All posts by Tiffany Johnson

What’s the price of freedom?

By Amira Alvarez I want to pull back the curtain and share the sobbing, snotty, sniffling truth about what growth sometimes looks like. I went to see my mentor for a VIP day. I had written out what I wanted to discuss. I was prepared. Ready to go. I was going to kick…

I want to pull back the curtain and share the sobbing, snotty, sniffling truth about what growth sometimes looks like.

I went to see my mentor for a VIP day. I had written out what I wanted to discuss. I was prepared. Ready to go. I was going to kick some serious ass, in that way that ambitious women come to meetings.

And you know what I did for the first TWO HOURS?

I cried. I cried my eyes out. I sobbed. I went through a box of kleenex. (And I lost at least 30% of my eyelashes. Ahhh… those pretty eyelash extensions… big sigh. Is this the price of vanity? ;-)

Here’s the thing…

All my shit, all my resistance, all my deepest, darkest fears came up. All the stuff that needed to be seen and brought into the light so that I could step into who I actually am… it all had to come forth.

The truth was I was a sobbing mess.

But was it worth it?

Was it worth it not to pretend to have all my shit together so I could finally deal with it? Was it worth it not to ignore all my triggers but to see them in the light of day?

You betcha. Worth every, single penny, all 2,000,000 of them. (I’ll let you do the math.)

To be able to see my core wound and know what exactly I need to work through in order to get to the next level in my business–that’s priceless.

Seeing it allows the transformation to happen. And transforming it frees you up to take the BIG action you need to in your business. You are no longer stuck, spinning in circles, and limited.

These two things are inextricably linked.

If only we could do this transformational work for ourselves. We can, to an extent of course, but then our subconscious mind runs circles around us, putting up a smoke screen, convincing us that everything is fine.

It says… don’t look behind that door… YET that’s exactly the door you need to look behind if anything is going to change.

That’s why I always have a mentor. Clearly, I believe in this model. I walk my talk in this regard. I do the work. I get coached.

It’s a huge part of the reason my business is so successful.

I’m always in growth. It doesn’t stop. The faster I move through my blocks, the faster I get what I want and more. This is always the case.

This is what I do and what I suggest you do too.



This limiting belief stops your cash flow

By Amira Alvarez I love going to SLEEP with the news that one of my clients enrolled a new client who's life she's going to transform and help... And then WAKING up to the news that another client was able to meet the emergency needs of her client while more than TRIPLING her…

I love going to SLEEP with the news that one of my clients enrolled a new client who’s life she’s going to transform and help…

And then WAKING up to the news that another client was able to meet the emergency needs of her client while more than TRIPLING her rate.

Woohoo! #proudcoach

Yes, I’m happy for them, but beyond that, I am highlighting this today because so many people have limiting beliefs about what SALES means…

Yet they want the freedom and peace of mind that increased cash flow brings.

You can’t have it both ways.

You can’t think sales is an icky, yucky, sleazy, slimy thing AND want to make them. That goes against the way the Universe works.

If you want increased cash flow, guess what?

You want to make sales. (Even if you want to run screaming from the room when I use the word “sales.”)

I know that word “sales” triggers a lot of people, but I’m on a mission to normalize it.

There are so many women who aren’t YET in their power around sales or charging appropriately for their product or service.

What does this do?

It limits your cash flow.

But it also limits your freedom.

Yes, I agree, freedom is a state of mind. You can access it anytime, anywhere, with or without money.

But the money is nice… right?

The money allows you the CHOICE…

To go on any kind of vacation you want.

To buy that new pair of shoes and not worry about it.

To send you kid to college. Heck, to send you kid to dance class.

Money gives you those options. Money gives you that kind of freedom.

It also gives you the means to ACT in the world more fully as you, in an unlimited way.

This is so important to your personal growth and actualization.

What if, when you think of doing something that takes money, you could say yes to yourself?

Instead of shrinking into the “can I afford it?” conversation when you want to purchase something, you expanded into it with a… yeeeessss!!?

So instead of thinking of sales as something to avoid…

What if you could transform your beliefs around it while keeping your integrity?

What if you could learn the small YET impactful tweaks to what you’re doing so you could double or triple your income?

This makes such a difference to your bottom line and to your sense of self.

I am happy to say this happens ALL THE TIME for my clients.

