All posts by Amy Villegas

Luck Has Nothing to Do with Success

Luck Has Nothing to Do with Success
By Amira Alvarez Do you believe in luck? This is a sneaky way you might be giving your power away. Nobody just “gets lucky.” But when we start feeling a little jealous of people around us who have reached a certain level of success, this is a classic story we tell ourselves. We…

Do you believe in luck? This is a sneaky way you might be giving your power away. Nobody justgets lucky.

But when we start feeling a little jealous of people around us who have reached a certain level of success, this is a classic story we tell ourselves.

We say things like…

She’s always been lucky…”
Not everyone can be ~perfect~ like [insert name]…”
Easy for him, he hasn’t been facing the issues I’ve been struggling with lately…”

It’s so easy to fall into this type of thinking… so you have to be careful here.


Because although these rationalizations will sound totally reasonable and logical, they’re actually just ways you’re letting yourself off the hook from stepping up in your life.

Yep, it’s trueWhen you do this, you’re giving away your power. You’re allowing yourself to be a victim of circumstance.

Because if success is just based on luck, then small business owners have no control over their eventual success. And “being unlucky” quickly becomes an excuse for failure, or choosing never to start in the first place.

This all ties back into the Law of Cause and Effect. If you’re not creating the results you want in your business, you have to ask yourself HOW you’re showing up in this world.

You have to look at what causes you are putting into effect. You have to take a deep, hard, honest look at what’s holding you back from truly claiming… and taking action on… what you desire in your life, business, relationships, and income.

This is the only way you’ll be able to create the results you want, consistently. And it’s the only way you’ll become truly unstoppable – in business and in life.

Are you ready for that?

If you are… What’s one thing you can do today to claim the success you deserve?

Use The Law of Attraction by Focusing on What You Want

Use the Law of Attraction to Focus on What You Want
By Amira Alvarez One of the things that’s über critical when going after next-level goals is learning how to take control of your negative thoughts. You do this by understanding the law of attraction. It’s not always going to be rainbows and unicorns scaling your business and some days are going to be…

One of the things that’s über critical when going after next-level goals is learning how to take control of your negative thoughts. You do this by understanding the law of attraction.

It’s not always going to be rainbows and unicorns scaling your business and some days are going to be a heck of a lot harder than others.

Once you’ve had a few days like this in a row, you might get hooked by what’s not going as intended and start focusing on all the things that went wrong. 

The Law of Attraction, a subsidiary Law to the Law of Vibration, tells us that we attract what is congruent to our vibrational level.

If you focus on what’s wrong with an energy of negativity, lack, and scarcity… with doubt, worry, and fear… then you will attract more of this into your life. You’ll attract what’s in vibrational alignment with those thoughts.

Do you want those negative consequences? Because the Universe creates and provides for you that which your thoughts are focused on

So when you’re obsessing over all the ways you might fail, or all the ways you haven’t measured up—the reality is, you’re only setting yourself up for more failure. Ugh!

Of course you have to problem-solve, see where you went wrong, and take different actions to get different results. But don’t fall into the trap of excessive guilt and shame. This will only snowball!!

The next time you get stuck in a thought pattern like this, I want you first to acknowledge that you’re allowing your focus to go to what you don’t want.

Then, recognize that you’re in control of your own mind and take your power back.

Make a conscious choice to stop focusing on what you don’t want, and shift your focus to what you do want. Use the power of the law of attraction. 

By doing this, you’ll attract the ideas and opportunities that will lead you directly to wealth and abundance.

Have an Abundant Life by Giving Yourself Permission to Be Rich

Have an Abundant Life by Giving Yourself Permission to Be Rich
By Amira Alvarez What’s stopping you from claiming your rich and abundant life? Are you saying that it’s shallow? Are you saying that it’s not for people like you who come from this kind of background, family, part of the world, etc.?  Are you saying that you’re going to turn into some kind…

What’s stopping you from claiming your rich and abundant life?

Are you saying that it’s shallow?

Are you saying that it’s not for people like you who come from this kind of background, family, part of the world, etc.? 

Are you saying that you’re going to turn into some kind of greedy, self-centered, biiii-atch? 

What stories are running through your head saying that you can’t and that it’s not for you?

One of the biggest stories that I hear is“I don’t need that.

It’s true. On a daily basis, you don’t need much beyond the basics. 

You need basic food. Basic water. Basic shelter.

Not much more.

Everything else is a want. Yep. Everything.

