All posts by Tiffany Johnson

Spending Money To Make Money, Is It Necessary?

By Amira Alvarez I woke up this morning at 4 am raring to go! I know, I know... that is seriously early. I'm naturally an early to bed, early to rise kind of gal, yet even for me, this is exceptionally early. Yet, I just couldn't contain myself. I am so freakin' excited…

I woke up this morning at 4 am raring to go! I know, I know… that is seriously early. I’m naturally an early to bed, early to rise kind of gal, yet even for me, this is exceptionally early.

Yet, I just couldn’t contain myself. I am so freakin’ excited by all the amazingness that I’m creating in my business and my life. Things are really popping!

I’ve got my Becoming More Retreat planned in May and I’ve added on an exclusive Photo Branding Day for women who want to step into more with their images. (I am super psyched about this! It’s going to be amazing and I can hardly think of anything else.)

I am so jazzed by planning both of these events, AND by all the new that’s exploding in my personal life…

Like, I finally hired a personal trainer!!

Like, I bought a new gorgeously sexy bed to mark some serious shifts happening in my personal life with the hubs. (I cannot wait for it to arrive!)

Like, I booked a luscious two-week trip to France for us.

All of these things, in my business and personal life, require MONEY. Yup. Straight up cash.

Stepping up into more in my personal and business life required that I put down some cash to make it happen.

Cash to book the hotel. Cash to hire the event coordinator. Cash for the freakin’ fabulous photographer that’s going to blow your socks off if you come.

Cash for the personal trainer. Cash for the sexy bed. Cash for the Air France tickets.

Now, I can hear some of you saying, “the best things in life are free.” And, of course, there’s truth to that. Your feeling state doesn’t cost you anything.

In fact, mastering your feeling state is one of the most important things you can do for yourself. It’s one of the keys to unlocking the material riches in this lifetime.

In theory, it doesn’t cost you anything. Yet, I for one had to pay a lot of money to work with mentors to help me re-program my thinking, so I could consistently maintain a positive feeling state and not get triggered into doubt, worry, and fear.

Money touches just about every area of our lives… business, relationships, self-image, sense of security, etc.

When you want your life or business to be different and when you want more for yourself, you have to claim it. Part of the process of claiming it is putting the money down and spending money outside of your comfort zone.

We all have our money-spending set point or comfort zone. It’s how much you’re comfortable spending and in what areas. For me, for years, it was okay to spend money on books and home improvement items, but not on clothes and blow-outs.

The first time I had a blow-out (which was not too long ago!), I thought long and hard about that decision. Was it worth it? (But really, if you unpack that, the question was: Was I worth it?)

Spending that money was such a stretch for me. It was outside my comfort zone. But I wanted more for myself. I wanted to BE that woman who loved how she looked and who’s hair was fabulous. It represented “having my s— together” and stepping up to the next level in my life and business. To step into Her, the woman inside of me that needed to be birthed to take my business to the next level, I had to spend that money.

Or let’s take other examples… like spending money on team or technology, business travel or office renovations… to grow into more in your business, you need to stretch your comfort level with spending money.

See, if we hover within our money comfort zone, never straying too far from that set point… nothing changes. We play at the same level. We don’t grow.

Spending the money says to your subconscious brain: “I’m for reals. I’m doing this. I’m going to the next level. I’m stepping up and I’m not going to back down or back out.” 

It’s a decision. And when you put the money down, you’ve got skin in the game.

Now, does spending money on your business guarantee the results you want? Absolutely not. You still need to show up and do the work and you need to manage your mindset and get out of your own way.

What it does do though, especially if you’ve thrown down some big cash that moves you beyond your spending set point, is give you the motivation not to blow off the work.

Most people, when they move beyond their money set point, will not tolerate not doing the work to make a return on their investment of money. You might wobble for awhile. You might be challenged. But you’ll go do the work, whether it’s the internal work or the external work. You’ll move through your fears and do the work.

Your money set-point is unique to you and where you’re at in your business.

For some, a stretch might be purchasing a $500 program. For others, it’s investing $250,000 into new office space.

