All posts by Amira Alvarez

Achieve Freedom by Mastering This One Concept

Achieve Freedom
By Amira Alvarez What does it take to achieve freedom? Let’s start by defining freedom. Certainly, it’s the opposite of feeling trapped or limited in any way.  This could look like choosing your own hours, making your own decisions about who you want to work with, or simply not having to report in…

What does it take to achieve freedom?

Let’s start by defining freedom.

Certainly, it’s the opposite of feeling trapped or limited in any way. 

This could look like choosing your own hours, making your own decisions about who you want to work with, or simply not having to report in on the daily to a manager or boss.

It could mean being completely unrestricted when it comes to how you spend your free time or where you choose to live.

It could mean feeling like you could buy anything you want (not having to scrimp, budget, or comparison shop), or do whatever you want in this one life of yours.

Then, of course, there’s the freedom to set your own income – which affects all of the above.

Sounds great, eh?

But then reality comes and you start seeing the limitations…

You can’t say no to working with that one difficult, nitpicky client if you need their money to keep your business going.

You can’t choose to spend your free time learning to surf, traveling (when we’re back to that), or going to the spa if you can’t afford it (or never have any time because you’re trading hours for dollars!)

But really? Freedom is an inside job. Sure you don’t want to be restricted in any of these ways, but these are the symptoms of not being free on the inside. 

To achieve freedom, you have to start with self-ownership. Owning your own life. 

And this requires a whole different set of beliefs than what most people were brought up with.

You have to critically examine your core beliefs about yourself and how the world works.

You have to get to the base of itcut off your blocks to freedom at their root… and get to the cause of limitation.

Then, once you discover where the issues stem from, you have to actually implement change… and start taking new action.

How to Step into a Place of Absolute Clarity

How to know what to focus on
By Amira Alvarez Ever find yourself feeling scatterbrained and all over the place, not knowing what to focus on now? Or overwhelmed and confused? You start to do one thing and get distracted by another before forgetting what the first task was altogether? I have a feeling this may sound familiar. ;-) The…

Ever find yourself feeling scatterbrained and all over the place, not knowing what to focus on now? Or overwhelmed and confused? You start to do one thing and get distracted by another before forgetting what the first task was altogether?

I have a feeling this may sound familiar. ;-)

The next time you find yourself feeling this way, I want you to pause.

Stop what you’re doing. Step back. Then ask yourself… What do I really want? What’s the big picture that I’m going after?

What do I really want to accomplish in the next week? In the next month? In the next year?

Is today’s to-do list filled with tasks that are actually going to get me there? Or am I just trying to feel productive by being busy?

We can get so busy and bogged down by our day-to-day tasks and routines, our long to-do list, and the doubts, worries, and fears that we stop being truly productive. We stop knowing what to focus on. We get scattered, confused, and overwhelmed. We stop being purposeful.

This lack of clarity radically limits your ability to call in and achieve your big goals and dreams.

Again, the first question is– What do I really want?

Then–Is this going to move the needle and really get me there? 

Drop in and ask those questions of yourself right now, then… 

If you really want to increase your level of clarity and make showing up purposefully and über productively an automatic way of being… so that you radically increase your cash flow and achieve ALL your goals faster than you ever thought possible… your next step is to understand how this fits into the Manifestation Matrix.

Who Are You in the Face of Temporary Defeat?

How to be Persistent in Business
By Amira Alvarez Do you know what to do when you feel stuck or defeated? So many women start the process of getting unstuck with so much excitement, and so much motivation to create abundance in their life and business. They feel energized. They jump into the work, thrilled about what’s to come!…

Do you know what to do when you feel stuck or defeated?

So many women start the process of getting unstuck with so much excitement, and so much motivation to create abundance in their life and business.

They feel energized. They jump into the work, thrilled about what’s to come!

But here’s the thing… success doesn’t just come.

And that excited energy that you start off running with? It will wane.

Especially if you don’t see results right away – which is incredibly common!! (You have to be persistent in business!)

Sometimes it feels like you’ve been working hard at your goal for ages, but you just can’t seem to get there.

Whatever you do, something always seems to come up, hindering your progress. You’re so fed up that if life throws one more challenge your way… you think you just won’t be able to take it! You just want to crawl into your hidey-hole and admit defeat.

By thinking that way, you’re setting yourself up for the hard, the struggle, even the failure.