Need is not what drives us to grow and become more. Need keeps us flat-lining.

Let me say that againNeed is not what drives us to grow and become more and live an abundant life. Desire is.

Desire is what calls us into our purpose and helps us grow the Spiritual Seed that we were all born with. It’s what calls us forward into the full expression of ourselves. It what gives us an abundant life.

Yet most of us feel like we don’t have permission to want what we want.

And this blocks your growth.

Let me be very clear. It doesn’t just block your personal growth, but it blocks the growth of your bank account. That is not an abundant life.

I just got done with The Spirit of Wealth Mastermind Retreat and I heard it again and again from the women in attendance…

Do I have permission to grow my business that big?
Do I have permission to BE that woman?
Do I have permission to have that experience? Live that large? Experience that kind of luxury?

The answer is YES! Resoundingly so.

You’re the only person who can truly give yourself permission, but I’d love to show you how to do that. 

Why Inconsistency Is Stopping You from Achieving Goals

Achieving Goals Requires Consistency
By Amira Alvarez What are the results that you want in your business? Are you achieving goals consistently? Every month? Month after month? Are they so reliable that you could bet your bottom dollar on them and be 100% certain of winning that bet???  For instance, most people want to make a certain…

What are the results that you want in your business? Are you achieving goals consistently? Every month? Month after month?

Are they so reliable that you could bet your bottom dollar on them and be 100% certain of winning that bet??? 

For instance, most people want to make a certain amount of income in their business–that’s one of their main goals, up there with making a difference for their clients and customers. 

But their cash flow is radically inconsistent. It goes up and down in a feast or famine cycle.

Where does this stem from?

If you live and work according to Law, you know that The Law of Cause and Effect says for every effect (result) there is a cause.

Inconsistent results in your revenue mean you’re being inconsistent in the causes you’re putting into effect. 

Discipline is “a thing.” It’s required and yet so many people rail against it and say… “I just don’t want to. I only want to go with the flow.” 

I love being in flow. Don’t get me wrong. It’s so luscious and divine. But without any structure, your flow won’t be focused enough to create the result you want. In fact, you can destroy your chances of success simply by being in all flow without the structure or consistency that’s required. 

You’ll be going here then there, doing a little bit of this, then that, constantly dabbling but never doing anything consistently enough, with enough structure, to get results.

Consistency is a way to put a demand on the Universe. It’s saying “I’m so committed to what I want that I will not be denied.” That consistency gets you achieving goals.

An easy way to create structure (the masculine element) while still allowing for flow (the feminine element) is to be consistent.

What will you do every day or every week that will move the needle in your business? What are your consistent, habitual actions? Once you know that, then you can have endless flow about how you do that. 

As you can see, the solution is easy on the surface: 1) What are the needle moving things in your business? 2) Figure out a schedule to do these that you can keep to consistently. 3) Bring on the supportive ease and flow within that structure.

But it’s not so easy when you dig into what’s actually getting in the way… because I bet you’ve made a lot of plans and created great schedules you haven’t kept to. So, what gives?

You have a blindspot–something that you can’t see–that’s keeping you from showing up for yourself. Consciously you want what you want, but subconsciously you’re sabotaging your actions. You’re not achieving goals. 

This is the Cause behind the Cause. There is always a ‘Train of Causation.’

The biggest bummer about all this? It’s unnecessary to stay blind to what’s causing your inconsistency, in the dark, ignorant of what’s stopping you. . 

There’s no reason for you to be operating in your business without clarity, consistency, AND RESULTS! I want you to be achieving goals!

Want to figure out what your self-sabotaging subconscious blindspot is? 

Let’s chat about doing a VIP Day.

Financial Freedom and Time Abundance Is Possible

How to Have Financial Freedom and an Abundance of Time
By Amira Alvarez Most people feel trapped by time and money. Those are the two main resources that people feel like they don’t have enough of. They tell themselves this is what’s holding them back from living their best life.  That is not financial freedom. They think, “If only I had more money…”…

Most people feel trapped by time and money. Those are the two main resources that people feel like they don’t have enough of. They tell themselves this is what’s holding them back from living their best life.  That is not financial freedom.

They think, “If only I had more money…” or “Once I have more timeI’ll be free.”

This is how so many women operate, thinking they’re being realistic and will do the bigger, better, more aligned things (whatever they are for you) once they’re ALREADY making more money and can afford it.

Or once they’ve ALREADY cleared up their schedule from those time-consuming obligations.

But that’s not how the Spirit/Source/The Universe works.