It doesn’t matter.

Figure out what your set point is and move beyond it. Stretch yourself with investments that scare you and require that you become more in your business. If you’re the type of person who won’t tolerate “losing” their investment, you’ll show up and do the work and your business will grow.


Demystifying Marketing And How To Get Clients

By Amira Alvarez Marketing and getting clients can be one of the easiest things you do, I kid you not. It doesn't have to be overwhelming or confusing, yet I find that it often is one of those things that really spins people out. It can feel overwhelming because there are so many options,…

Marketing and getting clients can be one of the easiest things you do, I kid you not.

It doesn’t have to be overwhelming or confusing, yet I find that it often is one of those things that really spins people out.

It can feel overwhelming because there are so many options, so many things you could and should do to market your business and get clients.

All the marketing gurus and facebook ads are shouting: Do it this way! Here’s your magic pill!  

You start doing one thing and then another… you’re juggling (or trying to juggle) all these competing marketing strategies… networking, blogging, social media marketing, webinars, newsletters, ads, etc.

Before you know it you’re overwhelmed, freaking out about not having enough time, feeling bad about yourself that you can’t handle it all, wondering how everyone else does it… something must be wrong with you if you’re struggling, right?


It just means you’ve put the cart before the horse.

You’ve rushed into action before being clear in your message or your marketing strategy. You’ve put the emphasis on getting into action, rather than what you’re communicating or clarifying a plan that’s actually aligned for you.

This makes marketing your business hard.

This will leave you feeling off, disingenuous, like you’re trying to be someone you’re not. It feels salesy and sleazy, rather than connected and real.

This is so frustrating because you have something amazing to offer the world. You just need to be able to get it out there to the right people so it resonates with them and they say YES and buy.

To make marketing your business easier and much more effective start with…

  • Getting clear on your message–what you stand for.
  • Simplifying your message so it functions as a guiding principle that keeps you on track in all that you do.
  • Finding your voice, which really means… how to say what you mean in a way that makes sense to you and your clients.

Then move into creating an aligned plan for yourself.

If you start “doing” all the marketing activities without thinking through what’s going to work for you, it’s going to feel hard to you… and it’s going to flop. It won’t connect with your potential clients.

So spend some time answering these questions…

  • What do you stand for? What’s your message?
  • What do you really want to say and get out there in the world?
  • How do you help and serve?

If you’ve been in business for awhile and you’re feeling challenged by marketing, you’re either not clear and aligned with your message or your not clear and aligned with your marketing actions. Which is it for you?

Definitely go back and revisit your message. Does it still sync up with who you’ve become and how your business has grown?

Then go back and look at what you’re doing. Does it feel fun and easy for you? (It needs to!)

Marketing can actually be very easy if you clarify and simplify these two things: your message and your plan.





There are no glass ceilings

By Amira Alvarez No glass ceilings. That's the message I have for you today. When you're in business for yourself, your glass ceilings are self-imposed. There is no one to "blame" but yourself. That's always the case, of course. We're 100% responsible for our outcomes. No exceptions. I am. You are. We all…

No glass ceilings. That’s the message I have for you today.

When you’re in business for yourself, your glass ceilings are self-imposed.

There is no one to “blame” but yourself.

That’s always the case, of course. We’re 100% responsible for our outcomes. No exceptions. I am. You are. We all are.

What’s stopping you?

I’ve been talking to a lot of women who want to step up to more in their business, but stop themselves.


In so many different ways.

Often it looks like overcomplicating things… “I have to do this, and then this, and then this… and THEN I’ll be ready.”

Nope. You’re ready now. Go.

Often it looks like fear of being overwhelmed. (Raising my hand. I used to have this big time.)

The story goes I can’t do this *now* because it’s going to be too much work, I’m going to lose my Self and my sanity.

Nope. This is just a smoke screen. You’re ready now.

Or it can look like… I need to learn xyz before I take the next step. I need to prove to myself that I’m capable, perfect, not a fraud, know myself, am worthy, can do it on my own… *before* I get help, take that step, really go all in, etc.

