All posts by Tiffany Johnson

Value Yourself and Be More Assertive With Your Clients: Coaching Uncut

By Amira Alvarez In this Coaching Uncut Series we take you behind the scenes and allow you to listen in to the coaching I do with clients so you can learn right along with them! All of these coaching calls have been recorded with permission from my clients. Please be aware that these…

In this Coaching Uncut Series we take you behind the scenes and allow you to listen in to the coaching I do with clients so you can learn right along with them! All of these coaching calls have been recorded with permission from my clients. Please be aware that these are not studio recordings and the sound quality may vary.

In today’s episode, we’re talking about how to win clients over the phone! Yes, I mean all potential clients – even the ones that initially want to stick to email. It may feel a little weird to push the phone convo, but you’ll both benefit from it, and it will ensure they don’t make decisions based on price alone! You have so much more to offer than a price tag – so why would you minimize yourself like that? Listen in to learn more!

What To Listen For

    • How to tell if a potential client is the right fit for your business (this is important!)
    • Get potential clients emotionally invested in your product – then back it up with your amazing services
    • How to be more assertive with clients (without scaring them away)
    • Tackling your phone phobia
    • Learn to be less reactive and more intentional!
    • How to avoid competing on price alone

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5 Ways to Live the Laws of Success… The Unstoppable Blueprint

By Amira Alvarez Learning the Universal Laws of Success is key to getting out of your own way and making a true income breakthrough… but many women get tripped up because they don’t know the Laws or they’re only focused on the intellectual understanding of the Laws, never really learning how to LIVE…

Learning the Universal Laws of Success is key to getting out of your own way and making a true income breakthrough… but many women get tripped up because they don’t know the Laws or they’re only focused on the intellectual understanding of the Laws, never really learning how to LIVE them.

It’s exactly like reading a self-help book but not doing any of the exercises… we have a solid understanding yet we never actually get anywhere!! Ask me how I know. ;-)

Part of the struggle is that while the Laws are ABSOLUTE—they work 100% of the time when you work them properly—they’re also nuanced. In addition, when you’re learning to apply them, you’re interpreting them through your own belief system and your own personal level of awareness. This is the proverbial “can’t see the forest for the trees” scenario.

In this Unstoppable Blueprint, I want to share more about the many divine dichotomies we face with the Laws and how to navigate them so that you can experience a true income breakthrough (i.e. increase your cash flow) in your business in 2020! But it’s not just about financial freedom. It’s about mental and emotional freedom as well.

Navigating the Divine Dichotomies in Life and Business

In order to truly LIVE the Laws and create massive changes in your life, work, and income, you have to understand how to use discernment to navigate the divine dichotomies in life.

  • For example, The Law of Sacrifice vs The Law of More Life… The Law of Sacrifice says you have to let go of something of a lower nature to let in something of a higher nature. Yet how does this sync with the Law of More Life which says we’re here to expand, grow, and be, do, and have more? How do you know when letting go of something is contraction based on fear and what your subconscious programming and patterns are telling you vs making decisions because you know it’s time to let go of something in order to make room for something of a higher nature. Or, when do you need to let go vs when is it an “and more” situation where you need to make room for both? To answer this you must be clear about what you ultimately want, what your current results are, and what the causes are of both.
  • Or what about the nuances in the Law of Personal Responsibility? This Law says we are 100% responsible for our results. Always. Zero exception. Yet if this is the case, how do you avoid the ‘blame the victim’ scenario or stepping into guilting and shaming yourself about your results? Most people are trained early on to blame others or blame themselves. Those are their two options. The trick here is to step out of the blame game entirely. Take ownership over every situation and experience WITHOUT blame and making yourself or others wrong. Taking ownership while also being able to see that someone or something outside yourself isn’t working requires that deeper level of discernment. It’s just a problem to be solved.
  • With the Law of Polarity, we have to hold both sides of the situation or experience. The Law of Polarity states that everything has two sides or poles that exist concurrently. For instance, you have to hold the belief and knowing that we live in an easy and abundant Universe, while also acknowledging that we live in a sucky, poverty-stricken Universe… it’s both! These are two sides of the same whole. They both exist concurrently. You have to learn to energize the pole you want (abundance) without becoming Pollyanna-ish or ignoring what’s going on in the world (poverty). In your business, you have to see that big problems also represent big opportunities. It’s what you do next that actualizes either the problem or the opportunity. Which do you want?

