You know what’s not sexy about business?

Exhaustion, indecision, not being truly seen as the brilliant, powerful woman that you are.

Master the Inner and Outer Game of Business

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Reaching Your Revenue Goal By The End Of The Year

By Amira Alvarez It's almost the end of June, which means we're almost done with the first half of this year! Time flies, doesn't it? Despite the fact that time seems to fly by, there's still so much time remaining to create what you set out to create this year... even if you're…

It’s almost the end of June, which means we’re almost done with the first half of this year!

Time flies, doesn’t it? Despite the fact that time seems to fly by, there’s still so much time remaining to create what you set out to create this year… even if you’re “behind” on reaching or meeting the goals you set for yourself six months ago.

But you have to be willing to take a real, honest look at where you’re at… you have to be willing to be real and honest about what’s working and what’s not… whether that’s with your team, your systems, your packages and offerings, or in how you’re showing up (or not) as a leader.

It’s not about feeling bad or getting frustrated… that just derails our progress even more. Resentment is a STOP SIGN to the Universe, and that’s not where we want to spend our time!

It’s about gathering the necessary information in order to course correct as needed to reach your goals. That’s it… it’s just information and insight to work with.

Today I invite you to take a look at your original goals for this year… where you’re at currently and where you want to go… as well as what is and is not working.

  • Revenue: What were the revenue goals you set at the beginning of the year? What do you need to make in the next six months in order to reach that goal?
  • Packaging: Do the product and services you currently offer SUPPORT you in reaching that goal? Do you need to change your packaging or raise your pricing? Do you need to rework your marketing, messaging, and position to attract higher end clients?
  • Team: Does the team you currently have support you in reaching this goal? Are they making things easier, or are they slowing things down? What training do they need to better support you for the remainder of the year? Where do you need to hire or bring on an expert to be more effective in what you’re doing? Where do you need to create a position to take more off your plate so you can focus on your genius?
  • Systems: Where have the biggest points of frustration, tension, or failure been happening in your business? What systems need to be put in place to eliminate these things completely? What are you or your team spending time doing more than once? What tools are needed to automate more of your processes? What systems could be implemented to improve your client/customer experience?
  • Leadership: Where do you need to take more ownership of what isn’t happening? As business owners, we are always first cause on the physical plane… which means we’re always at cause for what is and is not happening. Where do you need to take more ownership so that you can really move the needle forward in your business?

It’s not enough to just answer these questions… you have to take this information and actually implement changes in how you show up, how your team operates, and how you run your business. You have to FOCUS on what really has an impact on your ability to scale and grow.

No more excuses… no more spinning your wheels… no more distractions. Activate the Law of Personal Responsibility.


You Have To EXPECT It To Happen

By Amira Alvarez So many of the women I have calls with have the same issue... they consciously WANT to create something different in their lives and businesses… such as making more money, growing their team, getting better at sales, being able to take time off, actualizing their purpose, etc… yet they never…

So many of the women I have calls with have the same issue… they consciously WANT to create something different in their lives and businesses… such as making more money, growing their team, getting better at sales, being able to take time off, actualizing their purpose, etc… yet they never actually make anything happen because of that deeper subconscious programming.

There’s a lot to this, right? Fears, limiting beliefs, stories. But there’s a specific way these things can show up that we don’t often consider… our expectation of what will happen.

We want to make more money… but we expect that we’ll continue on the path of ebb and flow, limited sales, or unanticipated expenses.

We want to grow our team… but we keep having to do all the work ourselves because we expect that our team will let us down, they’ll do it wrong, or it won’t be high enough quality.

We want to get better at sales… but we expect that most people will say no, assume they can’t afford us, or that it’s just not going to go well because it hasn’t up until now.

We want to have more time… but we expect to always have to work, to be busy, or that we’re going to have to feel overwhelmed in order to keep making money.

We want to live out our purpose and be the person we know ourselves to be… but we expect it to be better suited for some other time, far into the future, or be impossible to achieve given our current circumstances.

This creates confusion because the Universe doesn’t know what to deliver… and leads us to experiencing inconsistent results. We WANT these things, yet they never quite materialize. Maybe they do some of the time, but not all of the time. Maybe they do, but they’re really not aligned with what we said we wanted… hmmm… that’s not quite right.

If you’re saying you want one thing, yet you’re EXPECTING another thing this sends a confused message. It’s actually a split desire and it doesn’t work effectively.

If you’re not EXPECTING it to happen… you’re actually desiring an opposite outcome.

You’re sending mixed signals!

When we get ordered in our vision and our thinking (ie, our wants and expectations of what will happen), we’re giving marching orders to the Universe. Direct, ordered commands through our thinking.