And it’s totally possible for you too! (No exceptions!)


PS: If you want some help with increasing your cash flow without compromising your integrity, Contact me and we can talk about how you can get started right now. Zero pressure. Zero obligation.

Approaching negativity without energizing it

By Amira Alvarez I've got to admit... sometimes it feels awesome to throw a fit. When all hell is breaking loose and people or events are conspiring against you... your inner two year old just wants to throw a big o' tantrum. You're mad. You're frustrated. You just want to vent. Things aren't…

I’ve got to admit… sometimes it feels awesome to throw a fit. When all hell is breaking loose and people or events are conspiring against you… your inner two year old just wants to throw a big o’ tantrum. You’re mad. You’re frustrated. You just want to vent.

Things aren’t going my way! Whhhhhy????

You rehash what’s got you worked up. You go over the most annoying parts… looking for validation. Doesn’t this suck? Isn’t this messed up?

You blame and complain….

“They didn’t get that back to me on time.”
“It costs too much money.”
“She doesn’t get it. She dropped the ball.”

You justify your response.

“I have a right to be upset…”
“If they hadn’t have done xyz… I wouldn’t have done abc…”
“I got so frustrated because they just wouldn’t….”
“Wouldn’t you have done the same thing?”

Until you realize you feel worse. That what you’re doing just underscored and energized the problem.

You’ve done nothing truly productive.

So what’s the alternative?

Certainly, you don’t want to bottle it up inside. That’s repression.

You don’t want to just put a smiley sticker on it and say that everything’s fine… when it’s not.

The question then is…

How do we talk about things in our lives and business that bother us, and really get it out, without fueling all the negativity and energizing what you don’t want?

Here’s what I do:

1. Get it out, but in a contained way. To do this, I often say… “I’m putting this in a box to discuss it.”  And limit my vent to defined amount of time. When I’m done, I’m done.

This acknowledges that you are delineating your tantrum… eeer, I mean, venting. ;-)

When you’re done with that…

2. Take 100% responsibility for your results. Zero blame. 100% responsibility. No matter what. You are the creator of your life. Take ownership.

3. Look for the lesson in the situation. There’s always a lesson. See it and learn it, as quickly as possible. The faster you do this, the faster what’s got you hooked disappears from your life. You’ve got to learn the lesson, otherwise, it’s on repeat. Ever wonder why there are patterns in your life that repeat themselves?

4. Understand the Truth. Inevitably there is some misunderstanding and confusion in how you’re understanding the Laws of the Universe. Get clear on this so you can get good with these immutable Laws.

5. Look for the opportunity. There is always one. Usually, it’s a growth opportunity. Yup. Another f– growth opportunity. ;-) You are meant to grow. Don’t resist this.

6. Act on the solution. Actually, solve the problem. What’s the solution? Focus your conversation on the solution. Then, even if the solution is uncomfortable, do it. This situation is begging you to solve this problem. If you don’t, it just keeps coming back.

7. Refocus. Once you find a solution and are done discussing it… shift your energy and focus towards what you do want. Do this immediately. Don’t let that space get filled with what you don’t want. Focus entirely on what you want.

Got that? Good. :)

Now rock out those solutions and be unstoppable in your business.


The Silly Stories I Tell Myself

By Amira Alvarez This week a made two big decisions. Count them... two! I decided to pay our house cleaner to wash and fold our laundry and I decided to order organic, premade food and have it delivered straight to my doorstep every week. The excitement I felt doing this FAR exceeded the…

This week a made two big decisions. Count them… two!

I decided to pay our house cleaner to wash and fold our laundry and I decided to order organic, premade food and have it delivered straight to my doorstep every week.

The excitement I felt doing this FAR exceeded the gravity of either of those choices.

On the face of things, these don’t seem like really big decisions. It’s just paying for a product or a service. We make these kinds of decisions all the time.

Yet, this was (strangely) a bigger deal to me than when I flew first class for the first time which was a much bigger financial investment for sure.

So what was this about? What made this different for me?

The stories I was telling myself about what this meant.

What do I mean by stories?

Stories, in this case, are the thoughts we have, that are sometimes barely perceptible, that run in our head about why we can or cannot do something, take some action, go for some dream, have something, ask for something, engage in that conversation, etc.

It’s what stops us… in life and business.