  • As a woman running a business or holding a position of leadership, you must show up in your vulnerability AND your strength. These are seemingly opposites, two poles. (See Law of Polarity above.) You’re so used to being strong all the time as a leader, and you have to learn to balance this strength with the vulnerability of asking for help and the openness of receiving. It’s just like breathing… if you only exhale (giving, leading, strength, doing), you will be uncomfortable… and if you only inhale (receiving, asking for help, vulnerability), you’ll be out of harmony with yourself. But, you have to know when to be strong and when to be vulnerable (which pole to activate), as well as how to hold both and recognize all of you.
  • The first Law of Receiving is giving, but you can’t overgive. Yes, you must give first. It’s like planting a seed. You must do that first before it grows into a tree that provides plentiful fruit. Yet, most people say “show me the money” before they give, before they plant that seed. If you want to increase your cash flow, keep planting seeds. This looks like investing in yourself and investing in others, this looks like sharing help, advice, goodwill, compliments, your talents, energy, time, and money. Yet, you have to know when you’re giving too much, or when you’re giving from a place of low self-esteem and self-worth… you have to feel worthy of what you want. If you give in order to get…if that’s the energy behind your actions… you are coming from an insecure, low-self worth place looking to other to fill you up, not believing that you really desire to receive what you want. Watch for that!
  • Time, money, and investing in yourself. Whew, this is a big one!! How do you know when to invest in yourself? When a desire for something is above your current income level, how do you know if spending and investing the money is going to call you to a higher level, or if it will have a negative impact on your life? And how do you know when to give more time and attention to something to make it work vs when something is taking more time and attention than it’s worth? First, you must know that desire is causative, it’s always leading the way pulling you forward. It’s the light at the end of the tunnel. Ask yourself: what is it that you ultimately want? Then you must look at what is going to help you create it. This means applying the Law of Cause and Effect… yet where most people get in their own way is they are looking at what’s happening right now for them, stuck in short-term fear-based thinking, not seeing the correct cause (action, decision, investment) that’s going to give them the results that they want. We’ll be discussing all of the above in so much more detail on our upcoming podcast. Yep! You heard that right–we’re launching The Unstoppable Woman Podcast!! Watch this space. Click here to be on list to get first access to the episodes and make suggestions on what you’d like us to cover. We’re all ears!

Knowing how to navigate these divine dichotomies requires that you learn the Laws and how to APPLY them to your daily life and work in a productive way!! This takes time and intention to learn, and it’s something I’ve spent many years doing.

How I Integrate and LIVE The Laws

I’m going to share all the ways I do this in my own life and business…

  1. I read books on the Laws all the time. I have a standard library of books I keep with me at all times (yes, even when traveling!!) so that I can brush up every morning and as needed. The books I read are SO ESSENTIAL to living the Laws that I give copies of this library to my Spirit of Wealth Mastermind and Masterclass women each year. If I’m challenged, I pick up a book and open it to see what guidance I need. I read every morning during my morning routine and I’ve often studied one section of one book for weeks at a time to really grok the lessons and information. #committed
  2. I’m always assessing real-life applications of the Laws. This means when I’m at the movies, listening to podcasts, watching biographies, etc. I’m assessing how things are happening according to Law. How are people applying the Laws, consciously or unconsciously? Where are things happening or not happening because of Law? This helps me further SEE and UNDERSTAND the many nuanced ways we have to work at applying the Laws. It’s a never ending process that I’m ALWAYS studying!!
  3. I apply the Laws with my clients. Whether we’re diving into the tactics and strategies of scaling or navigating the emotional rollercoaster of growth challenges, I’m always aiding, advising, and guiding them by Law. I teach them the Laws directly and indirectly (modeling is huge) and I help them understand how to really apply them in their own lives and businesses in each and every situation that comes up. This is what allows them to make those HUGE leaps in income and feel secure in their lives. When you understand how to navigate life and business, everything drops into place. The world goes from chaos to order and you understand how to work according to Law and actually get the results that you want.
  4. I hold myself to higher and higher standards. I’m always studying this stuff and I’m always learning like I said before. But as we move to higher and higher levels of success, income, visibility, and impact, we still encounter our subconscious patterns and programming that threaten to hold us back! I’m always doing the work of unpacking my subconscious blocks and beliefs myself and I’m always willing to see where I’m continuing to stop myself. I do this on my own and with the support of my mentor, because we can’t always see the forest for the trees!! #walkthetalk
  5. I reference a cheat sheet of the Laws as needed. When something isn’t working out how I’d like it to, I look at this sheet. This sparks my thinking. Here’s an example… perhaps I take out the sheet and my eye lands on The Law of Polarity which says that if the desire is felt, the supply is ready to appear… that means if I TRULY desire something, there’s a way to get it… I’m just not approaching it correctly. I’m missing something. I’m focused on the opposite pole than what I desire. I then would ask myself “What am I not seeing her? What’s the opposite of this? What’s the opportunity in this situation?” and the ideas come. Then you must act on them. ;-)

