Category Archives: Unstoppable Woman Spotlights

Lawyer Gets $185k Revenue Boost from One Tiny 5-Minute Tweak | Client Spotlight | Shannon Pawley

By Amira Alvarez Could you know happiness if you didn’t know sadness? Dark without light? The Law of Polarity tells us that everything is dual… everything has an opposite. That means that the things you’re resisting can actually be what you need MOST to excel! This isn’t just some woo-woo concept—you can actually…

From Teen Mom to $75 Million Portfolio | Unstoppable Woman Spotlight | Edna Keep

By Amira Alvarez As a single mom at age 16, Edna had the cards stacked against her. She was living in subsidized housing, working a series of waitressing and secretarial jobs, making ends meet. She dropped out of high school to raise her daughter. But she didn’t let that stop her from breaking…

Why Resilience Is the Key to Financial Success | Client Spotlight | Debbie Heiser

By Amira Alvarez “I was in the hamster wheel… I was broken and I was exhausted. I was unhappy, and I guess I knew why, but I didn’t really want to face why.” This was Debbie Heiser 3 years ago. Since then, she’s had a total and complete transformation, and today she’s sharing…

The Doctor Is In: Tips on Taking Care of Yourself | Unstoppable Woman Spotlight | Dr. Lisa Olszewski

By Amira Alvarez Are you nurturing everyone and everything else, unintentionally neglecting your own needs? Perhaps you’re too busy juggling your career and home life, and it falls to the wayside. I get it, it happens. I’ve had my kitchen floor moment. But today’s guest is here to teach you that there is…

Becoming a Wealthy Speaker: How Do You Do It? | Unstoppable Spotlight | Jane Atkinson

By Amira Alvarez Do you want to become a highly paid speaker who makes a difference with her message? Speaking gigs are one of the fastest ways to build credibility and attract next-level clients!! If your business plan includes speaking for money (or if you just want to hear more about how you…

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We explore what it takes for women to scale their businesses and their lives, covering tactical business strategies, the mental aspect to success, and Universal Law so that you can get out of your own way, increase cash flow, and create freedom! Listen in and subscribe now. #BEUNSTOPPABLE