There’s the story of…

I can do it myself, therefore I don’t need to hire someone to help me. (Total BS)

It’s silly, not worth it, extravagant, indulgent, wasteful. (Double BS)

Maybe Jack (el husband) won’t agree, like it, approve, etc. (OMG, am I really admitting this out loud to you? I am, ’cause that’s the truth right there.)

All of these stories boil down to SELF-WORTH and FEAR OF REJECTION.

I want it, but… Do I deserve it?

I want it, but… What if “they” don’t approve?

I would have done both of these long ago if I thought my desires were worth it and if I wasn’t choosing to let my husband’s ideas of what’s appropriate to spend money on stop me.

I’m not blaming him at all. Totally my choice to buy into this story. It’s my story. Of course, he has different ideas of what to spend money on. Totally cool, right? Except it isn’t… not when you make your life smaller because of it. It’s a small yet big thing.

See… I can absolutely do the laundry myself. Laundry is easy. I can do it with a (mostly) a great attitude… yet, there was always a part of me that was a little resentful. I’d rather be doing something else!

Same thing with making myself lunch every day. I work from home and so even if I’m eating food I’ve previously made, there’s some cleanup or futzing. I love having real lunches, yet I get pulled out of my workflow by making lunch, cleaning up. Totally capable, yet not what I want to be doing.

One of the things I know about life and business is that resentment actually stops the flow of what you want in your life.

When you’re resentful, you’re actually putting a giant stop sign up to the Universe.

It’s the same in your business… are you resentful having to do certain tasks?

Pay close attention here… work that out. Either get yourself good with the task or hire someone else to do. Both work. What doesn’t work is staying in resentment.

Integrate this concept (The Law of Resentment) into your business and you’ll find that this is not only a total emotional upgrade, it opens up the monetary cash flow in your business as well.

In order to be in harmony and not in resentment, I needed to move beyond my stories.

Yes, this case it meant paying the money for the service but it could mean finding a non-monetary solution, eg: a change in attitude. And yes, this meant choosing in favor of what I wanted despite potential judgment or rejection.

You’ve got to move beyond your stories. I look for mine every day and then decide in favor of what I want. Whether it’s a small or large decision, go boldly toward your desires!

What are you going to choose in favor of today?

Make that incremental upgrade!



How do I rock a sales call?

By Amira Alvarez One of my recent Bootcamp clients is new to charging for her services. She's served people with her work for years for free, has helped a ton of people, but she never charged for what she did... She started her business (great first step) and was providing great content. All…

One of my recent Bootcamp clients is new to charging for her services. She’s served people with her work for years for free, has helped a ton of people, but she never charged for what she did…

She started her business (great first step) and was providing great content. All good… except things were getting kind of desperate money-wise.

She and her family needed some cash flow and no one was buying. She was having conversations with potential clients, but something was off. Something hadn’t clicked into place.

Not until she figured out how to really show up in a sales conversation…

So… “What’s the missing link to rocking a sales call?”

Spoiler Alert… The answer is self-worth.

But let me tell you why…

On a sales call, and really always, you need to show up fearlessly in your truth, without fearing rejection.

In order to do that, you need to be grounded in your own worth.

This is an inside job.

If you’re looking outside for approval, depending on others to tell you you’re worthy, doing it right, etc… You’re giving others the power to determine your worth. This puts you in a mental and emotional cage.

If your self-worth is in someone else’s hands, you will always fear rejection.

If you fear rejection, you will contort yourself. You will not say the full truth. You will make yourself small and dim your light.

If you make yourself small, not only will you not charge enough, but people feel this and they won’t have confidence in you or your service.

At my recent Mindset Mastery Retreat on Becoming More… the client I mentioned above, totally got this. It clicked into place. She made her first sale while at the retreat. It was small, yet still a sale. Whoopie!

The day after she got back from the retreat, she nailed her sales conversation for a program she was selling at a newer, much higher price point. (Super proud coach moment.)

She stepped into her power and unapologetically spoke the truth to her client… without fearing rejection. She held the space.

The result?

  • Zero objections. No noise. A straight up yes from the client.
  • $3,000 for her and her family. (Phew!)
  • Confidence!
  • A client who’s going to be served at the highest level.
  • Unstoppable energy in her business. She’s on fire!
  • A husband who is released to shine his light because he no longer feels the pressure of being the sole breadwinner.
  • The knowledge that she creates her own destiny.
  • Actualizing and being who she truly is… unapologetically.