A lot of manifesting talk online focuses on feeling good… making vision boards and repeating mantras while we wait for things to come to us. That’s not how it works. Vision boards, mantras, and vibrating at the right frequency are TOOLS that help with manifesting… but action is key!!

We have to actively MOVE TOWARDS what we desire… and truth: sometimes that’s hard and doesn’t feel like rainbows and unicorns!! 

This is why community is essential. We need to be surrounded by other powerhouse women who are ACTIVELY working towards creating more in their lives and businesses, who are also learning and living the Laws, and who will hold us accountable to what we say we want.

Where is your community? And are they going to help ensure you stay on track at a new level this year? Are they going to help you learn, apply, and live the Laws in all the many situations that will require it? 

Want to get The Unstoppable Blueprint emails right to your inbox (plus other videos, trainings, and content for becoming truly unstoppable)? Subscribe below.

Cash flow… it all comes back to mom and dad!

By Amira Alvarez Yep, you read that subject line right. Whether or not you can create consistent cash flow in your business all comes back to mom and dad.  Hear me out... we’re not blaming your parents!! Your ability to call in the kind of prospects, opportunities, clients and income you desire is…

Yep, you read that subject line right. Whether or not you can create consistent cash flow in your business all comes back to mom and dad. 

Hear me out… we’re not blaming your parents!!

Your ability to call in the kind of prospects, opportunities, clients and income you desire is directly tied to your money story.

Your money story is what you believe to be true about money, and it’s learned at a very young age.

You see, our subconscious programming… the “rules” we learn about how to stay safe, loved, and secure… gets locked in pretty tightly under the age of seven, which is when we begin to develop our conscious mind. The conscious mind allows us to accept or reject information… but before we have our conscious mind, the subconscious is WIDE open.

This means everything you heard or witnessed around money for those first years of your life has shaped what you believe to be possible for you and determines how you run your business and everything to do with creating consistent cash flow.

Talk soon! :-)

An unexpected tool for more growth.

By Amira Alvarez Whether it’s your partner, a contractor, or someone on your team… Do you ever find yourself irritated about how long it’s taking someone to do something? Do you wish they would just hurry up and get it done… NOW! Exasperated you think… What’s taking them so long???!!! You’re working so…

Whether it’s your partner, a contractor, or someone on your team… Do you ever find yourself irritated about how long it’s taking someone to do something? Do you wish they would just hurry up and get it done… NOW!

Exasperated you think… What’s taking them so long???!!!

You’re working so hard but they’re not stepping up or doing their job. Don’t they know what’s at stake? 

It’s frustrating and if you don’t watch it, you’ll end up going into resentment and victim mode… 

Trust me I know. I’m human. ;-) 

One of the biggest challenges to growing my business, whether it was getting to 6-figures or 7-figures, was figuring out how to work with other humans in order to grow and scale. 

Once I used the formula I share below, everything took off! Scaling became so much easier and more enjoyable.

Here’s a quick breakdown of what I do when I feel that irritation or frustration come up:

First, I clarify what I want for myself.

What is the actual goal here? What does ‘done’ look like?

Second, I determine if I’ve actually communicated that clearly to everyone involved. 

Usually, the answer is no and I find that I’ve made some assumptions. This is a good time to check in on whether you’re expecting someone to read your mind or just complaining, but not instructing or clarifying. ;-)

Third, I communicate what I need with a timeline and get buy-in.

This looks like some version of ‘Hey, are we still on track to get XYZ done by end of the day today?”

Notice that all three of these steps are ‘I’ statements because… wait for it… the way out of feeling frustration or resentment, and the energy suck that causes, is to take 100% personal responsibility.

