How to Manage Emotions as a Leader | Coaching Uncut

By Amira Alvarez

In today’s episode of Coaching Uncut, I am speaking with a client who’s facing some team management challenges. She starts off in anger and resentment about her team’s mistakes and lack of initiative, but we get real and raw about her role in the situation. In this episode, we’re looking at how to take accountability as a small business owner… and how our knee-jerk reactions all tie into self-image and our addiction to the struggle.

What To Listen For

  • Overcoming your upper limits of success [5:04]
  • How to release emotions stuck in your body [12:04]
  • The 30-second mindset reset that will get you out of anger and into action [14:39]

This coaching call has been recorded with permission. Please be aware that this is not a studio recording, and the sound quality may vary.

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