Tag Archives: Growth

Approaching negativity without energizing it

By Amira Alvarez I've got to admit... sometimes it feels awesome to throw a fit. When all hell is breaking loose and people or events are conspiring against you... your inner two year old just wants to throw a big o' tantrum. You're mad. You're frustrated. You just want to vent. Things aren't…

I’ve got to admit… sometimes it feels awesome to throw a fit. When all hell is breaking loose and people or events are conspiring against you… your inner two year old just wants to throw a big o’ tantrum. You’re mad. You’re frustrated. You just want to vent.

Things aren’t going my way! Whhhhhy????

You rehash what’s got you worked up. You go over the most annoying parts… looking for validation. Doesn’t this suck? Isn’t this messed up?

You blame and complain….

“They didn’t get that back to me on time.”
“It costs too much money.”
“She doesn’t get it. She dropped the ball.”

You justify your response.

“I have a right to be upset…”
“If they hadn’t have done xyz… I wouldn’t have done abc…”
“I got so frustrated because they just wouldn’t….”
“Wouldn’t you have done the same thing?”

Until you realize you feel worse. That what you’re doing just underscored and energized the problem.

You’ve done nothing truly productive.

So what’s the alternative?

Certainly, you don’t want to bottle it up inside. That’s repression.

You don’t want to just put a smiley sticker on it and say that everything’s fine… when it’s not.

The question then is…

How do we talk about things in our lives and business that bother us, and really get it out, without fueling all the negativity and energizing what you don’t want?

Here’s what I do:

1. Get it out, but in a contained way. To do this, I often say… “I’m putting this in a box to discuss it.”  And limit my vent to defined amount of time. When I’m done, I’m done.

This acknowledges that you are delineating your tantrum… eeer, I mean, venting. ;-)

When you’re done with that…

2. Take 100% responsibility for your results. Zero blame. 100% responsibility. No matter what. You are the creator of your life. Take ownership.

3. Look for the lesson in the situation. There’s always a lesson. See it and learn it, as quickly as possible. The faster you do this, the faster what’s got you hooked disappears from your life. You’ve got to learn the lesson, otherwise, it’s on repeat. Ever wonder why there are patterns in your life that repeat themselves?

4. Understand the Truth. Inevitably there is some misunderstanding and confusion in how you’re understanding the Laws of the Universe. Get clear on this so you can get good with these immutable Laws.

5. Look for the opportunity. There is always one. Usually, it’s a growth opportunity. Yup. Another f– growth opportunity. ;-) You are meant to grow. Don’t resist this.

6. Act on the solution. Actually, solve the problem. What’s the solution? Focus your conversation on the solution. Then, even if the solution is uncomfortable, do it. This situation is begging you to solve this problem. If you don’t, it just keeps coming back.

7. Refocus. Once you find a solution and are done discussing it… shift your energy and focus towards what you do want. Do this immediately. Don’t let that space get filled with what you don’t want. Focus entirely on what you want.

Got that? Good. :)

Now rock out those solutions and be unstoppable in your business.


How do I rock a sales call?

By Amira Alvarez One of my recent Bootcamp clients is new to charging for her services. She's served people with her work for years for free, has helped a ton of people, but she never charged for what she did... She started her business (great first step) and was providing great content. All…

One of my recent Bootcamp clients is new to charging for her services. She’s served people with her work for years for free, has helped a ton of people, but she never charged for what she did…

She started her business (great first step) and was providing great content. All good… except things were getting kind of desperate money-wise.

She and her family needed some cash flow and no one was buying. She was having conversations with potential clients, but something was off. Something hadn’t clicked into place.

Not until she figured out how to really show up in a sales conversation…

So… “What’s the missing link to rocking a sales call?”

Spoiler Alert… The answer is self-worth.

But let me tell you why…

On a sales call, and really always, you need to show up fearlessly in your truth, without fearing rejection.

In order to do that, you need to be grounded in your own worth.

This is an inside job.

If you’re looking outside for approval, depending on others to tell you you’re worthy, doing it right, etc… You’re giving others the power to determine your worth. This puts you in a mental and emotional cage.

If your self-worth is in someone else’s hands, you will always fear rejection.

If you fear rejection, you will contort yourself. You will not say the full truth. You will make yourself small and dim your light.

If you make yourself small, not only will you not charge enough, but people feel this and they won’t have confidence in you or your service.

At my recent Mindset Mastery Retreat on Becoming More… the client I mentioned above, totally got this. It clicked into place. She made her first sale while at the retreat. It was small, yet still a sale. Whoopie!

The day after she got back from the retreat, she nailed her sales conversation for a program she was selling at a newer, much higher price point. (Super proud coach moment.)