When you own the clarity and own the communication, you take 100% personal responsibility for your results. This allows you to get things done quicker and with so much more ease. When you stay in resentment and blame other people, you stay stuck spinning out and wasting valuable time instead of growing your business. Don’t sabotage yourself like this. 


Zero blame. 100% responsibility. It’s a great formula for success.

It’s one concrete way I learned to master myself, to master my business. 

15 Ways to Become Unstoppable… The Unstoppable Blueprint!

By Amira Alvarez The Unstoppable Woman is my business and brand, and I do fancy myself a pretty UNSTOPPABLE woman… now...  BUT… I wasn’t always. Whaaaaaat? Really, it’s true!! ;-) Sure, I was always a go-getter making things happen and I certainly could talk a good game, but if I’m truly honest with…

The Unstoppable Woman is my business and brand, and I do fancy myself a pretty UNSTOPPABLE woman… now… 

BUT… I wasn’t always.

Whaaaaaat? Really, it’s true!! ;-)

Sure, I was always a go-getter making things happen and I certainly could talk a good game, but if I’m truly honest with myself, I had a lot of excuses. I let myself off the hook without even realizing I was doing it.

That looked like giving up mid-month on my sales goals if I thought I was too far from the number to hit it. It was getting distracted with home improvement projects or things around the house. Saying I was working hard on this over here and that’s why I couldn’t do XYZ. Or simply doing too many things at once or spiraling into fear and self-doubt, rather than focusing on the most critical move-the-needle actions. All alibis for avoiding breaking through.

NOW? I can say with confidence that I’m truly unstoppable in my life and business, and I have the results to prove it. With my health (running a marathon)… my finances (repeatedly quantum leaping my income every year)… my team (bringing on the best of the best to scale)… my lifestyle (upgrading my home, furniture, car, etc.)… and my relationships (I’m having the best sex of my life!! Woot!).

It didn’t happen overnight, but it can happen faster than you could possibly imagine! Especially if you put these 15 habits into place.

In this Unstoppable Blueprint, I want to share 15 ways
I’ve become unstoppable so that you can too.

