Tag Archives: coaching

What does action have to do with self-care?

By Amira Alvarez "What does showing up have to do with self-care?" Do you ever wonder why you need self-care in the first place? I'll tell you why... Have you noticed that every time you go after your next big goal... it stretches you? That's because going after what we want requires internal…

“What does showing up have to do with self-care?”

Do you ever wonder why you need self-care in the first place?

I’ll tell you why…

Have you noticed that every time you go after your next big goal… it stretches you? That’s because going after what we want requires internal growth to create outer growth, which means you’re on your growth edge a lot!

I don’t care what the goal is, nor do I care whether you’re just starting out or have been at this for years… there is always tension in the growth! You’re expanding, and that means your mental and emotional fortitude is going to be tested and pushed.

It’s just a part of the process, so:
Expect the tension that comes along with it.

This is a reflection of the dissonance between who you’ve been (how you’ve been showing up and behaving on both the inside and outside) and who you’ve stepped into becoming the moment you claimed your goal or desire.

Let me explain…

The moment you say you want something that you’ve yet to have or experience–the moment you have the desire clearly as a thought–it is now a part of you.

Yet, in order to actualize that desire, you need to become the person who’s capable of having it.

Here’s the rub… you’re still over here, being the “old you.”

You’re not yet that person who has it.

You haven’t yet fully become her.

There’s a huge gap and you need to transverse it. It’s this gap that’s painful.

So what do you do?

Most people have a ton of self-care tools at their disposal. Use them, definitely.

But the best self-care tool? Showing up.

Every time you grow you have to show up on a new level. Start doing that. Now. It’ll make things so much easier in the long run, but it’ll feel hard in the moment. Don’t let that fool you.

The longer you delay this, the longer you stay in the patterns and behaviors of the “old you,” the longer the tension lasts (i.e. frustration, pain, emotional upheaval, spinout, etc).

The best self-care is recognizing who you need to be to have what you want and to begin showing up as this women RIGHT NOW.

You step into being her, by taking action as her.

This closes the gap between the “old you” and who you need to step into being in order to have what you desire. And when that happens, not only will you actualize what you want, but the tension will dissipate. (Until your next growth phase!)

Showing up for yourself then becomes a form of self-care, because it effectively recalibrates who you are, closes the gap, and dissipates the tension…

And this then allows you the ENERGY, spirit, and wherewithal to go for more, which means you CAN and WILL break through your income barrier.



Where is the money?

By Amira Alvarez If you're not making the money you want or you're struggling with cash flow right now, I get it. It can feel hugely hard. It's so easy to get caught up in the fact that, right now, you don't have the money you desire or need. Bills, financial obligations, kids…

If you’re not making the money you want or you’re struggling with cash flow right now, I get it. It can feel hugely hard.

It’s so easy to get caught up in the fact that, right now, you don’t have the money you desire or need.

Bills, financial obligations, kids going to college, what about retirement… all of that… plus, that vacation and that gorgeous pair of shoes that you want. Heck, maybe you just want to get your hair and nails done.

This can be, at times, more than just frustrating. It can be downright debilitating. Panic and fear take over. I understand.

But the truth is the money is here. Right now.

Your circumstances may not show it. You may not see it. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t here.

Expand your field of view… There are plenty of businesses making great money. There are plenty of people making great money. There is plenty of money in circulation.

In fact, there’s more money in circulation now than ever before in history. It just keeps expanding.

If you’re struggling with cash flow right now in your business, it’s not because the money isn’t here. It is. That’s not the issue.

It’s that you’re not doing the right things to bring it to you.

Although there are thousands of different permeations of how to grow your business, there are some basic rules of business that apply to everyone. These rules are not complicated.

One rule is that you have to believe that it’s possible. You have to believe that it’s possible for you to have what you want. (This is true for money and for everything in life.)

You have to believe that even if your current circumstances indicate more financial obligations than income… even if you don’t know “how” it’s going to happen… you have to believe that it is going to happen… now, easily.