She stepped into her power and unapologetically spoke the truth to her client… without fearing rejection. She held the space.

The result?

  • Zero objections. No noise. A straight up yes from the client.
  • $3,000 for her and her family. (Phew!)
  • Confidence!
  • A client who’s going to be served at the highest level.
  • Unstoppable energy in her business. She’s on fire!
  • A husband who is released to shine his light because he no longer feels the pressure of being the sole breadwinner.
  • The knowledge that she creates her own destiny.
  • Actualizing and being who she truly is… unapologetically.

As you can see… this isn’t just about the money. Yes, the money is nice. Yes, the money matters. Yes, the money came at a critical time for this client and her family.

But this is about so much more.

This is about stepping into freedom– the freedom that comes when you show up unapologetically.

I want this for you too! The freedom to be you in this world and make great money.



The Key To Quantum Leaping Your Income

By Amira Alvarez If you're ready to make more money right now, you've got to make decisions. Quickly. I didn't always do this. I used to ponder. Ruminate. Feel into it. The feeling into it was not accessing my direct knowing. No. It was really just feeling the confusion more profoundly. Spinning out.…

If you’re ready to make more money right now, you’ve got to make decisions. Quickly.

I didn’t always do this. I used to ponder. Ruminate. Feel into it.

The feeling into it was not accessing my direct knowing. No.

It was really just feeling the confusion more profoundly. Spinning out. Wallowing in the hard.

There were days and weeks spent like this. There was a lot of time wasted and a lot of time spent making my business hard.

Listen… every day there are decisions that you need to make in your business. You’ve got to get good at this.

Some examples…

  • Do I raise my prices?
  • Do I invest in this technology, education, coaching?
  • Do I make this hire?
  • Do I freak out about xyz?

The list goes on and on. That’s what running your own business is all about.

You either make these decisions quickly or you don’t.

Quickly doesn’t mean without thought or without plugging into your core direct knowing.

It simply means quickly.

You’ve got to get good at this. I urge you to start now.


Because your ability to make decisions quickly is one of the biggest factors to quantum leaping your income.

Fence-sitting wastes your precious energy and time.

If you are you stuck in a cycle of research and rumination, that’s going to delay your breakthrough. Pay attention to that.

Paralysis by analysis is real. And it happens all the time, often in the most innocuous ways.

I talk about that a lot in my latest webinar: How To Break Through Your Income Barrier

What I see happening for a lot of women in business is stalling out in the decision-making process. There’s “decision fatigue” and “decision paralysis.”

Sometimes this is because you haven’t done this (whatever you’re doing in your business right now that requires a decision) before and you need guidance, expertise, and help.

That’s legit.

The quickest path to resolving this is to find a mentor. Find someone who’s walked that path before and can help you make a quick decision. This is what I do for my Bootcampers every single day. It’s why they make such fast progress.

Need that? Make the decision to get help.

Other times it’s because of subconscious beliefs that say it’s not safe to make money, it’s not safe to really shine and go for it so let’s confuse the matter and make this decision hard.

This is a clever smoke screen that your subconscious throws up to keep you from not growing and risking anything. You’ve got to take back conscious control… and you do that by making choices.

In both of these cases, you will be held back and slowed down if you don’t learn to make decisions quickly. This is a boundary issue.

It will take you longer to make more money. This is a choice.

If you want to make it easier and faster to make money, you’ve got to learn how to make it safe to decide and do that. This is essential.

This is one of the things I teach in the Business Acceleration Bootcamp.

Want to get good at this? I invite you to make the decision to join me.




It’s bad business to have a so-so love relationship – here’s why.

By Amira Alvarez You may want to compartmentalize your business and your primary love relationship. You may want to separate them and see them as completely separate entities that don't impact each other. You may even dive into your business as a way to escape your relationship issues. But this usually comes back…

You may want to compartmentalize your business and your primary love relationship.

You may want to separate them and see them as completely separate entities that don’t impact each other.

You may even dive into your business as a way to escape your relationship issues.

But this usually comes back to bite you.

You see… all of this “management” (and yes, ignoring this issue is a type of management) is using up precious energy… this is energy that you could be putting toward creating what you truly desire in your life and your business.

If your relationship is falling apart, or even just slightly irritating, unsatisfying, or blah… it drains you of energy.

This is energy you could be putting toward your business or the other passions in your life. This is a total waste, not to mention heart breaking in the relationship department.

I’ve spent many a coaching call helping powerful, brilliant, soulful women align in the relationship department so they can show up full out in their business. It’s so critical to your success and happiness. You have to approach healing relationships in a revolutionary way.

How will you approach your relationships (love, friendships, business) from now on?

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