All posts by Amira Alvarez

You can’t stop ambition!

By Amira Alvarez What are you trying to create with your business? Not that immediate thing that's right in front of you (though that's super important)-the big thing. What is that? Is it a feeling? Is it a way of living? Is it a financial goal? Is it actualizing your purpose? Do you…

What are you trying to create with your business? Not that immediate thing that’s right in front of you (though that’s super important)-the big thing.

What is that?

Is it a feeling? Is it a way of living? Is it a financial goal? Is it actualizing your purpose?

Do you know? (I believe that you do. If you just let yourself, it’s right there.)

Do you dare name it? Feel it? Know it?

What stops you? (Not rhetorical. I really want to know.)

The fear of disappointment? The fear of claiming it and then not following through and letting yourself down? Because that’s been your pattern.

The fear of working hard and only getting so far? Because that’s been your pattern.

The fear of being pulled in so many different directions that you don’t know yourself anymore. Because that’s been your pattern.

The fear of finding yourself distracted again and way off course. Because that’s been your pattern.

And now what?

Your desire is your desire. It is in you and driving you.

You’re interfering with it. You’re meddling. In a good natured, “doing my best” kind of way. But there’s the truth. You’re getting in your own way.

This is what stops you from having what you want, having the whole life that you want, including a kick-ass business.

Yes, you need the outer tools–the sales funnels, the marketing, the core offering, the business model–all of that and more. It’s true.

But all of this will be freakin’ HARD if you keep doing your thing and keep getting in your own way. All of the actions of business building will take twice as long, not resonate, flop… if you don’t get out of your own way.

Get out of your own way. (Said in the most loving, compassionate, yet direct way.)


I can show you how. Schedule a session and we can talk. No pressure.

It’s time to do it differently. With ease and grace. It’s time your ambition was in service to your higher truth.

Successful women choose ease, amira alvarez,



Does this subtle distinction keep you from manifesting?

By Amira Alvarez Do you believe only in what you see? That's what we're taught... "I'll believe it when I see it." But that's now how it works. The belief comes first. Always. Whether it's a conscious choice of a belief or an unconscious programmed belief, the belief is what is driving the…

Do you believe only in what you see? That’s what we’re taught… “I’ll believe it when I see it.

But that’s now how it works. The belief comes first. Always.

Whether it’s a conscious choice of a belief or an unconscious programmed belief, the belief is what is driving the forming (manifesting) in / of our lives.

The belief is what makes manifest the thing that you see.

It’s not the other way around… “Now, that it’s here, I believe it” though this is how I see most people do it.

Another huge distinction is between hoping and believing. It’s subtle yet huge.

Hoping is not believing. 

Hoping is wanting, wishing it to be true, yet with a sliver of doubt. Hoping is taking 80% of the steps, it’s walk to the edge but not jumping in. Hoping is NOT believing. Hoping is saying “I’ll do this much, but not everything until you SHOW me that it’ll work, that what I’m hoping for will manifest.” That is not believing. 

If you believed in the thing that you want to manifest, you’d do whatever it takes. You would not have any slight “prove it” stance or maybe it’s not going to work stance. There would be no doubt.

Doubt and belief cannot co-exist. That’s hope.

Hope is not a bad things. It’s a stepping stone. Don’t throw hope out with the bath water, so to speak. Just know that it’s not the same thing as belief. See hope for what it is and use it as a stepping stone to get you to belief. But make sure to make that leap to belief.

Do you believe in the yet to be manifested? The thing that you want that is currently unseen? Or is there doubt? Do you just hope for it? It’s a subtle yet powerful distinction.

I am constantly working with my beliefs. #human #committedtomyself #partofthemagic

What particularly tricky is when you hold subconscious beliefs that contradict your conscious beliefs. We often can’t see these for ourselves.

If your outer results don’t match your conscious desires there’s subconscious conditioning (i.e. beliefs) that are holding you back and that you don’t see for yourself.

Plain and simple. There’s no two ways about it.

Belief is what drives your actions and how you are in this world. Your belief is what keeps you doing the same thing and being the same way. It’s what gives you the same results.

