The 9 Actions I Take to Maximize My Time & Maintain Momentum!

By Amira Alvarez

I’m sure you’ve had days where everything just feels like it’s moving too slow. You’re staring at your screen in disbelief, feeling like it would be impossible for any human being to tackle all of the tasks on your growing to-do list. This is not one of those days—I promise! Get the most out of every minute of your day by learning the 9 actions I take to maximize my time and keep my momentum going!

As part of this episode, I’ve put together a (totally free) special download for you! This worksheet will help raise your performance and propel you forward into an unstoppable year! Follow along while listening and download it here

What To Listen For

  • Time management is mind management [3:30]
  • Build your momentum by learning how to keep your word to yourself [10:18]
  • How to stop being a people-pleaser (yes, even with your clients!) [12:33]
  • The quick 4-step “daily cleanse,” and why it’s a surefire way to reset your mind and guarantee tomorrow’s success! [20:26]

This episode comes with a free downloadable worksheet to help you go even deeper and find total clarity around this. Get the most out of this episode by downloading and following along here →


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