You need your self-talk to be constructive! Being in business is challenging enough already – there’s no space for this mindset to be holding you back.

But you also must BE someone who is persistent, who doesn’t accept temporary defeat.

You must increase your INNER POWER. You must know how TO BE in the face of temporary defeats that are oh so common in business.

My Biggest Life Lesson and Gratitude

By Amira Alvarez Last Friday was my 50th birthday, and I wanted to share one of my biggest gratitudes with you! You can hear it in this video… [su_youtube url="" width="640" height="360"] I’m here for all of it and I hope you are too! Plus, check out the pics from my beautiful getaway!

Last Friday was my 50th birthday, and I wanted to share one of my biggest gratitudes with you!

You can hear it in this video…

I’m here for all of it and I hope you are too!

Plus, check out the pics from my beautiful getaway!

We Must Do THIS to Manifest More of What We Desire

By Amira Alvarez Let’s talk about sacrifice. (I’ll take a wild guess and assume you have some sort of relationship with it…) We’re all taught to sacrifice growing up. It’s part of getting along in society and with others and it’s important...  But as women it tends to be much more of an…

Let’s talk about sacrifice.

(I’ll take a wild guess and assume you have some sort of relationship with it…)

We’re all taught to sacrifice growing up. It’s part of getting along in society and with others and it’s important… 

But as women it tends to be much more of an imposed expectation…

We’re taught to take care of others first, to drop everything we’re doing and put our needs last, not to ask for too much, and to sacrifice our true desires in favor of something more reasonable. In short, we’re taught to be good little girls. (F– that!!)

It’s not that sacrifice doesn’t have its place. It does. And it’s actually one of the keys to an extraordinary life and business, but you must understand how it works. That’s where a deep understanding of the Laws of the Universe come in.

The Law of Sacrifice states that we must be willing to let go of something of a lower nature in order to call in and receive something of a higher nature.

Do you see the nuance there?

The Law of Sacrifice isn’t about giving up on yourself and suppressing your own needs and desires… it’s about letting go of what DOESN’T serve you for what DOES.

Let me just tell you… putting this Law to work takes more than just decluttering your office desk and finally filing that stack of papers (though that’s satisfying and creates great order and beauty and is definitely part of the process)

This takes COURAGE. You’ll probably feel like it’s “wrong” to make some sacrifices in how you’re showing up and you must have this kind of COURAGE to SCALE your business.

You have to look at ALL areas and aspects of your life and  business… everything from where you spend your time, to the mindset you bring into your work, to the relationships you have, and your personal habits. What do you need to let go of? What’s no longer serving your business, your purpose, your growth?

I’m constantly doing this in small or large ways. This is one of the key principles I use over and over again to create the level of personal and financial freedom I now experience. 

Listen to this conversation with my Team on my latest Sacrifice that’s at the intersection of my personal and professional life, my challenges around it (it’s SERIOUSLY not always picture perfect), and how I’m consciously sacrificing… because I’m NO LONGER AVAILABLE for having this in my life.

Cash Flow: The Front Door to an Uncompromised Life

By Amira Alvarez People talk to me all the time about wanting to make more money and finally have financial freedom. The idea of not having to tighten up every time you think about purchasing something, or being able to send your kids to college, buy your dream home, etc. [otw_is sidebar=otw-sidebar-11] Whatever…

People talk to me all the time about wanting to make more money and finally have financial freedom.

The idea of not having to tighten up every time you think about purchasing something, or being able to send your kids to college, buy your dream home, etc.

Whatever it is for you…

When we think about our purpose, a lot of us turn to ideas about helping more people and making a greater impact, thinking that’s what should be driving us forward. It’s an important part of the equation for sure!

But I can attest that “making more money” and “not having to worry about finances” can be a HUGELY important and motivating first level desire! 

It was this exact desire that pushed me to learn about The Universal Laws, discover the Manifestation Matrix Process, and study what it takes to have a success mindset from many angles.

This is what led me to my greater purpose of helping women like you become unstoppable and achieve your goals and desire faster than you ever thought possible!

Don’t apologize for having a desire for financial freedom.

For many women, it’s the front door to an uncompromised life.

The reality is, even if you know that you want to serve and support people in a specific way, you can’t live out your purpose without the financial means to do so!!

This is your one life!

Let’s live it full out… NOW!!

Start by taking the actions that lead to a lasting income breakthrough for yourself.