If you want to be at cause, if you want to be powerful creator, you need to work with the causes. You need to get all fundamental and do the work at the level of belief.

This is the work that I do with my private clients. It’s powerful and it’s what’s required to make the quantum leaps you want in income, ease, and life.

Are you ready to take you income to the next level?

Are you ready to really have what you want? (Not just hope for it?)

Are you ambitious and ready to get out of your own way?

Don’t hope. Believe.

Successful women choose ease, amira alvarez,


I went on a rant. I had to say it. It’s that important.

By Amira Alvarez This morning I got all hot and bothered and went on a rant. I realized that I was doing everyone a disservice by holding back on this...  so I let it rip Facebook. It's the truth and it needs to be said, and it bears repeating here as well. Be…

This morning I got all hot and bothered and went on a rant.

I realized that I was doing everyone a disservice by holding back on this…  so I let it rip Facebook.

It’s the truth and it needs to be said, and it bears repeating here as well.

Be warned. It might trigger you. :)


Do the work. Don’t hide out. Don’t stop yourself. Step forward.

Do NOT crush your dreams with inaction or fear of doing wrong or wasting your time or thoughts like…

It’s not working.” “Will it be worth it?” “This stuff never works.” “I don’t have time.

It’s not true. This is the total B.S. you tell yourself so you don’t take a risk and do the work.

What’s not working is you. By that, I do NOT mean you’re broken. Quite the contrary…

You are amazing, magnificent and WHOLE. I see it, feel it, know it.

What I mean is you’re stopping yourself. You’re not doing the work. Because of some sort of fear.

Now “the work” doesn’t have to feel overwhelming and stressful if it’s aligned with your vision, you clear the blocks, you know what steps to take, you focus and do the work consistently, and you allow for money to come to you easily.

This is how successful women choose ease. (There’s more to it, of course, which is what I teach, but that’s the basic outline.)

That first choice of saying “Yes, I’ll do the work. I trust myself to do the work.” This is usually the hardest.

This choice / fear often is most apparent when taking the leap to get expert help. (Yes, I’m talking about working with me.)


Because you’re putting your hard-earned cash down. This means you’re in. You’re either going to do the work or you will have wasted your money.

Both your subconscious and conscious brains know this. It’s a risk.

If you want to step up yet say no, this is a way of saying you don’t trust yourself to do the work.

I get it. I totally get. Boy, do I get it! I’ve totally been there myself.

I remember when I invested $20k in myself and my business for the first time for 4 hours of coaching. It seems like a ridiculous amount of money, right? *It’s not.* I was shaking all over. But once I made the decision, I knew immediately that it was the right decision and everything quieted down. I knew I would do the work and the ROI would be amazing.

What you need to be asking yourself instead of can I afford it or do I have the time is…

++ Do I want my business to take off?
++ Do I want to clear the blocks and get out of my own way?
++ Do I want the cash flow?
++ Am I willing to do the work and allow all of that in?

What if you actually get what you want?

I’d love to help you get that. Yet, you’re the one who needs to step up and say yes. And you’re the one who needs to do the work.

Coaching is not a substitute for showing up and doing the work. It just makes it a whole lot easier and speeds up the results.

If you’re interested, if you’re motivated and ambitious, if you want to focus on growing your business with more ease and grace, let me know.


Post script… This is all said with a HUGE amount of LOVE.

I want you to succeed. I want you to have an amazing business.

If it triggers you, consider that me doing my job.

If it inspires you, consider that me doing my job.

If you say yes to this invitation to step up, get help, and accelerate your business… consider that you doing YOUR job.

Successful women choose ease, amira alvarez,


Action With Ease

By Amira Alvarez Are you taking action on your dreams? With ease? Your business will not grow on it's own. You have to show up in your business and take action. When you show up and take action with ease, things will start to flow. Don't let your dreams stay just a dream. Turn…

Are you taking action on your dreams?

With ease?

Your business will not grow on it’s own. You have to show up in your business and take action.

When you show up and take action with ease, things will start to flow.

Don’t let your dreams stay just a dream. Turn them into reality. Use this power question to accelerate your business with ease.



— Video Transcript below —


Hi. Amira Alvarez, Business Mentor and Mindset Strategist coming at you with a short video about taking action on your dreams with ease.