You also have to believe in yourself. You have to believe in your capacity, your abilities, and your right to have what you want.

Let’s put this concept into context…

Let’s say you want to purchase something for your life or business… a car, a first class ticket, dinner out, your next hire, new office space, business coaching, apps or software, etc.

It’s something that for you represents a stretch and is a lot of money to you in your current circumstances.

Do you look at your current circumstances and say… “I can’t afford it. This is not prudent. This would be foolish. I need to wait until I have the money.”

This is how most of us were brought up to think… and I have to admit, wrapping my head around what I’m about to tell you was really hard for me at first. And many of you are may get pissed off by it because it flies in the face of your belief structure.

All my training and upbringing lead me to budgets, avoiding large amounts of debt, only spending what I had, etc.

But here’s the thing… as an entrepreneur…

When you choose to think this way, you are choosing NOT to believe in yourself.

When you think this way, what are you actually believing?

You are believing that if you spend the money you have, it will run out.

But moreover, and this is really important…

You are believing that you are not capable of creating that money or more money.

You are believing that you will let yourself down, that you don’t have the commitment or the skills, that this kind of money is not for you but for other people, that you’re not willing to do what it takes, that it will be too overwhelming or hard to earn that kind of money, that it won’t work out… and more.

Because if you believed in yourself and your abilities, you wouldn’t sweat using the money one iota.

If you chose NOT to purchase what you really desire, you are believing in your current circumstances and your current limitations.

That’s what you’ll get more of because you are making a decision that sets that outcome in motion.

Maybe there will be incremental steps forward, but this is not the way to quantum leap your income.

You need to believe in your ability to create and receive what you want, money or otherwise. This is a rule of business. (And of life.)

You could call this ground zero. Where you need to start.

Yet, belief alone is not enough. (Please read that twice.)

You also have to take action. You have to do the work, and when opportunities present themselves that you are being called to, you have to say yes to them quickly and take the next action. This is BELIEF IN ACTION.

This can be scary if the opportunity that you’re being called toward requires money that you currently don’t have or would be a big risk to your bottom line.

But this is a choice…

Do you choose to believe in your capability, your capacity, your dreams, and desires? Do you choose to believe in your commitment? Do you choose to believe that you will show up, take action, and do the work?

As an entrepreneur, you get to decide. You are in a unique position to create exactly what you want… but it takes choosing what you believe in.

What are you believing about money and yourself?


Choices In Who You Are Being

By Amira Alvarez A while back,  I found myself faced with a decision about whether to invest in my business. Actually, there were several decisions. One was a small investment that I wouldn't think twice about, but the other two were fairly large investments. When faced with these decisions, I started going to…

A while back,  I found myself faced with a decision about whether to invest in my business.

Actually, there were several decisions. One was a small investment that I wouldn’t think twice about, but the other two were fairly large investments.

When faced with these decisions, I started going to that place… Do I spend the money? Is this the right decision? Am I being foolish? Can I get by without spending this?


Who was I being there?

Honestly, I was BEING someone who was afraid to spend the money, who thinks the money is going to run out, and who doesn’t believe in herself and her business.

Talk about teaching what you need to learn! (The Universe gives us these slaps in the face exactly when we need them. Oy!)

My indecision only lasted for a brief and fleeting moment. Nonetheless, I really needed to face that I wasn’t BEING who I needed to be to have the business I envision for myself.

This led me to ask myself…

Who was I going to be?

Someone driven by fear? Or a confident business woman who acted decisively?

I had to own that choice and make a powerful decision in favor of what I desire. And I did.

See… creating a successful business is largely about the choices you make.

Every day… there are a thousand choices.

Do I hire this person? Do I sign this contract? Do I spend this money? Do I go to this event?

Do I talk to this person? Do I place this ad? Do I charge this amount? Do I write this post?

These choices determine your results.

But let’s take a step back… what informs your decisions? What leads you to make the decisions that you do?