  1. Become a quick decider. I coach my clients often around making quick decisions. To be clear, it’s not rash decisions but quick decisions. There’s so much to this. Fundamentally it’s about not going into the self-sabotaging behavior of overthinking things and trusting that, even if you make a bad decision you will survive and that ultimately, you’ve got experience life (the good and the bad) to know how to make better decisions in the future. Instead, make your decisions and trust that you do know what to do when you experience the results. Making decisions about money is where most people get stuck and limit their growth. I don’t care what stage of business you’re in… if you’re not making quick financial decisions, you’re slowing yourself and your business growth down. You need to learn how to do this and trust it. No more being afraid to make an irreparable mistake with how you spend your money. Decide and invest or act on it quickly.
  2. Move towards the resistance. This means doing the things you fear and the things you don’t want to! When you’re in resistance, and you’re pushing up against the very thing you need to do to grow yourself and your business. Moreover, when you’re feeling resistance, that’s clogging the channel between you and Source. You’re cutting yourself off from Spirit and spinning yourself out. When you’re no longer in resistance, you can be open to the answers, guidance, next steps, and clarity. Plus, you’ll learn that you CAN do the things you fear. You’ll teach your subconscious that you can survive new experiences and continually go to the next level. Remember, what we resist is the EXACT thing we need to do for growth, and this terrifies our subconscious, which is programmed to keep us “safe” (aka, small, not changing, and stuck in the familiar). There is always tension in growth; so feel the fear but lean in and do it anyway!
  3. Pick up the phone. Have the conversation in real-time vs. just sending an email. Is there an issue with a client? Pick up the phone. Is a contractor not delivering the way you expected? Pick up the phone. Is a team member consistently not focused on the right deliverables? Have that conversation. Do you need to bring in more referrals or sales? Call the people on your list. Not picking up the phone is a way that we stay small and hide because we’re afraid of being seen (visibility) and getting a ‘no’ (fear of rejection). But that doesn’t serve you or your big dreams. You have to break through. So read #2 again…move through that resistance and pick up the phone and have a real person-to-person conversation.
  4. Invest in yourself. Buy the thing. Go to the event. Hire the next-level team member. Upgrade your systems. Elevate your wardrobe or environment. This isn’t about spending money frivolously and only focusing on the material, it’s about calling yourself to the next level. When you invest with that next-level mindset—like hiring the professional vs. sticking to DIY—you have to RAISE YOUR GAME. You have to make more sales, get more streamlined or organized, and commit to a higher standard for yourself and your business. Need help determining if you should invest in something or someone? Check out my Investment Decision Matrix!
  5. Reframe the experience. As Napoleon Hill says, “Opportunity often comes disguised in the form of misfortune, or temporary defeat.” Whatever is happening, how can you reframe the experience of how it’s also positively affecting you? If a client decides not to renew their contract, what kinds of new clients or internal projects does that open up space for? If you didn’t get the opportunity you were super jazzed about, what information or insight does this give you to help you improve and go to the next level more quickly? If there’s an epic mishap with your team, what new systems and processes are you now able to put into practice to elevate the overall experience in your company? And sometimes it’s simply CHOOSING to feel DELIGHT. You get to have this experience, this gets to be your life, and you get to run this business doing what you love. That attitude of gratitude can take you so much further than getting spun out, frustrated, or upset!!
  6. Close the gap on time. Similar to #1 and making quick decisions: do things quickly. When you know you need to take action, DO IT. Don’t wait. Unless it’s something that requires scheduling or more time than is available to you… do it in the moment you know that you need to. As Benjamin Franklin said, “Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.” Reach out to the person that popped into your head. Film the video or create the content and get it out, imperfectly if you must. Apply for the opportunity. Send the email (or as we’ve noted, make the phone call!!) This is how you get from where you are to where you want to be more quickly. You don’t dilly dally or make excuses– take strategic actions as soon as humanly possible to keep moving forward.
  7. Just start. Building on the last point: START!! Yes, everything looks and sounds better with top of the line equipment and polishing, but opening your laptop and making a Facebook live to be more visible right now is better than waiting WEEKS or MONTHS to be “properly” set up. Yes, having the perfect website can be a powerful tool, but picking up the phone and making outreach and connection calls to start selling your offerings is better than waiting MONTHS or YEARS to have the “ideal” online presence. Let things be imperfect. It’s better to build momentum than to wait for the perfect plan or pieces. Stop getting ready to get ready and just GO FOR IT! (Bonus tip: Taking action is also a balm for anxiety. It gives your mind a productive place to focus.)
  8. Act on your desires and fantasies. I want a video studio in my home, which means I need a bigger place to live. It’s a desire… so what did I do? I started looking at open houses to see what was available and fantasized about what I could create! Then I noticed that some architects do custom houses, and I wondered, “could I do a custom house?” I took action around my desire. When it’s a TRUE desire, it means we’re being led by Spirit and clued into the next level of our life, business, and relationships. Don’t dismiss these desires!! Maybe it doesn’t appear to be in the cards for this year… but if you desire it, take action around it to move it into reality more quickly. You never know what opportunities or stepping stones you’ll come across by doing so!
  9. Create the time for things. Stop telling yourself you don’t have enough time. Stop rushing around frazzled about everything on your to-do list. Don’t rush when you get ready to leave the house for something. Don’t say that you’re “too busy” for what’s important. MAKE THE TIME! I talk about this and more in my training: Mastering Einstein Time So You Can Beat Overwhelm Once and for All! You CAN create more time for yourself, your life, and your business… it’s always possible. ;-)
  10. Learn and LIVE the Laws. This is soooooo key and has been a huge part of my quantum leaps over the years. There are seven Universal Laws of Success, and they’ve always been in existence. They always work, just like gravity. See… even if you don’t believe in gravity, gravity is still working. You’re still not flying to the moon, because here on Earth we have gravity. It happens, it exists, it is there… 100% of the time. You’re never without the experience of gravity, even if you don’t understand the mechanism of how gravity works. Start learning three of the Laws (Resentment, Self-Worth, and More Life) in my free Cracking the Code to Income Generation training here!
  11. Take personal responsibility. This is the Law of Cause and Effect. You are always at cause. So when things don’t go the way you want, you have to ask yourself what causes did you put into effect… as well as what you’re going to do now (what are the new causes) to create what you desire. You don’t blame or shame yourself. You don’t make yourself or other people wrong and bad. You don’t take on a victim mentality. You focus on your power to CREATE, and you choose to put a new cause into effect. That might be taking new and different actions or thinking more empowering thoughts… either way, it starts with YOU.
  12. Look at your results. If you’re not getting the results you want, guess what? You’re in the story, the excuse, or some lie that helps you stay exactly where you are: a seemingly safe place. That place doesn’t get you what you want though. It never does. You’ve got to ask yourself: what would happen if I took a no excuse attitude? What could I create in my life? In order to take a no excuse attitude, you have to be willing to look honestly at your numbers… financials, sales, reach, conversions, etc.… as well as things like your weight, the frequency of sex and intimacy in your relationship, how much water you actually drink, etc. Leland Val Van de Wall says, “The degree to which a person can grow is in direct proportion to the amount of truth that he can accept about himself without running away.” How much truth are you accepting about yourself?? Don’t whitewash over your results. If you’re tired of spinning your wheels and bumping up against the same barriers… I’d be happy to introduce you to a whole new way of working in the Business Acceleration Bootcamp. ;-)
  13. Better your best. This is about always growing to the next level and living with a growth mindset. What’s your BEST right now, and how can you do it even better?? How can you continually improve what’s already going exceptionally well? How can you elevate your game every day?! Bettering your best allows you to grow yourself and your capacity, along with your container for how much you can receive. This is because when you better your best, you’re GIVING more to the world… and in turn, you can receive more. Giving is the first Law of Receiving!!
  14. Have integrity. Treat everyone with respect, whether they’re the assistant or the CEO, the busboy or the owner. Show up in full alignment even when no one else is around. Do what you say you’re going to do… even if you’ve only committed to doing it to yourself. This is key. It’s how you build trust in yourself and your abilities to have an income breakthrough and quantum leap your life. Have integrity with EVERYTHING you say and do, at all times… even when no one is watching.
  15. Master the mental aspect of success. You have to get leverage over your subconscious programming and stop sabotaging your success. To do this you MUST understand how the subconscious mind works and program it for success. The first step is identifying your most engrained blocks, hidden double-binds, and loyalty pacts that keep you from taking the actions you KNOW you need to take.

