Tag Archives: investing

This limiting belief stops your cash flow

By Amira Alvarez I love going to SLEEP with the news that one of my clients enrolled a new client who's life she's going to transform and help... And then WAKING up to the news that another client was able to meet the emergency needs of her client while more than TRIPLING her…

I love going to SLEEP with the news that one of my clients enrolled a new client who’s life she’s going to transform and help…

And then WAKING up to the news that another client was able to meet the emergency needs of her client while more than TRIPLING her rate.

Woohoo! #proudcoach

Yes, I’m happy for them, but beyond that, I am highlighting this today because so many people have limiting beliefs about what SALES means…

Yet they want the freedom and peace of mind that increased cash flow brings.

You can’t have it both ways.

You can’t think sales is an icky, yucky, sleazy, slimy thing AND want to make them. That goes against the way the Universe works.

If you want increased cash flow, guess what?

You want to make sales. (Even if you want to run screaming from the room when I use the word “sales.”)

I know that word “sales” triggers a lot of people, but I’m on a mission to normalize it.

There are so many women who aren’t YET in their power around sales or charging appropriately for their product or service.

What does this do?

It limits your cash flow.

But it also limits your freedom.

Yes, I agree, freedom is a state of mind. You can access it anytime, anywhere, with or without money.

But the money is nice… right?

The money allows you the CHOICE…

To go on any kind of vacation you want.

To buy that new pair of shoes and not worry about it.

To send you kid to college. Heck, to send you kid to dance class.

Money gives you those options. Money gives you that kind of freedom.

It also gives you the means to ACT in the world more fully as you, in an unlimited way.

This is so important to your personal growth and actualization.

What if, when you think of doing something that takes money, you could say yes to yourself?

Instead of shrinking into the “can I afford it?” conversation when you want to purchase something, you expanded into it with a… yeeeessss!!?

So instead of thinking of sales as something to avoid…

What if you could transform your beliefs around it while keeping your integrity?

What if you could learn the small YET impactful tweaks to what you’re doing so you could double or triple your income?

This makes such a difference to your bottom line and to your sense of self.

I am happy to say this happens ALL THE TIME for my clients.

And it’s totally possible for you too! (No exceptions!)


PS: If you want some help with increasing your cash flow without compromising your integrity, Contact me and we can talk about how you can get started right now. Zero pressure. Zero obligation.

Investing In Your Business

By Amira Alvarez I just saw a dear friend post on Facebook about a thought she was having regarding where the money to invest in your business comes from. The first thought that came to me was: Make the money. That's my answer to investing in my business now. More on this... If…

I just saw a dear friend post on Facebook about a thought she was having regarding where the money to invest in your business comes from.

The first thought that came to me was: Make the money.

That’s my answer to investing in my business now.

More on this…

If I want something that I need money to obtain, like coaching, staff, software etc. I go make the money, if I don’t already have it. I make it happen for myself.

I say YES, then go make it happen.

I invest, then go make it happen.

This pre-supposes that I’ll do the work. This pre-supposes belief in myself.

This wasn’t always the case. Previously, I’d look to see if I had the money already.

“Is it here? In my bank account?”

Now, if I want it, I create it.

You can too.

This doesn’t mean spend the money, then hope to be saved. Truly. And neither am I advocating to spend money out of fear.

I’m advocating for believing in yourself and your abilities, and the power of taking action in favor of  your dreams.

Think of this pull to invest in your business as a call *to action* that your Desire is making.
