laws to get you that.

And I want to teach you these Laws.

I’ve put together a 3-part video series on  Cracking the Code of Income Generation Using the Laws of Success:

Get access to this no-cost training now, before we take it down.

Sign up and make sure to listen to all three videos.


PS: In this video series, I will personally be introducing you to how to get rich using the laws of spirit and success. Get this information and change your life. Register here.