How to Rebrand Your Business Without Losing Your Audience | Unstoppable Woman Spotlight | Nicole Swartz

By Amira Alvarez

Today we’re speaking with Nicole Swartz, the attorney and founder behind Sprout Law, a law firm for women business owners. In 2015, Nicole created a skincare line that grew exponentially and became internationally recognized (her products were even featured in the Golden Globe gift bags!!) But after only two years in her skincare line, someone trademarked her brand, and she couldn’t use it anymore. Listen in to hear how she overcame this massive challenge and rebranded her entire businessand managed to come back even stronger!

What To Listen For

  • How to rebrand without losing your audience [4:35]
  • Unpacking the emotional labor of the rebranding process [6:37]
  • The importance of having a well-developed brand, and how it will invite even more success into your life! [19:48]


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