Stories from the Front Line: How Unstoppable Women Breakthrough

By Amira Alvarez

In this very special episode, I’m so excited to bring you a compilation of stories from some of the most Unstoppable Women I know! Listen in to hear how these badass ladies didn’t just get through 2020 – they conquered it! That doesn’t mean they didn’t face their fair share of struggles, though ;) From physical hardships to marketing issues and one woman even moving cross-country to start a new business mid-pandemic… we pretty much cover it all! I hope these incredible stories inspire you and help you stay unstoppable as well – into 2021 and beyond!

What To Listen For

  • How to bounce back you spend tons of time and money on a new business initiative – and it doesn’t work
  • The unbelievable power of being part of a community of Unstoppable Women
  • Finding light in a time of darkness – how Tonya Reid used the pandemic as an opportunity to reinvent herself and regain control of her life!
  • Stop treating overachieving as a badge of honor… work smart instead, and close the gap on time!
  • How Amanda Henry overcame her scarcity mindset when money was still really tight – and traded it in for self-love and success
  • Stop fueling your fears and self-doubts – overcome imposter syndrome for good
  • How to know when to refocus and start pursuing your real passion
  • You can have your dream business – just follow these steps!


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