All posts by Amira Alvarez

The Key to Freedom and Getting Out of Overwhelm

By Amira Alvarez In today’s episode, we’re talking about all things time management, and what happens when you get overwhelmed! Do you ever feel like there’s never enough time? Maybe you’re always jumping from one task to the next, and you feel you don’t have time to squeeze in anything else… that includes…

In today’s episode, we’re talking about all things time management, and what happens when you get overwhelmed! Do you ever feel like there’s never enough time? Maybe you’re always jumping from one task to the next, and you feel you don’t have time to squeeze in anything else… that includes anything that brings you joy, or anything that helps you do more than just run in place. If you answered yes, I have some news… overwhelm is a choice! I know that might not be what you want to hear when you’re in the thick of it, but that knowledge is your key to freedom! Your power to choose is your greatest power of all – and it’s how you’ll set yourself free. Listen up for the details on how to get there, plus some of my well-kept secrets on tactical time management! ;)

What To Listen For

  • End the cycle of emotional reactivity… learn to be less reactive and more intentional!
  • How to break out of a victim mentality and start creating your life
  • Is work-life balance a myth?
  • Defining “overwhelm”… and then banishing it from your experience!
  • How to make sure work stress doesn’t sabotage your dating life
  • What to do when you’re not thinking clearly due to panic, anxiety and overwhelm
  • Are you addicted to being busy? (Yes, that’s a thing!)
  • Avoiding burnout – and some coping mechanisms if you’re in it right now
  • Tactical time management techniques to help you get more out of your day
  • How to finally break through your subconscious blocks and self-sabotaging behavior!


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Unpacking Style, Sex, and Raising your Self-Worth

By Amira Alvarez Today’s episode is all about the psychology of what you wear. We’re diving deeper into our discussion on style! You might be working from home during quarantine, and I know it’s so tempting to just roll out of bed and throw on your comfiest yoga pants. But what if you…

Today’s episode is all about the psychology of what you wear. We’re diving deeper into our discussion on style! You might be working from home during quarantine, and I know it’s so tempting to just roll out of bed and throw on your comfiest yoga pants. But what if you dressed like the woman you want to be? What you choose to wear – and, most importantly, how it makes you feel – will subconsciously affect so much more than you know! Today, I’m joined by Sarah who asks some pointed questions where to explore it all. It’s not just the obvious elements like your confidence that are affected… you’ll see results in your attitude, your productivity, your ability to not sweat the small stuff, and even client acquisition! (I’m serious!) After all, when you spend day after day in frumpy sweats, you start to feel frumpy yourself. Break that pattern and start looking and feeling like the sexy, confident, powerful woman that you are!

What To Listen For

  • Dressing up the brain – how to use fashion to feel empowered
  • Tapping into your sexual energy as a source of creativity and power
  • Invest in YOU! You’ll thank yourself later ;)
  • Aligning your environment with your goal – how it will drastically expedite your journey
  • The outer affects the inner! The power of clothing to change emotions
  • If you feel sexy and attractive, will it actually attract clients too? 🤯
  • The Law of Gender, and how it affects your creativity and ideas
  • How a work-from-home outfit can help you stay productive
  • Is the mess in your home getting in the way of your success?
  • The mental energy that you waste on that one thing you keep procrastinating… and what you can do to reverse the pattern!
  • Tired of always feeling like you don’t have enough time? How to release yourself and reclaim your time


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Style, Sex, and Raising Your Self-Worth

By Amira Alvarez Today’s episode is all about the link between your personal style, your self-image and sense of worth, and how that relates to raising your game in your life and your business. Learn to bring power to your presence and how to raise your success thermostat by improving your self-image. We…

Today’s episode is all about the link between your personal style, your self-image and sense of worth, and how that relates to raising your game in your life and your business. Learn to bring power to your presence and how to raise your success thermostat by improving your self-image. We cover that and so much more in this enlightening episode – I can’t wait to share it all with you!

What To Listen For

  • Dressing for success actually works?! How clothes can influence your performance, thinking, and focus
  • Understanding how your self-image is structured in your formative years – so you can reverse the negative perspectives you’re holding on to
  • Small decisions that will help you level up in a big way
  • How to own all of your desires, so you can finally express yourself in full
  • Creating your own security in the world
  • Be pretty, but not too pretty! Talking back to the confining binaries placed on women
  • The law of polarity & how it applies to your self-image
  • Is your urge to add that shiny new thing to your cart inspired by desire… or some type of fear?
  • The double binds that were keeping me small as I moved into adulthood – and how I pulled them out by their roots
  • Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone
  • How to manipulate your success thermostat so you can continue growing!
  • The idea that women can’t be both sexy & smart – of course it’s ridiculous, but be mindful of this sneaky way it can mess with your mindset anyway…
  • How your parents’ worldviews can impact you well into adulthood – and how to reverse the effects
  • The idea of “role models” may sound corny, but it will help you step into your power!


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How to Utilize Our Greatest Power as Humans: Coaching Uncut

By Amira Alvarez In this Coaching Uncut Series we take you behind the scenes and allow you to listen in to the coaching I do with clients so you can learn right along with them! All of these coaching calls have been recorded with permission from my clients. Please be aware that these…

In this Coaching Uncut Series we take you behind the scenes and allow you to listen in to the coaching I do with clients so you can learn right along with them! All of these coaching calls have been recorded with permission from my clients. Please be aware that these are not studio recordings and the sound quality may vary.