That is what I’m all about… “Taking Action With Ease.

First, let me just tell you, there is no substitute for action. You’ve got to be in action to grow your business, to move forward, to do what you want to do to get to the next level but it doesn’t have to be struggle.

It doesn’t always have to be hard, hard, hard. You can hold action and ease at the same time… and when you do, things flow. Things are so much easier in your business.

Of course, this does not mean that things will never get hard or there won’t be a struggle. YET when you choose to hold both at the same time, “I am going to take action and I’m going to choose ease,” miraculous things happen. Things flow in your business. You can truly show up.

Okay, so this isn’t magic, fairy dust sprinkle. This isn’t “wave your magic wand” kind of stuff.

Sometimes it feels that way when we do the deep mindset stuff and things are just easier and you are like, “How did that happen?” It does kind of feel like magic but really, it’s a choice that you’re making every single day to choose ease. That is what I am advocating for you… that when you take your action, when you do the work in your business that you choose ease every week, every day at every decision at every junction and you ask: “How can I make this easier for myself?

If you come across something that is a challenge or struggle for you today, here’s my little ask of you, my little challenge of you today.

When you come across something that is even just the slightest bit hard, maybe it’s a lot hard, but even the slightest bit hard, I’d like you to pause and ask yourself, “How can I make this easier?

Then implement that idea that comes to you. Straight away you’ll probably have some idea… “Boom, there it is (the idea)… I could do this.” Don’t deny it. Don’t reject it. Do it. Implement that choice of ease.

Now, if you find yourself thinking about something, having an idea of what would be easier, but not implementing it, not executing it, not following through on that decision, I want you to ask yourself… what’s getting in your way?

What’s stopping you from committing to that choice, from making that decision?

It’s not always obvious.

This is where the mindset stuff comes in. But for now, if you can start noticing that, you will be able to work with yourself and your mental framework, your mental state to shift things to make things easier.

So that’s what I have for you today, that little question. How can I make it easier? Then execute on it. Plus noticing when you’re not choosing it even though you know it’s what will make things easier for you.

The last thing I want to offer you today is 

an opportunity.

Would you like to talk about what’s getting in your way of accelerating your business with ease?

We can talk about how to take your business to the next level with business strategies, practical tips and next steps, conceptualize your business model, and what the most leveraged actions are that you can take right now to take your business to the next level and to do it in a way that’s truly aligned with yourself so that it is easier. We’ll also talk about the blocks, of course, that are getting in your way and how we might work with them.

If you’re interested in having this conversation, I encourage you to do so. Here is a link to schedule your call.

I’ll see you in my next video. I’m going to come again to you with a lot more information tips, little strategies, little tweaks that turn the ship on how to make your business easier. Okay, see you in the next video. Bye.

Successful women choose ease, amira alvarez,



My (Not So Pretty) Story About Quantum Leaping My Business

By Amira Alvarez Recently a very good friend asked me in a private Facebook group how my "Quantum Leap" was going. She was referring to the big growth visions I had for my business that I shared with them earlier this year. I had some some deep visioning work and plugged into a…

Recently a very good friend asked me in a private Facebook group how my “Quantum Leap” was going.

She was referring to the big growth visions I had for my business that I shared with them earlier this year.

I had some some deep visioning work and plugged into a much BIGGER vision for myself.

It was exciting and scary as FUCK. (Pardon on my language, but that really is the word that sums it up.)

Although my vision seemed do-able…

Although my mentors (all three of them) completely saw this as possible NOW for me (there was no doubt for them)…

Although my Mastermind compatriots held this vision too…

Although it was MEGA resonant with my soul and spirit…

This vision was so big that I couldn’t really hold it. #truth #transparency

My current Self and way of being and showing up in the world couldn’t hold this new container in the here and now. It was just too big of a leap for me to go from where I was to where I wanted to be in a matter of the time it took to make the decision…although I tried.

I wanted to be the person who could embody that vision, but in truth, I was FREAKED out.

I spent almost 3 months persistently holding that container for myself, despite the fear that I was feeling. I kept working and moving forward, however this wasn’t my most finest, ease-filled time of my life. (It kind of sucked the big one actually.)