In fact, when they think like this, theyve got it all backwards.

The fact of the matter is, when you become free, you create the time and the money.

This is because the Universe gives you exactly the money and time that you expect for yourself (and thus take the action to create for yourself.)

When you decide that you can’t squeeze in that one thing that will create more for your life and your business, you fill up your time with secondhand obligations instead.

And when you decide that you can’t afford something, you’re telling the Universe that you don’t expect the money. You expect to stay exactly where you are. That is not financial freedom.

And then you act accordingly. At that level.

To be clear, I’m not saying you should spend frivolously and buy a private jet when you make $50k. ;-) 

You have to start from where you are and you also have to do the work.

For me, this meant flying first class when I believed I “couldn’t afford to fly first class.” For a long time, I was totally resistant to the idea. There was a little voice in my head saying, “That’s frivolous! Irresponsible!”

But I went for it, and it turned out that it completely pushed me to do more, make more, be more. 

It was a BIG growth edge challenge. I had to face so much and do so much inner and outer game work. It stretched me tremendously. It gave me the financial freedom I enjoy so much.

And that’s because you have to actually make that move first – with faith – in order to recognize that you are someone who can create her own freedom.

What decision can you make today to get one step closer to that?

These Two Things Aren’t Getting You the Wealth You Desire

These Two Things Aren't Getting You the Wealth You Desire
By Amira Alvarez People come up with all kinds of excuses for staying broke and not having the wealth they desire.  Most people don’t make the kind of money they want not because they’re bad people, or not smart enough, or don’t work hard enough… but because they listen to these excuses. In…

People come up with all kinds of excuses for staying broke and not having the wealth they desire

Most people don’t make the kind of money they want not because they’re bad people, or not smart enough, or don’t work hard enough… but because they listen to these excuses.

In fact, very good, highly intelligent people with great work ethics stay struggling with money.

If this is you, I feel your pain. That was definitely where I was–working so hard, trying to do the right thing but not getting ahead fast enough to feel the relief. Then I figured some things out and 5x’d my income in one year. (That was fun! :) 

One of the things I figured out was how to take a noexcuse attitude.

I started looking at what I was saying that was stopping me from doing the needle-moving work in my business that would actually make me have my desired wealth. 

And you need to do this too.

Ask yourself… what comes after, “I can’t do that now because…” or “If only _____ would happen, I’d be able to…” 

Is it time? Is it money? Is it that a particular person that needs your help and takes up all your bandwidth?

Is it your messy home, or your busy schedule? Do you tell yourself you have too many obligations to make progress towards your desire?

What is it that you’re telling yourself is stopping you from doing what you said you would do?

(Resist the urge to go into shame here. Instead, catch yourself out on this lovingly and honestly, sans guilt trips.)

I had a quick conversation with a client a little while ago, and she complained to me that the way her son and her husband were keeping the house was driving her crazy. She was so annoyed and couldn’t focus on her work because the house was such a mess all the time.

She was complaining but not doing anything about it.

This is common. It happens to the best of us, but it’s not the secret to success. Far from it, in fact.

I suggested hiring a mother’s helper, someone who’s willing to come in for an hour or two every day and straighten up. These people exist! They’re the kid next door, the stay-at-home mom that wants to earn a little extra money. It’s super easy.

And a little tangent here– I know some of you might be thinking, “I can’t afford someone to come in and help me.”

But I’d argue that if you’re saying “I need more help but can’t afford it,” in life – whether that’s in your business, your household duties, childcare or anywhere else – I’d argue that that’s an excuse.

You can absolutely figure this out.

And you can start off small, you don’t have to start big. But you can get help.

There’s always help available. If you look for it, you can always figure out a solution – whether it’s paid help, a trade, or some sort of family situation – there’s always help available.

So do not use that as an excuse. Do not let a circumstance outside of you stop you from going forward and achieving your goals, creating the business that you want, and the wealth you desire.

With my wonderful client, the next day after our talk, she had someone hired. It didn’t take that much effort at all.

But it does take claiming what you want and articulating what’s getting in your way.

She wanted a clean house, she wanted order. This is totally understandable. But she was stuck in the complaint and as a result, a bit of complacency.

Instead of complaining, just solve the problem!

Get off your high horse (I say that lovingly), and solve the problem, because it’s your life and you’re 100% responsible for it.

Complacency and complaining will only keep you broke and unhappy

I want you to have the wealth you desire.

So today, what are you complaining about, and what can you take action on instead?