Tag Archives: coaching

Wondering where your clients are?

By Amira Alvarez Where are your clients? Where are your customers? How do you find them? Are you asking these questions? Want to know where they are? Want to know how to find them? Tired of the "go where your clients are" type of advice? Then listen up... Your clients are everywhere. You're…

Where are your clients?

Where are your customers?

How do you find them?

Are you asking these questions?

Want to know where they are? Want to know how to find them?

Tired of the “go where your clients are” type of advice? Then listen up…

Your clients are everywhere. You’re just not seeing them. Your brain is being myopic.

Undoing that starts with a paradigm shift.

I had mine quite recently actually…

I was at a conference in Chicago, at one of those mega convention centers. I had joined my husband for the weekend as he attended a real estate investment bootcamp.

This wasn’t the first of these that we had gone to. Each time we go to attend a training on a different topic, there are several hundred people in the session. There are usually 5-6 of these sessions being held at the same time. Which means that this company who puts on these trainings has drawn over a thousand people to each event.

There’s an event every month. Not everyone in the program attends each event. In fact the majority don’t. Which means that this company has thousands upon thousands of customers and is consistently growing.

But this wasn’t the only conference happening at the mega-convention center.

There was some sort of electrical engineer conference, but it was more specific than that. It was an incredibly specific subset of that field. I don’t remember exactly, but I do remember thinking… “wow, that’s a pretty narrow field.” And guess what?

There were hundreds, maybe thousands of them too. Yup. Loads of these folks.

And these weren’t the only two conferences happening there. There were more groups with more people.

People everywhere.

And the people represented at this conference center are only a very small (infinitesimal) subset of each of these company’s target audience.

Or think of Disneyland. If you’ve been there you know it’s packed. There are many thousands upon thousands of people there every day. EVERY DAY. And this is only a small subset of their potential customers. No shortage.

Or you go to a concert. Tons of people.

What I’m saying is your customers are plentiful. You’re just not seeing them.

This in turn means that they don’t see you.

If you don’t *believe* they are there, you are cutting yourself off from them.

If you are saying some version of “no one will pay for this here” in my small town, my overly competitive big city, my country, my culture… you are being myopic.

If you are saying some version of “no one will pay for this” or “no one will pay such high fees”… you are being myopic.

If you are saying some version of “it’s hard to find customers”… you are being myopic.

People are everywhere. Your people. Tons of them. You’ve got to see them and claim them.

The solution to “customer acquisition issues” begins in your mind. Start seeing your customers everywhere.

Walking down the street, in the grocery store, driving that car, in the movie theater… SEE THEM.

Recognize that they are everywhere, abundant, and plentiful. Open your mind to this and keep it present.

Your customers are waiting for you to recognize them. This is your job.

signature amirablack-xoxo

It’s bad business to have a so-so love relationship – here’s why.

By Amira Alvarez You may want to compartmentalize your business and your primary love relationship. You may want to separate them and see them as completely separate entities that don't impact each other. You may even dive into your business as a way to escape your relationship issues. But this usually comes back…

You may want to compartmentalize your business and your primary love relationship.

You may want to separate them and see them as completely separate entities that don’t impact each other.

You may even dive into your business as a way to escape your relationship issues.

But this usually comes back to bite you.

You see… all of this “management” (and yes, ignoring this issue is a type of management) is using up precious energy… this is energy that you could be putting toward creating what you truly desire in your life and your business.

If your relationship is falling apart, or even just slightly irritating, unsatisfying, or blah… it drains you of energy.

This is energy you could be putting toward your business or the other passions in your life. This is a total waste, not to mention heart breaking in the relationship department.

I’ve spent many a coaching call helping powerful, brilliant, soulful women align in the relationship department so they can show up full out in their business. It’s so critical to your success and happiness. You have to approach healing relationships in a revolutionary way.

How will you approach your relationships (love, friendships, business) from now on?

signature amirablack-xoxo



Inner Energy

By Amira Alvarez Wanting to be successful? That's just another name for wanting what's already yours. What's getting in your way? Do you know where your freedom lies? Business doesn't have to be a struggle or hard. You can make it that way, of course. But why would you when it can be…

Wanting to be successful? That’s just another name for wanting what’s already yours. What’s getting in your way?

Do you know where your freedom lies?

Business doesn’t have to be a struggle or hard. You can make it that way, of course. But why would you when it can be so much easier?

This is what I love to teach people. And when they “get it” there’s a huge healing.

Both of my grandmothers were healers. I’m finally getting that in addition to being a teacher and a coach, I’m a healer. Of the spirit. It’s part of my lineage, though I’ve had to come to it on my own.

So many of my clients have said, “it’s like inner energy surgery” or “Spiritual surgery” and it’s true. And now I need to own that fully.

The healing is what allows for the ease in creating the outer world success, the doubling or tripling of your income, the more clients, more cash, all of that.

This is what I facilitate and what I am now claiming more fully.

Feels amazing.

signature amirablack-xoxo