As you can see… this isn’t just about the money. Yes, the money is nice. Yes, the money matters. Yes, the money came at a critical time for this client and her family.

But this is about so much more.

This is about stepping into freedom– the freedom that comes when you show up unapologetically.

I want this for you too! The freedom to be you in this world and make great money.



How To Be Visible (Without Killing Yourself)

By Amira Alvarez Did you know that I simply stumbled onto how to really rock the visibility game? I know that doesn't sound super pro and "business coach-y" but it's the truth. In the beginning, I didn't have a master plan for what to do. (I do now, thanks to Kyle, my amazing…

Did you know that I simply stumbled onto how to really rock the visibility game? I know that doesn’t sound super pro and “business coach-y” but it’s the truth.

In the beginning, I didn’t have a master plan for what to do. (I do now, thanks to Kyle, my amazing marketing guru… but this is now years later.)

I just did what I felt like doing. I followed my inspiration. I tried things out.

I did things like modeling what other people I resonated with were doing… and then felt into the experience. Did that feel good? Did I like it? Was it fun?

Sometimes it was a total drag. I felt boxed in and like I was trying to be someone I wasn’t. I stopped doing those things.

But most of the time, I naturally gravitated to ways of being visible that felt good to me. I tried things on and tested and tweaked.

This didn’t mean that it wasn’t scary, for instance, to post my first heartfelt, vulnerable post on Facebook. It was. AND it also felt good.

You see fear is often disguising some sort of desire and excitement. You’ve got to test it out and try it. You can’t let the fear stop you from being visible.

In fact, most of the time fear tells you that you are ON-TRACK, not off-track.

Let’s break this down even more…

First, you need to try things out. You need to experience different ways of being visible to know what you like. You can’t actually figure this out in a vacuum or just planning it out on paper. You won’t feel the energy of it. You need to do it to know.

Visibility is experiential. That’s where the energy and resonance of it is. Get into it. If you like something, keep doing that. If you don’t, see if there’s some way to change it up so that it works for you or move onto to something that’s more resonant with you.

Second, start where you are. This is what I teach in my free 7 Day Visibility course. This was a huge one for me and really worked. I just did the next step that was in front of me. I didn’t try to jump into being visible like a multi-million dollar coach with a team of 20, who’s been in business for the last 20 years. Sure, watch them or whoever is further along in your industry. Take in what you see. Learn from them. Notice what you like and don’t like. But take the next step that’s right in front of YOU. Use your discernment.

If you follow Abraham-Hicks, this is like their Emotional Guidance Scale. They talk about just taking the next step up the emotional scale, one step at a time because it’s hard to jump from say, Depression to Joy. It’s much easier to move up one emotional level from Depression. Then you move up to the next level and then the next.

You can take these steps quickly, of course, and it’s the same with Visibility. You can quickly get more visible, but if you try to go from invisible to doing a Jeff Walker type of video campaign you might be setting yourself up for a whole lot of hard. (It’s not impossible, though!)

Third, take the “shoulds” out of the equation. This means writing your own rules. Yes, there are more effective and less effective ways of getting your marketing message out there and I teach that. But there is no one right way to do Visibility. You’ve got to be willing to do it your way and free yourself of the “shoulds.” This will have energy and resonance, and attract your ideal clients.

Besides, these “shoulds” or thinking “I want to do it the right way” (as if there were some Universal Law that said… this is the right way to be visible! Bah!) is simply a clever way to keep you from actually taking action and getting out there.

See it for what it is and take the action anyway.

Which brings us to our fourth point… be willing to make mistakes. Okay, I would love to be able to say “I love making mistakes… wahoo”… but that would be disingenuous. They still sting a little.

What I can say that’s true, is that I’m not freaked out by making mistakes and I don’t let it stop me (mostly).

I’m willing to risk being judged, rejected, laughed at, etc. for a mistake because I know that all my good is on the other side of taking that inspired action.

If I don’t risk making a mistake, I can’t move forward. I can never learn anything. I don’t allow myself to grow. I’m stuck where I am… and that’s where the real pain exists… being stuck here when our desire is much further along.

What to do instead?

Take that action. That one step that’s right in front of you. The one that’s scary, exciting, and is calling to you. Do that!

Then do it again. And again, and again.