Nope. The transformation happens in the action.

Stop the stories.

If you want to move through your glass ceiling…

If you want to break through your income barrier…

It starts with the awareness of the stories you’re telling yourself.

And then gently, yet firmly taking action anyway.

Do this now. :)


Readiness is a choice

By Amira Alvarez Don't wait until you're ready to go for what you want. The truth about readiness is that it's a decision. You *decide* to be ready. That makes it an inside job. And that makes it up to you. Readiness is not based on outside circumstances, like... Travel schedules, health issues,…

Don’t wait until you’re ready to go for what you want. The truth about readiness is that it’s a decision.

You *decide* to be ready. That makes it an inside job. And that makes it up to you.

Readiness is not based on outside circumstances, like…

Travel schedules, health issues, out of town guests, kid’s schedules, work commitments, parties you’re planning, money you have or don’t have, what’s going on with your partner, whether you’ve tried and “failed” previously, that you have too much to do, or even on whether the freakin’ laundry has been folded yet.

If you want something, go for it.

You make a decision and you start. Now. Not when everything is clean and tidy and wrapped up in a nice bow. IT NEVER IS.

You can’t let your current circumstances determine your actions if you truly want a different outcome.

If you do, you get more of the same.

If you want something different, you’ve got to do something different.

You have to make a bold decision in favor of what you want. Now. Today.

This can be scary. No doubt about that.

Because you need to make this decision…

Even if you don’t know how it’s going to pan out….

Even if your current circumstances say you’re too busy and could not possibly handle it…

Even if you don’t know if you’ve got what it takes to really show up for yourself.

You decide and go for it.


I talk in-depth about this in my new training on How To Break Through Your Income Barrier.

You’ll learn:

  • The first step you need to take to break through your income barrier–most people miss this entirely.
  • The behavior that I’ve identified that all people who make quantum leaps in their income have in common.
  • How to maximize your work time, so you get more done in less time and rock your to-do list every day.

This is content-rich, paradigm shifting information.




Do you have a money goal for 2017?

By Amira Alvarez Do you have a money goal for 2017? Heck, do you have a money goal for next month? Or does the idea of setting a money goal make you want to run for cover? A lot of women in business tell me that they don't set money goals for themselves…

Do you have a money goal for 2017? Heck, do you have a money goal for next month?

Or does the idea of setting a money goal make you want to run for cover?

A lot of women in business tell me that they don’t set money goals for themselves because they’re afraid of not reaching them.

The fear of “failing” or the fear of disappointing themselves, causes them to renounce goal setting completely.

Yet, you’ve heard the studies… people who set goals have higher rates of success.

What if I told you that there’s a way to set goals for yourself that won’t cause that internal panic? Would you like that?

That’s one of the many things I teach the women I coach and it’s critical to helping you break through your income barrier.

I’m passionate about helping women make more money in their business.

You need to do the work, of course, but I can show you how to make it easier.

If it’s time to let go of the excuses and really show up for yourself, let me show you how.



Follow Your Dreams To Financial Success

By Amira Alvarez Today I want to encourage you to go for your dreams of having a financially successful business. Don't be afraid of making more money. Don't listen to the voices that say... "Who are you to earn that much?" or "You're going to become someone you're not if you're wealthy." Money…

Today I want to encourage you to go for your dreams of having a financially successful business.

Don’t be afraid of making more money.

Don’t listen to the voices that say…

“Who are you to earn that much?”


“You’re going to become someone you’re not if you’re wealthy.”

Money allows you to be more of who you already are.

  • If you’re generous, it allows you to be more generous.
  • If you serve, it allows you to serve more people.
  • If you’re a teacher, it allows you to teach more.
  • If you’re an artist, it allows you to touch more people.
  • If you’re a coach, it allows you to help more people.
  • If you’re a mom, it allows you to be more as a mom.

Put your “life mask” on first. Earn great money so you can show up more powerfully as YOU in the world.

Struggling with money just limits your impact.

Is it time you earned more money?
