How to Master The Follow-up Call | Coaching Uncut

By Amira Alvarez

In this Coaching Uncut Series, we take you behind the scenes and allow you to listen in to the coaching I do with clients so you can learn right along with them! All of these coaching calls have been recorded with permission from my clients.

If you’ve ever been to any of our summits or you’re part of my Spirit of Wealth program, then you’ve probably heard me say, “sales is what moves money.” But what do you do after the initial sales conversation? How do you handle following up with potential clients? This question comes up all the time, so today we’re diving deep into how to master the follow-up call. BONUS! In this episode, you’ll get to hear some exciting things I’m planning for our Paris Metamorphosis Retreat! Tune in for more!

What To Listen For

  • Don’t lead with a sales pitch, strike up a genuine conversation with your potential client!
  • Everyone has their own money story—meet them where they’re at
  • Why 50% of your time should be dedicated to sales outreach
  • How to avoid falling back into old habits and hold yourself accountable instead

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