The answer is: who you are BEING.

Not everyone will make the same choices. That’s pretty obvious. Who you are, your values, beliefs, identity, experience, paradigms, world view, essence… all of this… leads you to make the decisions that you do.

Yet, the woman you ARE now has created the business you HAVE now.

If you want something different, you have to BE someone different.

If you are want more money, clients, free time, you need to step into BEING the woman who has that. This is critical to understand…Who you are BEING has to change.

You need to BE the kind of woman who makes the kinds of decisions that get the results you want.

Let me be clear… I’m not talking about changing your essential Self, the true essence of who you are.

Nope. That’s essential and it’s impossible to change that.

But, one layer up if you will, there’s a whole lot that’s open to being different. And guess what? You get to decide who you are going to be.

It’s a choice.

Change who you’re being and you’ll make different decisions… and this will lead to different results.

Ask yourself… what kind of results do you want? Then ask yourself, who do you need to be NOW to get those results?



PS: When there’s a disconnect between what you want and your results, the problem often lies in not being able to see how to step into being the person who gets different results. If you want different results, I can show you to step into being the woman who gets them. That’s part of my job as your guide and mentor. Yet, the first step is to choose to BE someone who gets help. DIYing your business is being someone who chooses the hard and slow path. Is this what you want? I think not. ;-)

Be the person who actualizes what she wants. Now’s the time. You can contact me here and I tell you how you can get started right now. Zero pressure. Zero obligation.

Create a winning attitude

By Amira Alvarez Here's a practice that creates a winning attitude... which leads to big results. It's very simple and easy, but most people ignore it because they think it's too simple and not going to help them. Don't be one of these people. Here's how it works and it's really quite easy...…

Here’s a practice that creates a winning attitude… which leads to big results.

It’s very simple and easy, but most people ignore it because they think it’s too simple and not going to help them. Don’t be one of these people.

Here’s how it works and it’s really quite easy…

You recognize your successes.

So often we skip over our wins, what’s really working, both small and large, and take them for granted. We just move onto the next thing.

This keeps you on the “hamster wheel of never enough”–always going for the next thing without appreciating what you’ve actually achieved and accomplished.

This causes you to get lost in the “grind” of your work. The irony is that this is most likely exactly what you’re trying to avoid.

For most of us, the desire to tick everything off our list, is an attempt to feel good. You think pushing on and pushing hard is going to help you finally feel on top of the world. And sure enough, getting things done does feel pretty awesome.

However, if you rarely look back and appreciate what you have accomplished, you will never experience the flow and ease in your work, during your work, that you want.

Happily, that sense that you can never get ahead, that you’re not doing enough, that you’re behind, and that you must do more or else is actually a mindset that you can turn around quite easily.

You can start with looking back and celebrating your wins. What were your big wins? What were your small wins? Start to appreciate all of them.


PS – In the Business Acceleration Bootcamp we have a simple, but powerful daily practice of celebrating our wins. Join us!

Learn this and you’ll Quantum Leap your income

By Amira Alvarez If you're ready to make more money right now, here's one of the keys... You've got to make decisions. Quickly. I didn't always do this. I used to ponder. Ruminate. Feel into it. The feeling into it was NOT accessing my direct knowing.  It was really just feeling the confusion…

If you’re ready to make more money right now, here’s one of the keys…

You’ve got to make decisions. Quickly.

I didn’t always do this. I used to ponder. Ruminate. Feel into it.

The feeling into it was NOT accessing my direct knowing.  It was really just feeling the confusion more profoundly, spinning out, and wallowing in the hard.

There were days and weeks spent like this which meant that there was a lot of time wasted and a lot of time spent making my business hard.

Listen, every day there are decisions that you need to make in your business so you’ve got to get good at this.

Some examples…

  • Do I call this person or do I not?
  • Do I raise my prices or do I not?
  • Do I invest in this technology, education, coaching or do I not?
  • Do I hire or do I not?
  • Do I freak out about xyz or do I not?