These are just a HANDFUL of the ways I’ve learned
to be unstoppable in my life and business.

Want to get The Unstoppable Blueprint emails right to your inbox (plus other videos, trainings, and content for becoming truly unstoppable)? Subscribe below.

You have to put new causes into effect…

By Amira Alvarez “Everything would be fine if everyone would just do their job…” “I was going to get that done today, but then so-and-so showed up…” “I tried, but…” Ever hear yourself saying any of the above? If so, it’s time to revisit one of the Universal Laws of Success. Warning: You’re…

“Everything would be fine if everyone would just do their job…”

“I was going to get that done today, but then so-and-so showed up…”

“I tried, but…

Ever hear yourself saying any of the above?

If so, it’s time to revisit one of the Universal Laws of Success.

Warning: You’re about to enter a no-excuse zone. ;-)

The Law of Cause and Effect states that you are always first cause. 

Meaning, you are always 100% responsible for your results, whether consciously or unconsciously. This also means you ALWAYS have a choice to put different causes into effect.

If a colleague or employee is late on a deadline, you could choose to go into a negativity spiral… or you could choose to set some new expectations and boundaries.

If a sales call doesn’t go the way you want it to, you could choose to resent the lost client… or choose to use it as data to evaluate your sales process.

If your spouse lets you down, you could choose to see it as evidence that they don’t understand you… or you could choose to use it to strengthen your communication. 

Let me put it this way:

You. Always. Have. CHOICES.

Some will be tougher than others, and not all of them will be easy—but the sooner you’re able to take personal responsibility, the sooner you’ll be able to shift things.

This is especially important when it comes to creating an income breakthrough and quantum leaping your business. 

If you’re not happy with the results you’re seeing, you have to get clear about what you DO want, as well as what new causes need to be put into effect to meet them.

What needs to happen for you to wake up feeling clear and focused?

How can you get more done without the scattered, panicked, distract-o-matic behavior?

What daily practices need to be in place to experience more wins and build momentum?

How can you become more visible, drawing in bigger clients, projects, and contracts?

If you can master this… the day WILL come when you’re looking at your bank account and it’s more than you’ve ever made—giving you the means to fund your uncompromised life.

Hit reply and tell me: what new cause will you put into effect today? :-)