You want and EXPECT to make more money… you want and EXPECT to grow your team with amazing people… you want and EXPECT to have more sales… you want and EXPECT to have more time… you want and EXPECT to live out your purpose… so you take more actions that are aligned with this outcome. You become clear and ordered, both consciously and subconsciously.

This is one of the key principles behind the Laws of the Universe: order.

When you are not clear or ordered in what you want and expect… you won’t get what you want consistently. When you are clear and ordered in your desire and your thinking… that’s what gets transmuted and that’s what you’ll receive.

So if you’re not seeing the results you desire, where are you not expecting them? Really, fully, deeply? Where are you still holding onto fears and beliefs that keep you from KNOWING that you will get the money, team, sales, time, or growth into your life and purpose that you desire?

You have to look at this piece and get really honest with yourself in order to start seeing results.


How To Create Consistent Results (And Income)

By Amira Alvarez Hi, Are your business results inconsistent? Is your marketing hit or miss... sometimes falling flat, sometimes generating a ton of new leads? Does your revenue ebb and flow with no apparent rhyme or reason? If so, you have to look at where YOU are creating confusion. If you’re confused about…


Are your business results inconsistent?

Is your marketing hit or miss… sometimes falling flat, sometimes generating a ton of new leads?

Does your revenue ebb and flow with no apparent rhyme or reason?

If so, you have to look at where YOU are creating confusion.

If you’re confused about your offerings, the price points, what’s included, or how everything is delivered… or if you keep changing how you do things… sometimes it’s like this, sometimes it’s like that… that creates confusion with your customer.

And guess what? A confused customer doesn’t buy.

But this isn’t the only way our confusion creates inconsistent results.

If your offerings are all over the place and your pricing is inconsistent… or if you wobble between wanting this one day and wanting that the next… you’re also creating confusion with Spirit/Source/The Universe.

The Law of Gender says that there’s a gestation period for all ideas and desires. If you keep changing your mind, and your focus, what you want doesn’t have enough time to gestate… to grow into what you want.

This makes it IMPOSSIBLE for the Universe to work with you to provide you with what you want.

This doesn’t mean that you can’t evolve and change how you do things. But you need to do this in an ordered way… not a fear-based, lack-driven, reactive, oh-s**t way.  

This also comes back to the Law of Cause and Effect… and it’s why I talk so much about taking Spirit-Led Personal Responsibility. If you’re not creating the results you want, you have to look at what causes you are and are not putting into effect… where YOU as the business owner are creating confusion or being inconsistent!

Let’s look at what needs to happen to create consistent results…

First, you need to be CLEAR on what you DESIRE.

You need to commit to bringing that desire to fruition NO MATTER WHAT. The truth is, not manifesting what we desire is NOT a sign that “it’s not meant to be.” Spirit operates by the Law of Cause of Effect… which means, if you’re not getting what you want, something is off in what you’re DOING or how you’re BEING. Is there confusion and a lack of focus here?

Second, you need to FOCUS your efforts and energy on creating what you DESIRE.

This comes back to being consistent in taking inspired, Spirit-led actions TOWARDS what you WANT. Even when things don’t go as planned… even if you “fail” or “make a mistake”… even if it seems like nothing is working. You have to continually ask yourself what you want, and then ask, “what is the next step i need to take to make this happen?”

Finally, you have to MAKE IT SAFE to have what you want.

If it’s not “safe” because of old rules, childhood beliefs, or fears… you’re always going to be wobbly in what you want. You have to take a deep, hard, honest look at what’s holding you back from truly claiming… and taking action on… what you desire in your life, business, relationships, and income.

You CAN create consistent results when you understand:

››  The real key to showing up every day FOCUSED and CLEAR so you don’t fall victim to distraction, procrastination, or “Shiny Object Syndrome.”

››  How to unlock your innate power to focus — never again lose traction or waste time not knowing where to start and what’s most important.

››  What the real reason is that you’re overwhelmed and pulled in a 100 different directions… and what to do about it. Most people miss the true cause of their overwhelm and then never know how to gracefully step out of it.



How I Filled My First Live Event

By Amira Alvarez When I decided to host my first live, in-person event… I had no experience with live events, all I knew was that I wanted to do one. My DESIRE to create a space for amazing women to come together and experience massive shifts in their mindset so they could create…

When I decided to host my first live, in-person event… I had no experience with live events, all I knew was that I wanted to do one. My DESIRE to create a space for amazing women to come together and experience massive shifts in their mindset so they could create quantum leaps in their business was strong.

In order to host an event, you have to have a location. In order to have a location, you have to put down a fairly substantial deposit for a room especially if you’re holding it at a resort, which I was.

Finding the right location, hiring an event coordinator, booking the space and a photographer to capture the experience… all of that was a HUGE chunk of change. I was having to invest in a way I hadn’t before… AND I had NO WAY of knowing for certain that I would fill the room, whether the women would come, whether it was all going to work out.