The list goes on and on. That’s running your own business for you.

You either make these decisions quickly or you don’t. Quickly doesn’t mean without thought or without plugging into your core direct knowing.

It simply means quickly.

You’ve got to get good at this and I urge you to start now.


Because your ability to make decisions quickly is one of the biggest factors to quantum leaping your income.

Fence-sitting wastes your precious energy and time.

If you are you stuck in a cycle of research and rumination, that’s going to delay your breakthrough. Pay attention to that.

Paralysis by analysis is real. And it happens all the time, often in the most innocuous ways.

What I see happening for a lot of women in business is stalling out in the decision-making process. There’s “decision fatigue” and “decision paralysis.”

Sometimes this is because you haven’t done this (whatever you’re doing in your business right now that requires a decision) before and you need guidance, expertise, and help.

That’s legit. The quickest path to resolving this is to find a mentor. Find someone who’s walked that path before and can help you make a quick decision. This is what I do for my Bootcampers every single day and it’s why they make such fast progress.

Other times it’s because of subconscious beliefs that say it’s not safe to make money, it’s not safe to really shine and go for it so let’s confuse the matter and make this decision hard.

This is a clever smoke screen that your subconscious throws up to keep you from not growing and risking anything. You’ve got to take back conscious control… and you do that by making choices.

In both of these cases, you will be held back and slowed down if you don’t learn to make decisions quickly. This is a boundary issue.

If you want to make it easier and faster to make money, you’ve got to learn how to make it safe to decide and start making decisions quickly.


PS – If you’re ready to become proficient at making quick decisions and want to quantum leap your income, check out the Business Acceleration Bootcamp. This is a program you can start right now. Book your consult and you’ll be on your way.

What’s the price of freedom?

By Amira Alvarez I want to pull back the curtain and share the sobbing, snotty, sniffling truth about what growth sometimes looks like. I went to see my mentor for a VIP day. I had written out what I wanted to discuss. I was prepared. Ready to go. I was going to kick…

I want to pull back the curtain and share the sobbing, snotty, sniffling truth about what growth sometimes looks like.

I went to see my mentor for a VIP day. I had written out what I wanted to discuss. I was prepared. Ready to go. I was going to kick some serious ass, in that way that ambitious women come to meetings.

And you know what I did for the first TWO HOURS?

I cried. I cried my eyes out. I sobbed. I went through a box of kleenex. (And I lost at least 30% of my eyelashes. Ahhh… those pretty eyelash extensions… big sigh. Is this the price of vanity? ;-)

Here’s the thing…

All my shit, all my resistance, all my deepest, darkest fears came up. All the stuff that needed to be seen and brought into the light so that I could step into who I actually am… it all had to come forth.

The truth was I was a sobbing mess.

But was it worth it?

Was it worth it not to pretend to have all my shit together so I could finally deal with it? Was it worth it not to ignore all my triggers but to see them in the light of day?

You betcha. Worth every, single penny, all 2,000,000 of them. (I’ll let you do the math.)

To be able to see my core wound and know what exactly I need to work through in order to get to the next level in my business–that’s priceless.

Seeing it allows the transformation to happen. And transforming it frees you up to take the BIG action you need to in your business. You are no longer stuck, spinning in circles, and limited.

These two things are inextricably linked.

If only we could do this transformational work for ourselves. We can, to an extent of course, but then our subconscious mind runs circles around us, putting up a smoke screen, convincing us that everything is fine.

It says… don’t look behind that door… YET that’s exactly the door you need to look behind if anything is going to change.

That’s why I always have a mentor. Clearly, I believe in this model. I walk my talk in this regard. I do the work. I get coached.

It’s a huge part of the reason my business is so successful.

I’m always in growth. It doesn’t stop. The faster I move through my blocks, the faster I get what I want and more. This is always the case.

This is what I do and what I suggest you do too.
