Utilize The Law of Receiving This Christmas!

By Amira Alvarez

Today’s topic is especially relevant because we’re releasing it on Christmas day (Merry Christmas to those who celebrate!) The Law of Receiving tells us that in order to receive, we must first give.

Now, most people don’t understand how this works in the context of their business. Yes, to receive more in your life and business, you have to give more. But you don’t always have to give in kind… and there’s so much more you can give than just your time and money. Listen in to find out exactly what I mean, so you can utilize the Law of Receiving to attract what you want!

What To Listen For

  • The secret to attracting what you want is found in giving – not receiving [1:02]
  • In order to achieve massive success, you must understand the impression of increase [5:54]
  • Give with unlimited abundance – this is how you create wealth [8:04]
  • Unpacking your resentment around gift-giving and other holiday traditions [13:45]


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