Today we’re continuing our convo with Heather and diving into how you can finally find your creative freedom! Plus, listen to how Heather has managed to coach herself into a place of clarity and abundance instead of giving into a self-sabotaging slump. Learn how she got there, and follow the steps so you, too, can get to a place where you have SO much confidence in yourself that you no longer need affirmation from others.

Schedule a Strategy Call of your own!

What To Listen For

  • How to drown out unsupportive voices and bring all negativity into focus… so you finally can banish it for good!
  • Utilizing public accountability as a tool
  • Finding creative freedom
  • How to coach yourself out of a slump and into a place of clarity!
  • The confidence issue – aligning your self-image with where you want to be
  • Getting to the place where you have SO much confidence in yourself & your creative process that you don’t need others’ affirmation
  • How taking personal responsibility will allow you to finally get sh*t done
  • Things can be as good as you want as bad as you want – choose to move forward with a positive mindset!


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Moving out of Scarcity and Owning Your Worth: Unstoppable Woman Spotlight

By Amira Alvarez This episode is part of our very special Unstoppable Woman Spotlight Series. Today we’re talking with Tess Krebs, co-owner, CEO, chief designer, and creative visionary for McKree Properties LLC about what it really takes to scale and grow a business plus what’s it like being in a business partnership with…

This episode is part of our very special Unstoppable Woman Spotlight Series. Today we’re talking with Tess Krebs, co-owner, CEO, chief designer, and creative visionary for McKree Properties LLC about what it really takes to scale and grow a business plus what’s it like being in a business partnership with your life partner. Along with her partner in life and business – Rich McFadden – McKree has been buying, renovating, and selling homes for over 14 years. We’re getting into all the nitty-gritty details, including how to build your brand, how to stop putting things off and getting stuck in perfection, and how to finally trust your partner and make sure you’re working in sync. Then we turn the tables for a juicy conversation with her partner Rich so you hear it from both sides!

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What To Listen For

  • Identifying the daily habits that are blocking you (and your business!) from achieving the wealth you desire
  • Are you trapped in an unattainable itch to be perfect? How to stop demonizing the mirror & get yourself out of that toxic place
  • If not now, when? STOP putting things off – it’s preventing you from stepping into success and the life that you truly want
  • How to stop projecting your insecurities onto others
  • Get into the growth mindset!
  • The key to hiring people who balance you out
  • How to achieve a burning desire for success
  • The importance of building your brand
  • Claiming your power and your desires as an entrepreneur
  • The challenge of looking within yourself and recognizing your flaws – how to make sure your ego doesn’t get in the way
  • Building trust with your partner & developing a common language
  • How to stop nitpicking so you can let go, trust your team, and start delegating tasks with grace


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About Tess:

Tess is co-owner, CEO, chief designer, and the creative visionary for McKree Properties, LLC a Kentucky-based home renovation company. Along with her partner, Rich McFadden, their core crew, a full cast of subcontractors, and a private investment team – McKree Properties has been buying, renovating, and selling homes for over 14 years. To Tess and McKree, houses are vibrant and dynamic beings. From purchase to construction to sale, they see every house as the unique home it wants to be. Every house has an ideal form – a spirit, if you will – and through thoughtful work and design they strive to bring this spirit forward; creating not only a house but a home.

Tess is a dedicated entrepreneur and creative talent. A forever theatre artist, she holds an MFA in Acting from Brandeis University and was the chef/owner of a Louisville-based catering business for over 20 years. “‘Tis to create, and in creating live a being more intense…” (Byron) – is her life-long motto. Tess uses her experience as an artist and theatre creator to re-imagine and bring to life unique designs that speak to the true heart of each house.

About Rich:

Rich McFadden is Co-owner and Chief of Construction at McKree Properties, LLC. He is the construction mentor and master. Rich knows everything about creating physical space and structure and then some. He was a Navy Seabee and an electric lineman before partnering with Tess and starting McKree in 2006. His vast knowledge, skillset, and fearlessness mix well with his down to earth attitude and wealth of colloquialisms and how to’s when it comes to building a home and turning on the lights.

You can find Tess Krebs at:

Getting Your Mojo Back and Staying In Motion: Coaching Uncut

By Amira Alvarez In this Coaching Uncut Series we take you behind the scenes and allow you to listen into the coaching I do with clients so you can learn right along with them! All of these coaching calls have been recorded with permission from my clients. Please be aware that these are…

In this Coaching Uncut Series we take you behind the scenes and allow you to listen into the coaching I do with clients so you can learn right along with them! All of these coaching calls have been recorded with permission from my clients. Please be aware that these are not studio recordings and the sound quality may vary.

Today we’re speaking with Heather and diving into how as a go-getter you can create a personal balance of stability and spontaneity and how to cope with (and prevent!) post-project depression. You’ve slayed and done it… now what? Make sure you don’t get into a slump and self-sabotage. Plus, the difference between excellence and perfectionism.

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What To Listen For

  • What to do when you start losing energy
  • Finding your personal balance of structure and spontaneity
  • How your self-image is affecting your productivity, and making it impossible for you to achieve happiness
  • The growth mindset – resetting your self-image to be someone who is always continuing to grow… and flourishes in that arena
  • Using your “internal locus of control” to your advantage
  • Now what? How to cope with (and prevent!) post-project depression
  • Tools to use to continue growing
  • Getting clear about the target that you’re moving towards
  • How to hold yourself to a high level of excellence without getting bogged down in perfectionism


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