Why Clients Don’t Make Decisions (and How to Help Them Commit)

By Amira Alvarez

Have you ever had an uncertain client that gets your hopes up but never quite gives you a straight answer? Do you ever get stuck during a call with a prospective client because they haven’t developed a clear process for decision-making?

My client recently faced this challenge. When it came time to make the sale, her prospect became uncertain, unclear, and indecisive… which led them both into a limbo state of confusion and ambiguity.

Listen in to learn how you can help your prospective clients work through those moments and get clear about their decision-making process. This not only helps YOU make the sale, but it helps your potential client step out of the discomfort of uncertainty and into a place of confidence!

What To Listen For
  • Introduction [0:00]
  • How to move the sale forward when potential clients won’t decide [4:30]
  • The exact questions to ask to get prospects off the fence and invest in your product or service! [9:23]

This coaching call has been recorded with permission. Please be aware that this is not a studio recording, and the sound quality may vary.

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