I didn’t make much progress forward and I spent a lot of time spinning my wheels.


I course corrected.

I went back to the basics.

I started with where I was at and took a smaller step forward.

I created a more reasonable plan that I could hold.

The fear went away. I was able to take action again. My momentum came back. My business grew.

I’m well on my way to that BIG VISION, just without all the crazy. Phew!

Plus, there were some extraordinary lessons that I learned that I couldn’t have learned any other way.
(Success is the worse teacher.)

When I shared this with my friends, all brilliant women in business, one of them said “you’re hiding an easy button, right?”


I’ve got some extraordinary tools that I use to get back on track and shorten the life cycle from struggle to ease…

but no, there is no “easy button.”

What there is is…

1. Commitment, perseverance, and an all-in attitude. I don’t give up. I course correct, I make adjustments, I test and tweak, but I don’t give up. I know that seems all rah-rah, inspirational poster like… yet it’s true. Do not give up. Figure out how to make it work and do the work.

2. Choosing ease. Although I pushed myself out of my comfort zone so much that I was beyond anything that felt like ease, I ultimately went back to what I know to be true and to my core driving principle… Successful women choose ease. This is works. Always. I tested it for the umpteenth time in this case. This doesn’t mean no effort. It means making decisions on a daily basis that move you toward more and more ease. The sooner you do this, the faster your success. Works every time.

3.Lesson learned and Releasing Shame. Once I made my course correction and went back to taking my Elephant Steps, I didn’t beat myself up. I didn’t mercilessly reprimand myself for “wasting 3 months”… as tempting as that was. I could feel that temptation rising up and instead I choose to consciously validate the lessons learned from this experience and how it’s actually helped me tremendously.

One big lesson I learned is… that when we stretch too far out of our current comfort zone and stay there for awhile, as painful as it feels at the time, once we come back we’re forever changed. We’ve had an expanded experience and having that experience makes it so much easier to take action from where we are now. it feels easy compared to that other experience.

That’s the “pulling back the curtain” story and some of the lessons learned of my own Quantum Leap. I hope it’s helped to present a more realistic picture of how business works.

The best part of this is that my vision has actually GROWN since the beginning of the year.

More on that next week, when I share my thoughts on iteration and evolution. Watch for that soon!

Successful women choose ease, amira alvarez,



Why “Hell Yeahs” Are Good Business

By Amira Alvarez You know what's a good business practice? Showing up and getting things done. Pretty obvious, right? Yet many of us make this unintentionally hard for ourselves. How? We have a way of ignoring what's working, what we've done, and only see what's still left to do, the unfinished business, or the…

You know what’s a good business practice?

Showing up and getting things done. Pretty obvious, right?

Yet many of us make this unintentionally hard for ourselves.


We have a way of ignoring what’s working, what we’ve done, and only see what’s still left to do, the unfinished business, or the next task or project.

This is called “success dysmorphia.”

We change our successes to be something that is not enough. In our pursuit of more, we don’t see them as successes. In fact, we often ignore them entirely in our focus on what’s next or what’s not working.

This can feel like you’re always carrying a burden and even causes anxiety.

One quick and easy way to turn this around for yourself is to celebrate your wins consistently.

At the end of each day (or the beginning of the next) ask yourself… What were your 3 wins from today? Or if you’re doing it the next morning… What were your 3 wins from yesterday?

This particular framing of the question comes from Dan Sullivan.

If you consistently ask this question of yourself, you’ll start to walk through your day looking for the wins, as opposed to looking for the “not enough.”

This is an immediate mindset reset.

If you use it consistently, over time, this will become your default stance.

When you start to say “hell yeah” and high-five yourself consistently, you start to recognize all that you are already doing.

You’ll start to feel more satisfied and happy with yourself and it’s from this feeling state that you can really soar.

This is a powerful way to unleash your power to show up and take action in the world with ease.

Sure, we can use the fear of not doing enough to motivate ourselves but that doesn’t feel particularly good and it doesn’t have to be that way.

Instead, motivate yourself by seeing your wins.

This is fearless motivation. Be fearless.

Successful women choose ease, amira alvarez,