All the doubts came up… Could I do it? What if I wasn’t up to the task? Was I “good enough” to pull this off?

Translation: I didn’t want to fail.

I didn’t want to have this investment be a huge mistake… and not just a mistake in the sense that it didn’t go well… but a huge mistake in the sense that NO ONE WOULD COME. That I would be out all this money for nothing.

I had the desire… but I needed to FOCUS.

I needed to take FOCUSED action and not mess around.

I knew I had a certain number of weeks until the event… so I made phone calls and sent emails. Then I made follow-up calls and sent follow-up emails. I had conversation after conversation. I wrote a sales page and had it professionally designed, because while I loved the process of designing pages myself, doing so would have distracted from the areas I knew I needed to focus on. I emailed my list, I ran Facebook ads. I did everything I knew I needed to do and course corrected as I needed to along the way.

Beyond the actions I took, I kept my focus on the inner work as well. I stayed committed to “this is happening,” never energizing the fears or allowing them to derail me.

And I did all this while still honoring myself, my time, my biological and emotional needs. I didn’t let it consume me the way things had in the past when I was addicted to struggle.

And you know what happened?
I filled that room.

Not only did I fill the room, I made over $100k in two days and even more in the days that followed. And that was my first event.

THAT is the power of focus.

Those are the types of results you can get when you COMMIT fully to what you DESIRE to CREATE and get out of your own way. You follow through on your commitment to self by doing the things you know you need to do and not falling victim to “shiny object syndrome.”


The Spiritual Nature Of Focus

By Amira Alvarez When we think of ‘focus’… most people think of it as our ability to get the task at hand done without “going squirrel” on ourselves, without losing our focus and jumping to the next thing or shiny object. We think that it’s about having a structured plan or some sort…

When we think of ‘focus’… most people think of it as our ability to get the task at hand done without “going squirrel” on ourselves, without losing our focus and jumping to the next thing or shiny object.

We think that it’s about having a structured plan or some sort of time management system and that only if we had that system we could fix our deficiencies and be able to focus.

But you know what?

That’s only half the story.  

Don’t get me wrong… you do need structure… BUT, if you look only to a time management system to solve your focus problem, you miss the real key that unlocks your ability to focus.

The solution lies in truly owning WHAT YOU WANT.

When you’re fully rooted in what you want… and you’re committed to it then not only does  your next step become clear, you can focus on it without all the noise in your head pulling you in a thousand different directions.

Now why is this?

It’s because the Law of Vibration states that what you want is seeking you.

What you want is seeking you and it’s doing so through clear messages that Spirit / Source / The Universe / Infinite Intelligence is giving you. You will get clear messages on what to do next and exactly what to focus on, when you claim what you want. There will be no noise.

But most people don’t know how to claim what they truly, really want.

They have all sorts of stories running unconsciously that stop them.

  • “I have enough already.”
  • “I just need to be grateful for what I have.”
  • “I have so much compared to others, how can I ask for more?”
  • “I don’t want to be greedy.”
  • “What will they think if I ____ ?”

And so many more…

You’ve got to break free of the stories, to make your quantum leap.


Unlocking The Power Of Focus

By Amira Alvarez You’ve read all the books on personal growth, maybe even marketing and business building as well… you’ve taken the classes and studied all the trainings… you know a LOT about what’s supposed to work and what needs to be in place… yet, you haven’t created the life you desire or…

You’ve read all the books on personal growth, maybe even marketing and business building as well… you’ve taken the classes and studied all the trainings… you know a LOT about what’s supposed to work and what needs to be in place… yet, you haven’t created the life you desire or the level of success, influence, and revenue that you crave.

What gives?!

I get the frustration, because I used to be “the perfect student” as well. I built a life, career, and two businesses from the place of “if I just do things by the book, I’ll gain love, success, acceptance, security, etc.”

And… I’d make the money, right?

But instead of gaining those things… I worked myself sick… I spent 12 – 16 hours a day glued to my computer… I had ZERO freedom of choice in regards to my time… and I certainly didn’t have the income I wanted, despite working harder and harder.

One of the most impactful shifts for me came down to focus.

Not knowing where to spend my time, or what was going to move the needle forward in my business was a big sticking point for me… jumping from project to project… getting distracted by shiny object syndrome and falling down rabbit hole after rabbit hole.

The thing about the distractions is that it’s actually not about “having ADD” as many business owners like to joke. It runs deeper than that. We self-sabotage through distraction because if we never quite land anywhere and never really get anything done… we can’t ever really fail.

But we never really get anywhere with our businesses either.

We never create the life we want, serving the people we want to serve.

We never break free and experience true FREEDOM of time and choice.

We never get to travel, spend time with the ones we love, and live our lives fully.

Focus is key… if you know how to do it right.
